Rapid Gender Assessment Workshop

Rapid Gender Assessment in Tourism Workshop

03 - 09 March, 2022

You can watch the training sessions in Spanish and English on UNWTO's YouTube channel.

Date: Session 1: Thursday 3 March 2022 | Session 2: Wednesday 9 March 2022
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 CET
Language: English 

Following the COVID-19 pandemic the ‘Centre Stage project aims to place gender equality at the center of tourism’s restart by putting into practice concrete actions to reduce gender inequality in the sector. Around the globe, Covid-19 has shaken tourism to its core: social distancing, travel restrictions and lockdown measures are having an immense and disproportionate impact on women in tourism and has also highlighted just how essential gender analysis is for sustainable development in tourism.

There is now a need to focus on Gender Responsive Tourism, which is a tourism that is developed following gender analysis to show, in as much detail as possible, the differences and inequalities between women and men, their causes, consequences, and the way in which women are visible or not. This will help to break down the barriers that prevent the elimination gender gaps that exist at the core of tourism.

Workshop Objective and Key Questions

The overall goal of this workshop is to learn how to undertake a Rapid Gender Assessment in the tourism sector considering the following questions:

How important is a Rapid Gender Assessment to achieving gender equality in tourism?

  • Why does gender matter in tourism? 
  • What has COVID-19 taught us about women in tourism?
  • What is gender analysis?
  • What does gender analysis in tourism entail?

What are the main factors to take into consideration when developing a Rapid Gender Assessment in tourism?

  • What are the challenges/gaps that your Rapid Assessment seeks to address?
  • What are the key steps when undertaking a Rapid Gender Assessment in tourism?

Programme overview

Session 1: Thursday 3 March, 9h00 –11h00 CET 

  • Why does gender matter in tourism?
  • Understanding Gender Analysis.
  • Importance and scope of a Rapid Gender Assessment in the tourism sector.
  • Homework:  Identify the challenges/gaps that your Rapid Assessment seeks to address and then explain how your Rapid Assessment will address this issue.

Session 2: Wednesday 9 March, 9h00 –11h00 CET

  • Feedback on homework
  • How to structure a Rapid Gender Assessment?
  • Practical approach for drawing up a Rapid Gender Assessment in the tourism sector

Meet your instructor 

Dr. Daniela Moreno Alarcón
Dr. Daniela Moreno Alarcón
Gender & Tourism expert

Dr. Daniela Moreno Alarcón is a Chilean/Spanish researcher, trainer, and consultant in the field of tourism, gender mainstreaming and sustainable development. She gained her Ph.D. in 2017 from the Complutense University of Madrid, focusing on Gender Responsive Tourism Policies in Nicaragua. She has an extensive experience spanning over 12 years in Gender Responsive Tourism Planning, Gender-integrated programme design and implementation as well as Gender and Tourism Capacity Building, with many organisations including: UNWTO, UN Women, ITC-ILO, ECLAC, FIIAPP, World Bank, Global Women Institute at the George Washington University (GWI) and OAS.