Committee on Tourism and Sustainability (CTS) – Public Meeting

Committee on Tourism and Sustainability (CTS) – Public Meeting

18 January, 2017
IFEMA, North CC, Level 1, Rooms N107-N108,Madrid,es


UNWTO Committee on Tourism and Sustainability - Public Meeting on the Occasion of the Official Opening of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development


Committee Members


Ms. Tao Li, Official of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA)


Ms. Sandra Howard Taylor, Vice Minister of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia


Dr. Renaldas Čiužas, Head of Tourism Policy Division, Ministry of Economy


Ms. Nada Roudies, Secretary-General, Ministry of Tourism

Representative of Affiliate Members

Ms. Brianda Lopez, Head of Programmes Standards and Sustainability, International Youth and Hostel Federation (IYHF)



1.  Welcome remarks by the Acting Chair of the CTS, Ms. Sandra Howard Taylor, Vice Minister of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia

2.  Moderated session on the importance of measurement for sustainable tourism development and supported by:

-          Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism, UNWTO

-          Ms. Sofía Gutiérrez, Deputy Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism, UNWTO

Invited experts:

-     Dr. Xu Honggang, Professor School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, China

-     Ms. María Teresa Solís Trejo, Undersecretary of Planning and Tourism Policy, Secretariat of Tourism (SECTUR), Mexico

-     Ms. Edurne Vidal, Director, Smart Tourism Destination, SEGITTUR, Spain

-     Mr. Roger Valencia, Vice Minister of Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

3.  Update session on the inclusion of Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (SCP) into national tourism policies

4.  Open debate

5.  Closing remarks by Mr. Márcio Favilla, Executive Director, Operational Programmes and Institutional Relations, UNWTO