Conference on Religious Heritage and Tourism: How to increase religious heritage tourism in a changing society

Conference on Religious Heritage and Tourism: How to increase religious heritage tourism in a changing society

04 - 06 October, 2016


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will be jointly organizing with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands a conference on Religious Heritage and Tourism: “How to increase religious heritage tourism in a changing society, which will be held on 5 - 7 October 2016, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Religious heritage tourism is today an international phenomenon, involving thousands of people of different nationalities from around the world. The Conference will discuss how religious heritage sites enrich the attractiveness of destinations and how they drive international tourism and economic growth. This high-level event will bring together Ministers, high-level officials of tourism administrations, heritage institutions and key representatives of the academia and private sector.

The two-day seminar will focus on :

- How can we further develop the social and economic impact of religious heritage tourism?

- How can we further develop religious heritage sites as tourist destinations?

- From which good practices can we learn to bring religious heritage tourism forward?

Cooperation between tourism administrations, heritage organizations and local communities has shown to be successful approach in promoting religious heritage. In that sense, the event will be joined by effort between UNWTO, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Museum Catharijneconvent, the Centre for Religious Art and Culture (Flanders) and Future for Religious Heritage.

More information please check:  Information for participants and Registration