Danube Floating Conference

Danube Floating Conference

23 - 25 June, 2011

Immediately after the signing of the European Union’s Danube Strategy in Brussels, a “Danube Floating Conference” dedicated to the development of the Danube regions from Croatia all the way to Ukraine will start on a boat, the MS “Elegant Lady”, on June 25th in Belgrade.

Conference participants will cruise to Drobeta Turnu Severin where the hosts of the “Danube Floating Conference” - the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism of Romania and the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia – plan to sign a Declaration on cooperation primarily in the field of tourism development.

The two-day conference under the umbrella organization the Danube Competence Center DCC will be closed in Vidin in Bulgaria. The “Danube Floating Conference” will be accompanied on the banks of the Danube by numerous events within the scope of the “Blue Week Festival”.