B2B Session of INVESTOUR 2018

B2B Session of INVESTOUR 2018

18 January, 2018
Pavilion 9, Stand 9 D08,Madrid,es

INVESTOUR is offering a platform for Business-to-Business meetings. The B2B session aims at giving an opportunity to initiators of quality projects from the public and private African entities to connect with investors from the international arena. Our objective is to convert this session into a strategic platform that truly supports and facilitates the concrete development and realization of those touristic projects.

This year, INVESTOUR B2B meetings will take place from 15.00-19.00  in FITUR - Pavilion 9, Stand 9 D08


If you are an African organization/individual seeking to promote sustainable tourism projects, and wish to meet with potential investors to present a business proposal , or an international investor seeking to invest in Africa please fill the corresponding form available below.



Step 1: Complete one of the following forms :

 Form for leaders of a touristic project in Africa REGISTRATION CLOSED!

 Form for buyers / investors  interested  in investing in a touristic project in Africa


Step 2: Complete the online registration and upload the corresponding form you completed in Step 1. REGISTRATION CLOSED!

Step 3: INVESTOUR team will contact you with the meeting agendas in due course.