UN Tourism Students’ League - Who

UN Tourism Students’ League - Who

Can you resolve the current challenges of the Tourism Sector? Build a team and come and give us your best solutions.


The categories for each league/Challenge per year will be announced clearly beforehand.

Only 1 Registration/Team per School/Institution/University for each age category/per challenge* will be accepted and will need an official support letter from the Institution they represent, clearly stating the names of the students/team members.  
* the same students cannot work on the 2 independent challenges, the students must be different for each challenge. 

Requirements for Individual Student / Teams participation

  • Students/teams from
    • Students/ Education & Training Institutions from UN Member States** 
      ** * Submissions from students/Institutions located in a territory that is the subject of a dispute of sovereignty or other, before the United Nations will not be considered.
  • For the Middle School Category (11-13 year-old), the submissions will be made by the School (single or multiple student Team to be decided by the school) with the designation of 1 student as representative. 
  • For High School (14-18), Undergraduates (max. 25 year-old) and Master degree students (max. 29 year-old), the submissions will be made by Teams of 5 Members + 1 Institution representative/teacher
    • Teams of 5 permanent members + the possibility to draw-in 1 extra team member from another degree, etc according to the level of studies established. 
      • Creative thinking and problem solving
      • Ability to think out-of-the-box
      • Teams must be effective communicators and have a good understanding and defend the Global Tourism Code of Ethics and SDGs
  • Each submission must be supported by the Institution with an official letter

National UNWTO Students' Leagues

  • Ages to be defined for each country
  • Participation in Teams of 5 members + 1 Institution representative/teacher *

*Students who have completed previous degrees in other subjects will not be accepted in order to maintain the impartiality of age groups and life experience between teams

Access UN Tourism Students' League Platform
