TECHNICAL SESSION - Session V: Measuring the Economic Contributions of Tourism: from the TSA to Alternative Modelling Techniques

31 March, 2009

Chair: Ms. Anemé Malan, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa

Keynote by Mr. Doug Frechtling, The George Washington University, USA: “Clarifying and extending the TSA brand” (text) (ppt)


  • Mr. Adi Lumaksono, Statistics Indonesia (ppt) and Mr. Wardiyatmo, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Indonesia (ppt): “Developing a subnational TSA for Bali”
  • Ms. Mara Manente, International Centre of Studies on the Tourist Economy, Italy: “Adapting international standards to subnational tourism destinations” (ppt)
  • Mr. Zhang Jianzhong and Ms. Huang Yaping (ppt), China National Tourism Administration: “Provincial and National TSA developments in China”
  • Mr. Chris Jackson, Statistics Canada: “Measuring supply in the TSA framework: the Canadian experience” (ppt)
  • Mr. Tad Hara, Japan Tourism Agency / University of Central Florida: “TSA and complementary analytical tools for decision making both at national and subnational levels” (ppt)
  • Mr. Ray Spurr, Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre, Australia: “Regional TSAs and improving subnational analysis” (ppt)

Speakers profile and abstracts

Background documents