Session 4 Part II. Subnational Measurement in the World
22 June, 2017
This Part II completes Session 4 to present advances worldwide that highlight the relevance and feasibility of subnational measurement for tourism management. It will also discuss at more technical levels the importance of delineating spatial areas and issues of comparability and coherence.
Moderator: Mr. Peter Laimer, Deputy Director, Directorate Spatial Statistics, Statistics Austria and Chair of the UNWTO Committee on Statistics and TSA.
- Mr. Luo Zhibin, Deputy Mayor of Zhangjiajie Municipal Government, China: “Establishing China standards of tourism Classification Solving the tourism statistics problem by using big data”
- Ms. Mélanie Gauche, Project manager, Monitoring and Statistics Directorate, Ministry for the Ecological and Solidary Transition, France: “Measuring Tourism Intensity and its Impact on the Environment at Subnational Level” (summary) (ppt)
- Ms. Nagore Espinosa, Coordinator of INRouTe and CEO of in2destination presenting “Tourism, Territory and Sustainability: A Statistical Insight at Subnational Levels” (summary) (doc) (ppt) and Mr. RaúlHernández-Martín, Head of the Chair of Tourism, University of La Laguna: "A pilot study on Measuring Sustainability in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain" (ppt)
- Mr. Carlos Carré, Consultant for Conservation International: "Ecotourism in the San Martín (Peru) Region: from an Ecosystem Accounting Perspective" (summary) (ppt_english) (ppt_spanish)
- Ms. Jingyan Liu, Sun Yat-sen University: “A Web-based Regional Tourism Satellite Account Information System” (summary) (ppt)
- Mr. Carl Obst, UNWTO Consultant: “Defining Spatial Areas for Measuring Sustainable Tourism” (summary) (doc) (ppt)