UNWTO.TedQual Regional Event Americas 2013

22 - 24 January, 2013

With the definition of the 2013 Programme of Work as an objective, the UNWTO.TedQual Network is meeting during a series of Regional events that have been organized from November 2012 to January 2013. The Institutions seek to further include the compliance of the purposes and principles of Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in their programme of work for 2013.

The UNWTO.TedQual Regional Event for the Americas Region will be held from 23 to 25 January at Universidad del Caribe, Cancún, México, under the title: The Role of Tourism Professionals Working in Tourism Destinations Hosting World Heritage Sites (download Programme below). 

For further information on the Institutions belonging to the UNWTO.TedQual Network, please visit: /institutions-unwtotedqual-certified-programmes