Conference on Sustainable Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives

Conference on Sustainable Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives

28 - 29 June, 2017

Stretching through 14 countries from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, and home to over 115 million inhabitants of diverse cultures, traditions and ethnicities, the Danube region is bursting with tourism potential.

Indeed, in 2011 the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) was launched in recognition of the need for the region to come together to overcome common challenges and meet its potential in several key areas, among them tourism.

With the United Nations (UN) designating 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, this is a good time to take stock of where we now stand, to share experiences and ideas on how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by a rapidly evolving tourism sector, and to agree on a joint set of priorities going forward.

In this light, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Serbia, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), will organize a Conference on “Sustainable tourism in the Danube Region: New perspectives”, gathering tourism policymakers and decision-makers as well as other public and private sector stakeholders from the Danube region and beyond.

The Conference, taking place in the framework of International Danube Day, will look at how to create joint policies and strategies that can best lay the framework for sustainable tourism development, investment and promotion in the region. It will address key issues such as skills development, sustainability, transnational cooperation and innovation and aim to identify flagship projects for transnational cooperation in the Danube. 

Official website of the event, including registration: