Roundtable of Chief Statisticians. Measuring Sustainable Tourism: Towards a Statistical Framework

21 June, 2017
Marriott Grand Ballroom,Manila,ph

This session will present the first draft of the Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST) under development by the Working Group of Experts on Measuring Sustainable Tourism. The framework will support more integrated and more sustainable management of tourism by providing a common language and organizing structure that integrates the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable tourism. In doing so, the framework will support policy and analysis at the global, national and subnational levels. A panel of Chief Statisticians from around the world will comment on this draft and discuss the two conditions for the framework to be truly solution-centred: relevance (whether the framework includes the information required by users) and feasibility (how statistical solutions can be found).

Background document: Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism, presented by Ms. Clara van der Pol, Programme Coordinator, Statistics, Trends and Policy, UN Tourism (doc) (ppt)

Moderator: Ms. Lisa Grace S. Bersales, National Statistician, Philippine Statistics Authority

Panel of Chief Statisticians:

  • Mr. Khalid Al Mudhaffar, Director General of Economic Statistics, National Centre for Statistics, Oman
  • Mr. Zachary Mwangi Chege, Director General, National Bureau of Statistics, Kenya
  • Ms. Elena Kukharevich, Deputy Chairman, National Statistical Committee, Belarus
  • Mr. Pali J. Lehohla, Statistician-General, Statistics South Africa
  • Ms. Titi Kanti Lestari, Director of Finance, Information Technology, and Tourism Statistics, Statistics Indonesia
  • Mr. Kemueli Naiqama, Deputy Government Statistician, Bureau of Statistics, Fiji
  • Mr. Kaushal Joshi, Principal Statistician, Asian Development Bank

Speakers Profile