55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas

55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas

13 May, 2013
San Jose,cr


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism of Costa Rica, has the pleasure to invite UNWTO Members to the celebration of the statutory meeting of the 55th UNWTO Commission for the Americas to be held in San Jose, Costa Rica, from 13th-15th May 2013. The Commission meeting will be followed by the Technical Seminar on Tourism and New Technologies aimed at the tourism industry stakeholders in general.

To register, click here.

NOTE: In compliance with the United Nations system’s environmental protection policy, the working documents for the 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas will not be distributed on paper at the venue of the event. Therefore, the delegates are requested to bring their own set of documents provided below:

Information Note

Information Note II

Sequence of Activities

Working documents:

1. Provisional Agenda

2. Communication of the Chairman of the Commission (Costa Rica)

3. Report of the Secretary-General (CAM/55/3)

3.3 Progress report on the implementation of the Programme of Work for 2012-2013 (CAM/55/3.3)

3.4 New publications (CAM/55/3.4) / Presentation

3.5 Update on the draft UNWTO Convention on the Protection of Tourists and Tourism Service Providers (CAM/55/3.5)

3.5 Annex (Draft Convention on the Protection of Tourists and Tourism Service Providers)

3.6 Progress report on the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and report on World Committee on Tourism Ethics (CAM/55/3.6)

3.7 Report on the survey on priority areas of the Programme of Work for 2014-2015 (CAM/55/3.7)

4. Tourism performance in the region and perspectives for 2013 (in Spanish)

5. Preparation for the 20th session of the General Assembly (CAM/55/5)

6.1 Report on World Tourism Day 2013: Tourism and water, protecting our common future (CAM/55/6.1)

6.2 Designation of the host country for the World Tourism Day for 2014 (CAM/55/6.2)

7. Place and date of the 56th Regional Commission meeting for the Americas (CAM/55/7)


Other documents:

Study: National Tourism Administrations and its promotion entities


Technical Seminar on Tourism and New Technologies