2nd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism

2nd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism

10 - 11 September, 2012

The 2nd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism, jointly organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador, took place in the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, on the 11th and 12th of September 2012. (Please click here for the Programme in English or Spanish)

H.E. Mr. Freddy Ehlers, Minister of Tourism Ecuador (right) and UNWTO Secretary-General, Mr. Taleb Rifai

Following in the footsteps of the 1st International Congress on Ethics and Tourism (held in Madrid, Spain, in September 2011), the event sought to promote responsible, sustainable and fair tourism development at the global level, for the benefit of all sectors of society, and within the universally accepted reference framework that is the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the UNWTO, endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2001.

Pictured below: Ms. Cristina Suaña, Congress Panellist and
President of the Asociación de Turismo Vivencial Uros Khantati, Peru


Within this ethical framework for tourism, the 2nd International Congress supported and disseminated the concept of Conscious Tourism - insightfully promoted by the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador. 


The concept of Concious Tourism constitutes innovative thinking based on the same principles of sustainability and ethics promoting the values of peace, friendship, respect, and love for life as the essence of the practice of tourism.

Ms. Anna Pollock, Founder of the "Concious Travel" Movement and Congress participant

With over 350 participants from nearly 40 countries in attendance, representing governments and national and local authorities, international organizations and NGOs, the business sector and education and training institutions, the event discussed the opportunities and challenges  facing responsible tourism development today.

In-depth discussions particularly focused on specific issues related to environmental sustainability, the protection and respect of human rights (especially the rights of women, children and indigenous peoples), social inclusion, universal accessibility and tourism for all (focused above all on persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and the elderly) and the role played by the private sector to ensure the sustainability of tourism and corporate social responsibility.

Signature of the Private Sector Commitment to the Code of Ethics (individuals pictured from left to right): Mr. Marcio Favilla, UNWTO Executive Director; Mr. Enrique Ponce de Leon, Director-General of Hoteles Decameron Ecuador; H.E. Mr. Freddy Ehlers, Minister of Tourism of Ecuador; Ms. Liliana Vasquez, President of FIASEET; FIASEET; Mr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General; and Mr. Carlos Garcia Santos, President of Destino Punta del Este (Uruguay) at the 2nd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism (September 2012, Quito)

In the context of the 2nd Congress three prominent private sector stakeholders formally signed the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the UNWTO. These signatory entities were:  Destino Punta del Este (Uruguay), FIASEET (Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Ejecutivas de Empresas Turísticas) and Hoteles Decameron Ecuador.

Events celebrating Ecuador's rich cultural heritage on the occasion of the Congress

Presentations by Panellists


1st Session: Conscious Tourism for a new era

2nd Session: An ethical framework for Responsible Tourism

3rd Session: Tourism as a driver for Human Rights and Social Inclusion

4th Session: Accessible Tourism

5th Session: The Commitment of the Private Sector

Relevant Materials

See also: