Solid Waste Management
Solid waste management is an important aspect in the sustainable development of tourism in a destination. The inappropriate and inefficient use of resources, problems of contamination and other negative impacts make it necessary for destinations to measure waste production and to manage its treatment. While a waste audit shows how much and which kind of waste there is, where it is produced and ends up (e.g., landfill, composting plants, etc.) it also allows to target tourism to assess its share to solid waste production. It furthermore helps destinations to stimulate circular economic processes, identify where reducing waste at the source is going to be most practicable and effective. Several indicators exist that allow destinations to monitor, inter alia, trends in solid waste production and recycling, development of waste services and on the perception of the cleanliness of a destination.
Solid Waste Management, Excerpt from Indicators of Sustainable Development of Tourism Destinations, A Guidebook, World Tourism Organization (2004), pp.173–180. |
Environmental Purity, Making tourism more sustainable, A Guide for policy makers, World Tourism Organization (2005), pp. 45–47. |
Existence of policy instruments addressing environmental challenges of the tourism sector, Baseline Report on the Integration of Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns into Tourism Policies, World Tourism Organization, United Nations Environment (2017), pp. 40–45. |
Managing environmental impacts, Guide for local authorities on developing sustainable tourism, World Tourism Organization (1998), pp. 122–126. |
What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050, World Bank (2018). |
A Manual for Water and Waste Management: What the Tourism Industry Can Do to Improve its Performance, United Nations Environment Programme (2003). |
Measurement of the Municipal Waste Management in Mallorca, Presentation at the 2022 INSTO Workshop in Mallorca, by TIRME (04/2022). | |
Real Circular Economy in Mallorca, Presentation at the Technical INSTO Webinar on Solid Waste Management, by TIRME (03/2022) | |