Geneva Liaison Office
The UN Tourism Liaison Office in Geneva (GVLO) represents the UN Tourism in Geneva to the UN System, other International Organizations (IOs) and Diplomatic Missions, with the objective to provide policy advice to the Secretariat, contributing to UN Tourism's ability to meet its mandate and priorities.
The UN Tourism Geneva Liaison Office's mission is to strengthen UN Tourism's role and capacity for efficient support to its member states in the context of the 2030 Agenda for achieving the SDGs as well as through tourism's relationship with trade.
The scope of work of the UN Tourism Liaison Office relates to:
- Advocacy, positioning tourism in the development and trade agenda
- Building Strategic Partnerships for increased capacity
- Research and innovation for the 2030 Agenda
- Exploring opportunities for Resource Mobilization
- Representing UN Tourism in Geneva to the UN System and Diplomatic Missions
International Trade Centre (ITC)

UN Tourism opened its liaison office at premises of ITC headquarters on 10 January 2017.
The strategic partnership between ITC and UN Tourism optimises the two organisations' resources and competencies to share perspectives in the process of rethinking a joint approach to Aid for Trade in tourism. The partnership also aims at having a more integrated and innovative approach of tourism development for inclusive growth.
International Labour Organisation (ILO)

The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth. The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth is first-ever, comprehensive United Nations system-wide effort for the promotion of youth employment worldwide, December, 2016
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

First Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, October 2016
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

First Consultative Meeting- The United Nations Systems's Contribution to the Promotion of Peace: Past, Present, and Future Persepectives- with UNOG, UNDP, UNICEF, FAO, UNFPA, ILO, UN-Habitat, UNCTAD, UNRISD, UN TOURISM, UNAIDS, WFP, ITU, OHCHR, UNITAR, UNAIDS, UNOSDP, UNODC, ODA, UNEP, IOM, WHO, June 2016
World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Committee on Trade and Development (CTD), a session on the Small Economies Work Programme with a focus on tourism, 12,July, 2016
'Promoting Connectivity- Exploring the Services Dimension', a WTO initiative held as part of the 2016-17 work program for the Aid for Trade Review, 17, October 2016
WTO Aid for Trade Global Review 2017, UN Tourism presence in the Thematic Session: 'Tourism and Travel Facilitation and Connectivity' and side event 'Tourism for Sustainable Development in Least Developed Countries' - launch of the joint UN Tourism-ITC-EIF study 11, July 2017
WTO Public Forum 2017, UN Tourism/GVLO presented with WTO, UNDP, ITC, UNCTAD (members of SCTD) during the Public Forum in Working Session 36: 'Including the most vulnerable: Where are tourism's missing links?' 27, September 2017. Click here for the presentation of the Representative of the UN Tourism to the United Nations in Geneva.