Towards a Safer World – Practical Approaches to Advance Disaster Preparedness through Capturing and Applying Lessons of Pandemic Preparedness

14 - 15 September, 2011

The UNWTO will be presenting its findings on resource mobilization and coordination within the travel and tourism sectors in a panel on ¨Partnerships Planning and Simulations¨ at the conference hosted by the UN World Food Programme in Rome, Italy from 15-16 September 2011.

The theme of the event is ¨Towards a Safer World – Practical Approaches to Advance Disaster Preparedness through Capturing and Applying Lessons of Pandemic Preparedness¨. The conference is a culmination of the ¨Towards a Safer World¨ initiative by the United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) and United Nations System Influenza Coordination (UNSIC), which aims to communicate its achievements in pandemic preparedness over the past five years through multi-sectoral pandemic planning. The conference will gather participants from governments, UN agencies, technical and specialized agencies, NGOs and private companies to identify which approaches from pandemic preparedness have proved effective and to help ensure successes are replicated in disaster preparedness programmes.

For more information, please consult the website of the conference: http://www.towardsasaferworld.org