Introductory Workshop on tourism employment data disaggregated by sex: measurement challenges and solutions

Introductory Workshop on women’s employment data in tourism: measurement, challenges and solutions

01 June, 2022

The workshop is available at UN Tourism's You Tube channel.

UN Tourism, the German Development Agency (GIZ) and UN Women are collaborating on an innovative project focused around the UN Tourism Action Plan on Women in Tourism that arose from the findings of the Global Report on Women in Tourism, Second Edition.

The Centre Stage project has seen UN Tourism foster commitment, provide support and monitor implementation of the Action Plan on Women in Tourism in four countries across the Middle East and the Americas, with the objective of placing women’s empowerment and gender-equality centre stage during tourism’s recovery from COVID-19 and increase the production and reporting of sex-disaggregated tourism data. 

As recent UN Tourism publications on women in tourism have found, there is an acute lack of available, sex-disaggregated data on employment in the tourism sector and an urgent need to improve the collection of comparable tourism data and gender statistics across world regions. Sex-disaggregated data is particularly critical for developing evidence-based policies and programmes to strengthen the tourism sector’s contribution to the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment as the sector recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Programme overview

  • Understanding the inherent complexity of measuring tourism employment with rigor, finding out that is feasible;
  • Learning how to address a far needed monitoring: sex-disaggregated tourism employment;
  • Inspiration by countries explaining their own experience to be able to measure tourism employment and its disaggregation by sex;

Course Learning Objectives 

The goal of this workshop is to become familiar with how tourism employment is measured, its complexity, and how sex – disaggregated data for tourism employment can be obtained. The participants will also have the opportunity to learn from countries that have been able to overcome barriers to achieve it.

By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the complexity and how to measure tourism employment;
  • Understand different approaches to achieve sex-disaggregated data on tourism employment;
  • Be able to structure their own country’s approach to start measuring sex-disaggregated data on tourism employment.

Target Groups 

  • National Tourism Administration representative(s)
  • National Statistics Authority representative(s)
  • National Employment Authority representative(s)
  • National Gender Mechanism representative(s)

Instructor & Speakers

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Nagore Uresandi Espinosa
Nagore Uresandi Espinosa 
Expert in tourism & BIG DATA

PhD in Business Competitiveness and Territorial Development, Director and Founder of the research firm IN2destination, Vice President of the international network for tourism measurement at subnational level INRouTe, professor at the University of Deusto and Basque Culinary Center, expert consultant in measurement, planning and development of sustainable tourism for European projects, UN Tourism, ministries, regional and local governments in Central and South America, Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and North Africa. With more than 17 years of experience, she is a visiting professor at several European and South American universities and has numerous publications on tourism measurement, strategy and tourism policies.

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Apolonija Oblak Flander
Apolonija Oblak Flander 
Director of Environmental Statistics at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.  

Apolonija Oblak Flander is at present the Director of Environmental Statistics at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. As the ex-head of the unit covering the domain of tourism statistics, she continues to be actively involved in the development of official tourism statistics with the aim to adequately respond to the newly emerging data needs regarding tourism statistics originating from the challenging times that tourism is currently facing and will face in the future. 

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Zondi Chilembo
Zondi Chilembo
Data Manager at the Ministry of Tourism of Zambia

Zondi Chilembo has served the Government of the Republic of Zambia for the last 28 years. He is Data Manager at the Ministry of Tourism and is responsible for Data Management and Information Systems. He has served at various levels at Ministries of Finance and National Planning, Lands and Natural Resources, Education, Technology and Science and e-Government Division at Cabinet Office among others. Currently spearheading the process of establishing a Tourism Satellite Account for Zambia and is a Focal Point for the Tourism Natural Capital Account under the Wealth Valuation for Ecosystem Services (WAVES) Project.

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Hassan M. Jannah
Hassan M. Jannah
Assistant Deputy Minister for Business Intelligence.

Hassan is an executive with over 15 years of experience in IT, Data Management, and Business Intelligence. Hassan holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from the University of Manchester, a Masters Degree in Information Management from UC Berkeley, and a Masters Degree in Engineering Management from KFUPM. He started at Saudi Aramco working on various IT, DM, and BI roles. In 2017, he joined the National Center for Performance Measurement where he held several roles related to data management and analytics before leading Performance Measurement operations. In 2020, he joined the Ministry of Tourism to establish the Tourism Intelligence Center and is currently the Assistant Deputy Minister for Business Intelligence at MT.

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
International Labour Organization Short Biography.  

Phu Huynh is an employment specialist and labour economist for the International Labour Organization. For more than 15 years, he has analyzed labour market trends and policies throughout the Asia-Pacific region and advised senior policymakers and representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations. Mr. Huynh has published on topics that include working conditions in Asia’s garment sector, the impact of ASEAN integration on skills, technology and the future of jobs, and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on labour markets. He is a graduate of Northwestern University (USA) and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (USA).

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Isabella Schmidt
Isabella Schmidt
UN Women regional gender statistics specialist for the East and Southern Africa Region.

Isabella Schmidt, has a PhD in International development,  a MPhil Degree in Urban and Regional Science and a MSc in Human Nutrition. She is currently the UN Women regional gender statistics specialist for the East and Southern Africa Region. Her main responsibility to coordinate and provide technical support as part of UN Women’s gender data and statistics flagship project, Women Count. Prior to joining the UNWomen ESARO office, Dr. Schmidt was the Chief Director, Social Statistics, at Statistics South Africa for 10 years. Her primary responsibility was to oversee the production and promote the use of Social Statistics in South Africa. This included all statistics produced on gender, marginalized groups, education, governance, public safety and justice, housing & service delivery, tourism, transport. 

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Marina Diotallevi
Marina Diotallevi
Head of the Ethics, Culture and Social Responsibility Department at UNWTO.

Marina is in charge of cultural tourism and social aspects related to tourism, in particular gender equality and women’s empowerment, accessibility for persons with disability, human rights, indigenous communities and corporate social responsibility. On gender equality and women’s empowerment, Marina was also the responsible for the release in 2019 of the second edition of the Global Report on Women in Tourism. In 2021 started the implementation of the Centre Stage project for “Women’s empowerment during the COVID-19 recovery” in four countries.

Expert in tourism BIG DATA
Clara Van Der Pol
Clara Van Der Pol
Chief a.i., Statistics Department at UNWTO.  

Clara has more than 13 years of experience in the field of tourism statistics working for the World Tourism Organization, currently as Chief a.i. of the Statistics, Standards and Data Department. Her work focuses on the promotion of international standards in close liaison with the United Nations System. She also oversees the Department's activities in statistical training and in the collection and dissemination of data sets. Clara represents UN Tourism in various committees and expert groups, including the United Nations Statistical Commission (since 2012).

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