TECHINCAL SESSION - Session IV: Tourism Labour Market in the Asia Pacific Region

31 March, 2009

Chair: Mr. I. Gede Ardika, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Indonesia

Keynotes by Ms. Lisa Ruhanen, The University of Queensland, Australia (text) (ppt) and Mr. Guy Thijs, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (text - summary) (ppt): “Tourism Labour Market in the Asia Pacific Region”


  • Ms. Hye-soo Kim, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Korea: “Recent policies to create more employment opportunities in the tourism industries” (ppt)
  • Mr. Mohd Halimi Ibrahim, Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia: “Encountering the out flow of trained and educated national talents of the tourism industries” (ppt)
  • Mr. Malraj B. Kiriella, Sri Lanka Tourist Board: “Determinant factors of Labour Demand and Supply Forces: Sri Lanka Tourism Perspective” (ppt)
  • Mr. Romulo Virola, National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines: “Labour policies concerning the hospitality industry” (ppt)
  • Mr. Made Antara, Udayana University and Mr. I. Gde Pitana, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Indonesia: “Tourism labour market in the Asia Pacific region: a case study from Bali, Indonesia” (ppt)
  • Mr. Ahmed Salih, Ministry of Tourism, Arts&Culture, Maldives: “Labour issues and implication of the tourism industries on the labour market and social impacts of tourism contrasted with its economic benefits” (ppt)
  • Mr. Matthieu Cognac, ILO Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste: “Tourism employment issues in Indonesia, cases of local economic development” (ppt)

Speakers profile and abstracts