Webinars COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Solutions - presentation of winning solution 29 June, 2020 All Regions
COVID-19 Webinars Innovative Healing solutions for the tourism private sector 29 June, 2020 Middle East
UNWTO Commission for Europe 65th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe (CEU) 25 June, 2020 Europe
COVID-19 Webinars Impacto de la COVID19 en los derechos de los consumidores de servicios turísticos 22 June, 2020 Americas
Event SUSPENDED - UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and Accessibility 16 - 17 June, 2020 Americas
UNWTO Asia-Pacific Webinar on Technical Assistance for Tourism Recovery 10 June, 2020 Asia and the Pacific
COVID-19 Webinars The future of consumer rights protection in tourism post Covid-19: The road to international standards 09 June, 2020 Europe
Commission Meeting Sixty-third meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa (CAF) 08 June, 2020 Africa
COVID-19 Webinars Quo Vadis Tourism: Agenda 2030 and SDGs in times of Covid-19: the chance to true recovery 27 May, 2020 Europe