UN Tourism News #30 | 07 OCT 2021

UN Tourism News #30

UN Tourism News

UN Tourism News #30 | 07 OCT 2021

Reopen Borders Driving

Vaccines and Reopen Borders Driving Tourism’s Recovery

International tourism enjoyed signs of rebound in June and July 2021 as some destinations eased travel restrictions and the global vaccination rollout advanced in many parts of the world.

World Tourism Day 2021

World Tourism Day 2021 Highlights Inclusive Growth for Tourism’s Restart

Global tourism has reaffirmed its commitment to making the sector a pillar of inclusive growth. At the official World Tourism Day 2021 celebrations in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, political and business leaders united behind a common message of solidarity and determination to ‘leave nobody behind’ as tourism restarts and grows back.

Winner - UNWTO Students’ League

We Have a Winner - UNWTO Students’ League

Students from around the world have been recognized for ideas to make tourism more responsible and sustainable. The 2021 Global UNWTO Students’ League Competition focused on addressing the issue of plastics pollution within the sector, as well as maximizing tourism’s contributions to rural development.

Netflix Joins UNWTO

Netflix Joins UNWTO to Rethink Screen Tourism

UNWTO and Netflix have partnered on the publication of a report which looks at the role of film and series as drivers for tourism and cultural affinity. The Global Report on Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism explores the growing affection one has towards a particular country or culture displayed on the screen.

Restarting Tourism Across Asia and the Pacific

UNWTO and Didier Drogba Partner to Build Opportunity for African Youth

UNWTO and the Didier Drogba Foundation have teamed up to highlight the potential of African youth and ensure that both tourism and sport deliver on their potential to provide opportunities for all.

Upcoming UNWTO events:

6th World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism Ministers’ Summit – World Travel Market

6th World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

31 Oct. – 2 Nov.

Ministers’ Summit – World Travel Market

2 November

World Sports Tourism Congress 24 UNWTO General Assembly

World Sports Tourism Congress

25-26 November

24 UNWTO General Assembly

30 Nov. – 3 Dec.

More from UNWTO

UNWTO Students’ League The Glasgow Declaration

Meet the winning teams of UNWTO Students’ League!

Watch the Award Ceremony

The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism

Watch the info session



  • UNWTO x ProColombia New Touristic Experiences- Challenge: New sustainable, inclusive, and innovative tourism experiences in Colombia will have the opportunity to win one of the 100 scholarships that UNWTO and ProColombia have created to continue supporting the Colombian business community. Applications by October 30.
  • 2000 Scholarships: UNWTO has granted 2,000 scholarships for Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries to course the MOOC Introduction to Tourism-Industry Management available at UNWTO Tourism Online Academy.
    More scholarships will be granted to UNWTO Member States to help them restart tourism education.


UNWTO media highlights:

Modern Diplomacy Time to rethink, transform, and safely restart tourism

Tradearabia UNWTO plans tourism restart across Asia and the Pacific

NY Times Winners of UNWTO Students’ League Announced

Most popular on social media:

UNWTO #WorldTourismDay UNWTO SG @pololikashvili stressed the sector’s "commitment to inclusive growth so that tourism’s restart brings hope for many millions worldwide and ensures that everyone who has a stake in tourism also has a say in its future."

UNWTO Join UNWTO Tourism Online Academy!
Your self-paced chance to become a top tourism professional Management, law, operations, Sommet Education courses... Choose your programme!

UNWTO Tourism is the world’s most powerful tool for connecting people.
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UNWTO 54 million tourists crossed int'l borders in July 2021.
Int'l travel improved slightly in June and July 2021, as some destinations eased travel restrictions
What else is behind these numbers? Check out the latest #UNWTOBarometer

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