West Africa Parks Project: Donors' Conference
Contact Persons:
Mr. Ousmane Ndiaye, Director, Regional Programme for Africa
World Tourism Organization, Poeta Joan Maragall 42, 28020 MADRID, Spain
Tel.:+34 91 5678 150, Fax:+34 571 37 33, E-mail: rdaf@unwto.org
Mr. Ousseynou Dieng, Director of Studies and Tourism Planning
Ministry of Handicrafts, Tourism, Relations with the private and informal sectors, 23 rue Docteru Calmette, P.O. Box 4049 DAKAR, Senegal
Tel.:+221 (33) 822 73 66, Fax:+221 (33) 822 94 13, E-mail:ministeretourisme@gouv.sn, ousseynou.dieng1@gouv.sn
Mr. Rahmouni Houcine, Adviser
Islamic Center for Developement of Trade (ICDT), Tour des Habous, Avenue des Far, P.O Box 13545 CASABLANCA-PRINCIPAL 2000, Morocco
Tel.:+212 522 31 49 74, Fax:+212 22 31 01 10, E-mail:icdt@icdt-oic.org
Mr. Mohamed Sakho, Technical Adviser, Regional Coordinator of the Project
Ministry of Hotels, Tourism and Handicrafts, P.O. Box 1304, CONAKRY, Guinea
Tel.:+224 60 29 75 62/ 67 29 75 62, E-mail:sakhotourisme@yahoo.fr