Virtual Workshop 'Applying the Women’s Empowerment Principles in the Tourism Sector (WEPs)'
The workshop is available at UNWTO's You Tube channel.
The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are the key guiding framework for gender equality in the private sector. Following the publication of the “Gender-inclusive Strategy for Tourism Businesses” within the framework of the Centre Stage project, this interactive workshop explores what concrete steps private sector entities in the tourism sector can take to put the WEPs into practice.
The overall aim of this workshop is to support private sector companies in tourism to identify concrete actions for putting their commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment into practice.
Key issues to be covered:
- What are the WEPs and how do they relate to the tourism sector?
- How can companies assess current progress on gender equality?
- Following this assessment, how should companies identify and prioritize key measures and actions to implement?
- What further support is available to companies on the WEPs Journey?
Benefits of participating:
- Get practical tips on how to apply the WEPs
- Exchange ideas and experiences with other companies in the tourism sector
- Learn about good practices on gender equality and women’s empowerment in tourism
Target Groups:
- Tourism private sector entities of any size or industry
- WEPs signatories
- Non-WEPs signatories also welcome

Lucy Ferguson is a trainer and specialist in gender equality in the tourism sector. She was the Lead Expert for the Global Report on Women in Tourism, 2nd Edition. She has worked to produce both Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines and is currently collaborating with the UNWTO Centre Stage project through trainings for the public and private tourism sector.
Lucy has also worked extensively as a trainer and researcher for the UN Women Training Centre, and produced the Working Paper Series. She has collaborated with a range of international organisations on gender equality, including UN Women, Asian Development Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, European Commission and UNDP. She is the author of "Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality" along with a range of academic publications in the field of feminist knowledge transfer and feminist pedagogies.

Anna Falth heads the Secretariat of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) – a set of principles offering guidance to business on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. Anna provides advice to the private sector on how to advance on the WEPs journey – from setting the direction, to execute actions and assess the results.
An economist, Anna has more than 20 years of experience as economic advisor within the UN system, including UNCTAD, UN-DESA, UNDP and UN Women. She has a MSc in Economics from Lund University, Sweden, and a Masters in Law and Economic from Hamburg University, Germany.

Jocelyn Chu is a Programme Specialist Consultant working in the Economic Empowerment Section at UN Women. Prior to UN Women, Jocelyn worked at international NGOs and in the private sector with a focus on business development. She holds a Master's of Economic and Political Development from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and a Master's of International Public Management from Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). Her most recent publication, Procurement’s strategic value: Why gender-responsive procurement makes business sense, presents the evidence-based business case for gender-responsive procurement (GRP). It makes the case for companies to rethink their procurement practices, framing GRP as a way to create social and economic value amid increasing economic uncertainty.