Session 2. Linking the Economic and Environmental Measurement of Tourism

22 June, 2017
Marriott Grand Ballroom,Manila,ph

The starting foundation of the MST statistical framework is to bridge the economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable tourism by linking two UN statistical standards: the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). This session will present an overarching technical note and some pioneering pilot studies integrating economic and environmental data for tourism.

Central paper: Linking TSA and SEEA: A Technical Note, presented by Mr. Carl Obst, UNWTO Consultant (summary) (doc) (ppt)

Moderator: Mr. Karoly Kovacs, Chief, Statistics of International Trade in Services Section, UNSD


  • Ms. Demi Kotsovos, Senior Economist, Statistics Canada: “Towards Sustainable Tourism Indicators: Linking the Canadian Tourism Satellite Account 2012 with the Canadian System Environmental-Economic Accounting” (summary) (ppt)
  • Ms. Artika Devi, Senior Statistician, National Accounts & Satellite Accounts, Fiji Bureau of Statistics: “Developments towards the Measurement of Sustainable Tourism in Fiji” (summary) (ppt)
  • Mr. Raúl Figueroa Díaz, Director of Satellite Accounts, INEGI Mexico: “Greening the Tourism Satellite Account” (summary) (paper) (ppt)
  • Mr. Faisal Al Saleemi, Information Department Manager, Tourism Information and Research Center, Saudi Arabia: "Developing Environmental Measures for Tourism" (ppt)
  • Mr. Florande S. Polistico, Chief Statistical Specialist Initiatives, Philippine Statistics Authority: “Philippine Tourism Satellite Accounts and Environmental Accounts” (summary) (ppt)

Speakers profile