International Seminar on Tourism and Culture
Although there are multiple and varied definitions of cultural tourism, we will initially take into account its definition established from a broad perspective by the UNWTO in 1995 as “all movements of people to meet the human need for diversity, aimed at raising the cultural level of the individual, providing new knowledge, experiences and encounters.” The same source gives us a narrower definition that refers to the “movements of persons for essentially cultural motivations such as study tours, performing arts and other cultural tours, travel to festivals and other cultural events, visit to sites and monuments". Read more…
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In order to see the presentations, click on the respective links below:
Panel 1: Cultural tourism as a tool for competitiveness and economic growth: job creation and benefits for the communities involved
Sandra Howard Taylor, Vice Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Colombia
Ingrid Rivera, Executive Director, Puerto Rico Tourism Company
Edgardo José Venturini, Product Manager, Cordoba Tourism Agency, Argentina
Hugh Riley, Secretary-General, Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
Michel Durrieu, Head of Tourism Unit, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, France
Panel 2: Promotion and marketing of cultural tourism destinations: knowing your target market
María del Carmen de Reparaz, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Tourism, Perú
Marcela Bacigalupo, Minister, National Secretariat of Tourism, Paraguay
Emilio Silvestri, Director, Honduran Tourism Institute, Honduras
Nava Castro, Director, Tourism Galicia, Spain
Antonio López de Ávila, President, SEGITTUR, Spain
Panel 3: Linking heritage and culture to tourism: quality management of World Heritage Sites and cultural institutions
Maribel Villalona, Gen. Coordinator, Development Programme, Ministry of Tourism, Dominican Republic
Fernando Brugman, Coordinator, Cultural Programme, UNESCO, Cuba
Liliam Kechichian, Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Uruguay
Stéphanie Villedrouin, Honorary Member of the Tourism Association of Haiti, Haití
Fernando Olivera Rocha, Secretary, Tourism Secretariat of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico
Gladys Collazo Usallán, President of the National Council of World Heritage, Cuba
Panel 4: Urban regeneration through cultural tourism: reinforcing the supply side
Donald Hawkins, Eisenhower Professor of Tourism Policy, George Washington University, USA
Hermes Navarro, Chief, Investment Attraction, Costa Rica Tourism Board
Ramón Mayo, President, KALAM, Spain
Patricia Rodríguez Alomá, Director, Master Plan for the Historical Office of Havana, Cuba