Webinars Online Event: UNWTO Tourism Tech Adventures on Aviation Technologies 10 September, 2020 All Regions
Webinars COVID-19 The deep impact of COVID-19 on tourism from a statistical perspective 24 August, 2020 Middle East
Webinars COVID-19 UNWTO Webinar - The future of the hospitality sector post COVID-19: Middle East Insights 18 August, 2020 Middle East
Webinars SDGs Tourism Futures in the 2030 Agenda: Innovation and Sustainability as the New Normal 14 July - 14 March, 2020 All Regions
UNWTO Webinar: Ready for take-off? What do travellers expect from destinations 07 July, 2020 All Regions
COVID-19 Webinars Market Intelligence Masterclass for Africa: Big Data for Planning and Recovery – An Introduction 06 July, 2020 Africa
Webinars COVID-19 UNWTO Webinar para las Américas: Maximizando el big data para generar valor en el mercado domestico 30 June, 2020 Americas
COVID-19 Webinars Brand Africa and the path towards tourism recovery: positive stories from the African continent 30 June, 2020 Africa
The 32nd Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific & the UNWTO Commission for South Asia 30 June, 2020 Asia and the Pacific