January 23, 2019
UNWTO.TedQual reaches 220 certified tourism educational programmes worldwide
Did you know the UNWTO.TedQual Certification Programme from UNWTO currently has 220 certified Tourism Educational programmes from 35 different countries around the globe?
Check the World Map of UNWTO.TedQual certified educational programmes and Institutions here!
Continuous improvement to foster the employability of graduate students and match the sector's needs.
- Based on the understanding that quality of tourism education and training should be seen as a comprehensive and continuous process.
- The needs of the key beneficiaries (students, employers, faculty and civil society) have to be met by the study programme.
Institutions applying for the certification will also be making a commitment to gradually incorporate into their programme(s) the purposes and principles of the United Nations—as reflected in the UN SDGs, ILO policy papers on decent work, and specifically, the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. As a result, all Institutions/Programmes with a UNWTO.TedQual Certification will be part of a continuous quality improvement process that integrates the UN purposes and principles as a transversal issue.
The core issue to be evaluated centres upon the student and the connection and response of the programme to the needs of employers (public and private) and to the global, national and local reality. Further key aspects evaluated are the curriculum and pedagogical system, the faculty and management and extent to which the Programme(s) embrace the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
For more information, please contact the UNWTO.TedQual team at tedqual@unwtothemis.org.