Promoting tourism for sustainable development and poverty reduction

Promoting tourism for sustainable development and poverty reduction

10 May, 2011
Istanbul Congress Centre,Istanbul,tr

Joint Tourism Special Event

With the objective of engaging in an efficient manner towards a new decade of international support for sustainable tourism development for Least Developed Countries (2011-2020), the UN Steering Committee on Tourism for Development is organizing a Joint Tourism Special Event at LDC-IV Conference to share strategic insights on major challenges and devise the way forward for tourism in LDCs.

The event will set the scene for a new framework for development through tourism to support Least Developed Countries, providing the opportunity to LDCs, UN agencies and key players of donor countries and other institutions to initiate an open dialogue for a more effective assistance.

The Tourism Special Event will be structured in the form of short forwarding-thinking presentations by the UN agencies followed by an interactive roundtable discussion to address tourism’s potential for development in LDCs and the range of technical assistance services that follow these main themes:

  • Building good governance and sustainability in tourism development;
  • Promoting domestic and foreign investment for sustainable tourism development;
  • Fostering poverty reduction through linkages between the tourism sector and local suppliers of goods and services; and
  • Supporting human resource development through improved education, training and decent work, including related capacity building, in the tourism sector.

Event co-hosted by:                                International media partner:




Please note that participation in the special event is by invitation only.

Further Inquiries: Ms Carmen Gayo  (


United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC IV)

The emphasis for the Fourth United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC IV) will be on presenting a clear Action Plan for the next decade, addressing the priorities of LDCs, while assessing the implementation of the Programme of Action of the last decade 2001-2010 adopted in Brussels (2001).

This event will also be an opportunity for the international community to hear the voices of the Countries, considered as least developed, about their development progress and challenges with a view to mobilizing new support measures and action in their favour.

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Tourism and the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)


Due to Tourism capacity for creation of employment, poverty reduction, human development and environmental sustainability, it can benefit these countries in a number of ways offering an opportunity for all-inclusive growth.

Development opportunities through tourism are on the rise in LDCs and represent an important factor for the overall national growth. In spite of its proven contribution to global economic growth and development, the sector still lacks political and economic recognition and support.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) clearly recognizes the transforming and fundamental role that tourism can play in addressing global and local development challenges for LDCs.

As an immediate response to the LDC IV High-Level Preparatory Meeting on Tourism for LDCs held in France in 2010, and its “Caen Recommendations”, UNWTO has built an alliance with UN partners aimed at ensuring an integrated and coherent approach for supporting LDCs in the area of tourism for sustainable development and poverty reduction.

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UN Steering Committee on Tourism for Development (SCTD)

The UN Steering Committee on Tourism for Development (SCTD) is currently composed of seven other UN entities - International Labour Organization (ILO), International Trade Centre (ITC), UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and World Trade Organization (WTO)  - and is open to other agencies.

The SCTD aims at advancing the role of tourism for development by providing integrated technical assistance to LDCs in the area of tourism for sustainable development and poverty reduction, through existing and forthcoming financial mechanisms, building on the strengths and experiences of each agency.

The Steering Committee is preparing a consolidated technical Portfolio of Services - “Tourism for Development” - aimed in particular at assisting LDCs to develop a tourism sector committed to national growth and local benefits that generates income and decent employment for communities while preserving the environment and culture of the destination.

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Related links

World Export Development Forum 2011 webpage "Private sector engagement with LDC's for tourism-led growth and inclusive sustainable development"