Session 6. Tourism Indicators for Monitoring the SDGs

23 June, 2017

The demand for high-quality indicators to monitor progress has been most recently underlined by the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the recognized importance of establishing clear, comparable and measurable indicators of progress towards these goals. There are three SDG targets that relate directly to sustainable tourism: 8.9, 12.b and 14.7. The session will address possible indicators for those three targets and the potential to identify indicators relevant to assessing the tourism contribution
in other SDG targets.

Central paper: Tourism Indicators for Monitoring the SDGs, presented by Mr. Peter Laimer, Deputy Director, Directorate Spatial Statistics, Statistics Austria and Chair of the UNWTO Committee on Statistics and TSA (summary) (doc) (ppt)

Moderator: Mr. Sven Kaummans, Head of Section, Environmental-Economic Accounts and Sustainable Development Indicators, Federal Statistical Office of Germany


  • Ms. Lisa Grace S. Bersales, National Statistician, Philippine Statistics Authority and co-Chair of the Interagency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators
  • Mr. Maxime Verstraete, Vice President of Sustainability, Hilton Worldwide and Official Partner of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017
  • Mr. Rafael Diez de Medina, Chief Statistician, Director Department of Statistics, ILO
  • Mr. Karoly Kovacs, Chief, Statistics of International Trade in Services Section, UNSD

Speakers profile