Session 5. Producing Data on Sustainable Tourism
The world today produces more data than ever before. Irrespectively of who produces this data (National Statistical Institutes, Ministries, private sector, etc.) or by what means (from survey-based, administrative or big data sources), a statistical framework supports the production of trustworthy data that answer the questions at hand. It does so by making most effective use of data that are already available, identifying data gaps, promoting coherence and consistency, and helping to focus and prioritize resources for data collection. This session will explore the potential to use various data sources, particularly big data, for the measurement of sustainable tourism and propose approaches to measurement when data are more limited.
Central paper: Tourism Statistics: Early Adopters of Big Data?, presented by Mr. Christophe Demunter, Tourism Statistics Section, European Commission (EUROSTAT) (summary) (doc) (ppt)
Moderator: Mr. John Kester, Director of Statistics, Trends and Policy, UNWTO and Mr. Christophe Demunter, Tourism Statistics Section, European Commission (EUROSTAT)
Panel with brief presentations:
- Ms. Sarah Mathews, Head of Destination Marketing APAC, TripAdvisor and PATA Chairperson (ppt)
- Mr. Rifa Rufiadi, Deputy Director of Tourism Statistics, Statistics Indonesia (BPS): "Tourism Statistics based on Mobile Positioning Data" (summary) (ppt)
- Ms. Ana Moniche and Ms. Inmaculada Gallego, Regional Government of Andalusia and NECsTouR: "Data on Sustainable Tourism. The sub-national European Experience" (summary) (ppt)
- Mr. Aki-Hito Sato, Assistant Professor, Kyoto University: "Data Infrastructure for Data Analytic Platforms" (ppt)
- Ms. Rochelle Turner, Research Director, WTTC: "Tracking Global Progress towards Sustainable Development" (ppt)