Climate Change and Tourism - Responding to Global Challenges
六月 05, 2008

Climate Change and Tourism - Responding to Global Challenges

The Report on "Climate Change and Tourism - Responding to Global Challenges" released on the occasion of the World Environment Day 5 June 2008

The Report on "Climate Change and Tourism - Responding to Global Challenges" that was commissioned to an international team of experts by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), provides a synthesis of the state of knowledge about current and likely future impacts of climate change on tourism destinations around the world, possible implications for tourist demand, current levels and trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the tourism sector. It gives an overview of policy and management responses of adaptation to climate change and mitigation of tourism's emissions. The Report also summarizes the main results of a series of events focused on climate change and tourism, which took place in the second of half of 2007.

Part I: The International Debate
Chapter 1:  Second International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism
Chapter 2: Davos Declaration
Chapter 3: Conclusions of the Ministers' Summit in London
Chapter 4: Resolution adopted by UNWTO General Assembly
Chapter 5: Statement by Secretary-General of UNWTO at the Bali Conference

Part II: Technical Report
Chapter 6: Executive Summary
Chapter 7: Introduction to the Technical Report
Chapter 8: Advances in Climate Change Science and Implications for the Tourism Sector
Chapter 9: Impacts and Adaptation at Tourism Destinations
Chapter 10: Implications of Climate Change for Tourism Demand Patterns
Chapter 11: Emissions from Tourism: Status and Trends
Chapter 12: Mitigation Policies and Measures
Chapter 13:  The Way Forward to Adaptation and Mitigation in Tourism