6th International Conference on Destination Management

6th International Conference on Destination Management

15 - 16 April, 2012

The Mediterranean is one of the most important tourism regions in the world, accounting for approximately more than a third of total tourism revenues and half of international arrivals. For decades, the Mediterranean destinations have provided, along with other attractions, the traditional sun, sand and sea product, essentially for the North and Eastern European markets.  This part of the Mediterranean tourism is now experiencing a   challenge with subsequent market shifts towards other regions and alternative tourist products; the region has begun to lose its share of international travel market.
The Mediterranean countries need a shared vision to re-evaluate their tourism industries in the context of sustainable development strategies, begin to consider re-structuring their industries and increase efficiency and competitiveness, form strategic alliances for co-operative promotion and marketing efforts in order to maintain a competitive edge in the global tourism market.
Along with the economic crises in source markets, the on-going political changes in North African and the Middle East destinations have caused negative implications on the tourism sector and there is need for a new direction to enhance competitiveness.

The conference aims to:

  • Create a platform for Mediterranean destinations and all the relevant partners for dialogue on the current and potential challenges/opportunities facing the region’s tourism competitiveness,
  • Enable participants to acquire an overview of the current tourism policies and strategies and to discover how to build synergies for co-petition.

Further information will be available shortly online

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