Events Calendar 2020_Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific 06 November, 2020 Asia and the Pacific
Enabling Frameworks for Tourism Investment, presentation UNWTO Investment Guidelines 28 October, 2020 All Regions
Tourism Investment Guidelines, Global Greenfield Investments Trends in collaboration with the fDi Intelligence from the Financial Times 22 October, 2020 All Regions
UNWTO-Casa Árabe webinar on The Economic impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in the Arab world 21 October, 2020 Middle East
COVID-19 Webinars Food Supply & Tourism in the Caribbean: Mitigating the Impacts of COVID 19 and Accelerating Recovery 25 September, 2020 Americas
Webinars COVID-19 UNWTO-OIV Webinar: “Innovating in wine tourism in the context of COVID-19" 22 September, 2020 All Regions