Information Needs in Times of Crises for the Travel and Tourism Sector
The impact of negative events on tourism demand is widely known. While the importance of communications is proven, members of the Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) will present and discuss their information needs and requirements in times of crises to help minimize the negative perception on consumer's behavior while at the same time, ensuring safety and well-being and allowing for a fast recovery.
The speakers include Mr. Michel de Blust, Secretary-General of the European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Association (ECTAA), Mr. Jürgen Bachmann, Secretary-General of the French Association of Tour Operators (CETO), Ms. Angela Hills, Destination Services Manager of the British Federation of Tour Operators (ABTA), Mr. Olaf Collet, Manager for Crisis Management, Market Research, Information Technology of the German Travel Association (DRV) and Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Coordinator of the Risk and Crisis Management Programme of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
For further information please contact:
Risk and Crisis Management Programme
World Tourism Organization