Third International Conference on the Measurement and Economic Analysis of Regional Tourism MOVE 2013
Tourism is unevenly distributed across the national territory; therefore, a better understanding of tourism activity at a sub-national level will be instrumental for a more efficient policy design at a the national level. Thus, sub-national measurement and analysis of tourism becomes an extremely relevant issue.
The MOVE2013 Conference was organized within the conceptual framework of the International Network on Regional Economics, Mobility and Tourism (INRouTe), an initiative promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This network is dedicated to advancing policy-oriented measurement and analysis of tourism in order to provide operational guidance to entities involved with regional and local tourism destinations.
The target audiences of the MOVE2013 conference were tourism practitioners (tourism officials who commission surveys and research, and the technicians who undertake them) and different key stakeholders in relevant tourism destinations (public institutes and agencies, universities, research centers, industry associations, trade bodies and specialized firms).
This conference has wanted to accommodate research as well as traditional and other innovative measurement methodologies, provided that the study area is subnational in scope and they address the following topics:
Topic 1 – Tourism Observatories
Topic 2 – Visitors Behavior Measurement and Deconstruction of Tourism Destinations Demand
- Typologies of Visitors
- Tourism Products
- Itineraries
Topic 3 – Meetings Industry
For more infomation please visit the Conference website