Tourism United for Peace and Understanding | UN Tourism News #42

Tourism United for Peace and Understanding | UN Tourism News #42

UN Tourism News
- Tourism United for Peace and Understanding -
Russia Suspended from UNWTO

Meeting for a first extraordinary UNWTO General Assembly, Members debated the suspension of Russia from the Organization. The Russian delegation avoided to step up and defend its position, and instead announced its withdrawal from UNWTO before the debate took place.

Awake Tourism Challenge
Awake Tourism Challenge

UNWTO has launched the second edition of its global flagship competition under the name of “Awake Tourism Challenge”. The competition will identify innovators who are advancing solutions to 6 different challenges, as well contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UNWTO to Hold Emergency General Assembly on Russian Membership
Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism Surpasses 500 Signatories

Coinciding with International Mother Earth Day, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has announced that Expedia Group, Booking Holdings and Condé Nast have become the latest signatories, joining stakeholders of all sizes and from every part of the diverse sector.

Middle East Members Focus on Tourism’s Sustainable Recovery
We Welcome Netcom as our Newest Affiliate Member

NETCOM, a leader in communications and digital advertising, joins UNWTO’s growing network of Affiliate Members.

The Impact of the Russian Offensive in Ukraine on International Tourism
It is early to assess the impact of the Russian Federation’s military offensive in Ukraine, though it represents a major downside risk for international tourism that could delay the sector’s already weak and uneven recovery.
Coming up:

UN General Assembly
High-Level Thematic Debate on Tourism
4 May
New York, United States of America


Global Youth Tourism Summit
27 June – 3 July
Sorrento, Italy

More from UNWTO:

Join the 2nd edition of Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO
Make Tourism a driver of rural development and wellbeing!
Applications by 28 June


New Guidelines Put Women’s Empowerment at Heart of Tourism’s Restart
A new set of guidelines will help both governments and businesses better address the needs of women in the tourism sector.


Registration for the launch event of the Digital Futures Programme for SMEs – 17 may 2020

Small and Medium enterprises (SMES) make up to 85% of the tourism business tissue. For this reason, supporting them to accelerate digitalization will boost global recovery.

Save the date and register here!


More than 20 courses are waiting for you!
Join us and learn about areas of interest and fundamental principles related to the tourism sector.
Choose your course.


New Report coming! "Tourism Doing Business, Investing in Colombia"
During the Colombia Investment Roadshow Madrid to take place in Madrid 4- 5 May, UNWTO will be presenting the "Tourism Doing Business, Investing in Colombia" to attract and promote investments in sustainable tourism initiatives in Colombia. More info and registration

UNWTO media highlights:

UN tourism body chief says Russia quitting the Organisation


UN tourism body suspends Russia's membership, Moscow says it quits

NY Times

UN tourism body chief says Russia quitting the Organisation

the guardian

How quickly is tourism recovering from COVID-19?

NY Times

The Travel Resurgence: Have We Finally Arrived?

the guardian

Summer season without Russian tourists

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