UNWTO Session on the Protection of Tourists/Consumers - Accommodation related issues
If a tourist loses their property at the accommodation, is that accommodation service provider liable? What information should be provided to the tourists/consumers by the accommodation service provider? Should the lack or misleading nature of information be sanctioned?
These are just some of the unanswered questions facing tourists and businesses due to the absence of international regulations governing the rights and responsibilities of tourists/consumers and tourism service providers. In response, and reflecting Member States’ requests, UNWTO has set up a working group to elaborate an international convention for the protection of tourists/consumers and tourism professionals. This year ITB will host a special UNWTO Session focusing on accommodation related issues which will be the topics for the next meeting of the working group. This event will give a unique opportunity for representatives of the governments, private accommodation sectors and NGOs to trigger debate on these scope elements of the future convention.
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