Mara Naboisho World Tourism Day 2011

27 September, 2011
Koiyaki Guiding School,Maasai Mara,ke

27th September 2011 is World Tourism Day. Mara Naboisho Conservancy in collaboration with The International Ecotourism Society (through Basecamp Foundation Kenya) will be celebrating the World Tourism Day (WTD) 2011 for the first time in Maasai Mara, a tourist hotspot in Kenya. The event will live up to this years' theme: Tourism – Linking cultures and will be a celebration of the role of tourism at Mara Naboisho Conservancy in breaking barriers across cultures and promoting peace, respect and mutual understanding. The Maasai Mara World Tourism Day celebration will be hosted at Koiyaki Guiding School which is at the heart of Mara Naboisho Conservancy and will be graced by guests from the operating tourism partner camps within the conservancy namely: Valley Camp (Kicheche), Naboisho Camp (Asilia/Rekero), Basecamp Wilderness Camp (Basecamp Explorer), Porini Camps and Mara Encounter (African Encounter). Guests will assemble at 10.00am. The event will showcase the diverse cultures represented by the guests, Africa Impact International volunteers, Maasai students at Koiyaki Guide School, Olesere primary school children and community members. Cultural interpretation will mark the climax of the day with demonstration by young Masai Moran and Maasai girls and women displaying their differing costumes (dresses and jewellery) enlightening the guests on the meaning in the dressing and jewellery variations. There will be cultural dances from the women groups and school children. Guests attending the 2½ hour event will be bequeathed with their national flags by the Naboisho wardens at the entrance points to the conservancy or at their camps. They will be expected to wear their national attires (where possible) and be ready to dance to their cultural dances when called upon. The women group will not only showcase their beautiful clothing and jewellery but will also bring along some for sale to the guests to promote the cultural exchange as well as contribute to the economic development of the conservancy by promoting the community crafts which is one of the benefits of tourism. We look forward to celebrating the world’s diverse cultures at Mara Naboisho Conservancy.