Knysna Tourism Month

02 - 28 September, 2011
Knysna Tourism ,Knysna ,za

International World Tourism Day is celebrated on 27 September under the theme of Tourism: Linking Cultures and Knysna Tourism has planned a full program of activities for its members as well as other interested parties. • 2 – 4 September: representing our beautiful town at the Getaway Show in Johannesburg. • 6 – 8 September: “Take a holiday in your own backyard”. This fantastic opportunity for tourism industry staff members to gain firsthand experience of the activities they suggest their guests enjoy is also the perfect opportunity for local residents to realise that they need not plan a weekend away to enjoy countless thrills and memorable experiences. • 6 – 15 September: Knysna I-Course. Presented over four days, this course enables tourism industry staff members to provide informed and relevant information to guests. • 23 September: Small Medium and Macro Enterprises (SMME) showcase at Woodmill Lane from 11:00 – 15:00. Experience the talent of the surrounding areas while enjoying specials at the Woodmill Lane shops. The Malaysian Consulate will also be exhibiting. • 28 September: SMME showcase at the Sedgefield Spar Centre from 11:00 – 15:00. Experience the talent of the surrounding areas while enjoying specials at the Sedgefield Spar Centre Shops. For more information please visit www.visitknysna.co.za, contact Glendyrr Fick at +27(0)44 382 5510.