Fitur Talent: Innovation as a driver of education
PLEASE NOTE: For physical attendance, kindly address and email to iei@unwto.org. Seats are limited due to COVID restrictions, we therefore encourage you to reserve your place as soon as possible.
The restart of tourism will play a central role in wider recovery from the devastating impacts of the pandemic. The sector is a leading employer and provider of opportunity, and advances in tourism education will allow even more people to benefit.
The session will be focused on the strategic importance of online education as a pillar for job creation. Our distinguished panel will also discuss the future of online education and the place of innovation in shaping a better educational system.
Join our session to learn more about how online education will help create millions of skilled jobs and drive sustainable economic growth globally.
Preliminary Programme
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Welcome address H.E. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General at UNWTO
H.E. Reyes Maroto, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of Spain (TBC)
Keynote 1: H.E. Manuel Butler, Executive Director at UNWTO
Keynote 2: UNWTO Education Strategy 2021 by Ms. Natalia Bayona, UNWTO Director of Innovation, Education, and Investments.
Keynote 3: H.E. Mohammed Bushnag, Deputy Minister for the Tourism Human Capital at Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Keynote 4: “Branding and education, a tool for positive change” by Mr. Andy Stalman, CEO de TOTEM Branding.
Round Table 1: The Future of Education - Moderator: IE University
- Martín Rodriguez, Director of IE Publishing at IE University (Moderator)
- Jose Antonio perez-aranda Canela, Director Escuela Universitaria Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT
- Idoia Calleja, Director of programs and masters, Basque Culinary Center
- Carlos Diez de la Lastra, CEO at les Roches Marbella
- Ana Paula País, Director Training at Tourism
Keynote: H.E. María Claudia Lacouture Pinedo, Former Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia.
Round table 2: The innovation factor in online education – Startups pitching session.
- Siliconbali (Portugal, marketplace for immersive local experiences)
- Apply Board (Canada, marketplace in education)
- Immersion India (India, Experiential Learning Programs)
- IDialogue (Russia, Community-Centered Remote Learning Ecosystem)
- Havuta (Switzerland, NGO data collector in education) Virtual.
Presentation & Discussion: Distinguished Education Course
- Dr. Alex Gertschen, Lecturer, Head of Program, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
- Michèle Mischer, Head, Swiss Public Affairs and Sustainability at World Economic Forum (WEF)
- Hassan Kadbi, CEO at Hapimag AG
- Dr. Renée-Nicole Wagner, Project Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Northern Europe at Accor
Closing remarks by Natalia Bayona UNWTO Director of Innovation, Education, and Investments