4th AAPA Emergency Response Conference 2011 - Crisis Response: The Importance of Teamwork

27 - 28 September, 2011
Kuala Lumpur,my

The UNWTO will discuss its findings on crisis coordination and prevention and the latest research on the integration of travel and tourism into the national emergency management at the conference organized by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), a member organization of Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 28-29 September 2011.

The overall theme of this year´s Emergency Response Conference is ¨Crisis Response: The Importance of Teamwork¨. The conference highlights the importance of good teamwork, coordination, interaction and constant communication between relevant parties in times of crises as well as in the creation and implementation of an emergency response framework.

For more information, please refer to their website: http://www.aapairlines.org/4th_AAPA_Emergency_Response_Conference_2011.aspx.