Commission Meeting Sixty Second meeting of the Regional Commission for Africa 10 September, 2019 Africa
High-Level Summit on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Tourism 10 September, 2019 All Regions
Event 13th UNWTO Asia-Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy 24 - 27 June, 2019 Asia and the Pacific
Commission Meeting Event 31st Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and the UNWTO Commission for South Asia & UNWTO Regional Conference on Sustainable Development through Tourism 02 - 04 June, 2019 Asia and the Pacific
UNWTO Commission for Europe 64th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe and Workshop on Growth, Innovation and Partnership 26 - 29 May, 2019 Europe
Courses Curso Internacional de la OMT en Argentina “Turismo Rural Comunitario como motor de desarrollo endógeno” 26 - 30 May, 2019 All Regions
Commission Meeting Event 64th meeting of the Regional Commission for the Americas 15 May, 2019 Americas