FITUR Green 2014 to propose comprehensive strategies for sustainable tourism destination
The Hotel Technology Institute (ITH), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and FITUR are organizing the fifth edition of FITUR Green, in the context of FITUR, in collaboration with the Habitat Futura Group. Under the theme “Innovative and Sustainable Management: a Commitment to the Tourist”, FiturGreen 2014 will examine the role of organizations, companies, government agencies and tourists in the creation, development and growth of sustainable tourism destinations.
Based on the premise that sustainability is a matter that revolves around people, FITUR Green 2014, which will take place from Wednesday to Friday, 22-24 January 2014, in Hall 10B5 of the IFEMA Fairgrounds in Madrid, aims to bring innovation in sustainability to the tourism sector in order to enhance the competitiveness of businesses and destinations, and to share current trends on expectations and demands of tourists.
The event will be officially inaugurated by Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of UNWTO, Ana Larrañaga, Director of FITUR, and Juan Molas, President of the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (CEHAT) and the ITH. Over the three days of the event, roundtable discussions and special presentations will be held, featuring success stories, projects and practical experiences at the national and international levels relative to the sustainable management of tourism offerings. The programme for 2014 also includes workshops and case studies on advanced technologies for efficient climate control, water management and indoor air quality as well as trends across the entire tourism value chain for the creation of sustainable destinations.
Official website of FiturGreen
Download FITUR Green 2014 Conclusions