Courses GRANT - Master UNWTO-UOC in "Sustainable Tourism Destination Strategy and Management" 28 May, 2017 All Regions
Courses GRANT for Andorra for the UNWTO-UOC "Sustainable Tourism Destination Strategy and Management” master course in Spanish - 2017 Edition 28 May, 2017 All Regions
Courses BECAS para la Maestría en Gestión de Destinos Turísticos Anáhuac en colaboración con la OMT en la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, México 24 - 26 May, 2017 All Regions
UNWTO Master Class on “Attracting Chinese Tourism to the Mediterranean Countries” 24 May, 2017 Europe
Commission Meeting The 29th Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and the UNWTO Commission for South Asia (29th CAP-CSA) & UNWTO Regional Forum on Crisis Communication 16 May, 2017 Asia and the Pacific
Workshop INSCRIPTION pour UNWTO Practicum sur “La communication de crises en tourisme” (Edition en Français) 14 May, 2017 All Regions
Conference 3rd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism: Enhancing the sector's sustainability through shared responsibilities 26 - 27 April, 2017 All Regions