8th Annual Convention On Tourism;Issues and Trends

21 - 22 September, 2011
Amity University Campus,Noida,in

THE WORLD TOURISM DAY CELEBRATIONS-2011 AT AMITY INSTITUTE OF TRAVEL AND TOURISM,AMITY UNIVERSITY,INDIA The World Tourism Day is celebrated every year to encourage the unique interaction between different countries and aims at furthering understanding of the values of cultural diversity. With this view, for the consecutive 08th year Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, Amity University, India, plans to celebrate this day on 22nd and 23rd September with the theme this year “Linking Cultures”. The UNWTO believes that the date for World Tourism Day is appropriate because it comes at the end of the high tourist season in the northern hemisphere and the start of the tourist season in the southern hemisphere, when tourism is of topical interest to many people worldwide, particularly travelers and those working in the tourism sector. Given the base idea for celebration, we would have a two-day event, the first day being that for competitions like elocution and photography on the theme “Tourism-Linking Cultures; Issues and Opportunities in Material World”. These would be judged by leaders of the Tourism Industry in India, and attractive prizes sponsored by the leading Travel Houses of India would be given away to the winners by the Chief Guest on the second and final day of the World Tourism Day Celebrations. The second day of the event is supposed to be power-packed, with people from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India; eminent speakers from the travel industry would be present to share their experiences with the students; and media would be present to witness and record the event. Adhering to the guidelines of UNWTO and the theme, we wish to amalgamate the Indian culture and heritage with that of another tourist country with popular culture. With this intention, we plan to invite the Ambassador of an Embassy – Egypt, Japan or Africa, to be part of our prestigious annual event.. We intend to showcase an international movie, which would aim at linking the international culture with the Indian, thus diffusing the two great cultures together. The event would be complimented by cultural performances conceived and choreographed by students of Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, Amity University, India. The role of responsible and sustainable tourism in building peace and mutual understanding is also the heart of UNWTO guiding policy document, the Global Code for Ethics in Tourism Thank You.