Neuvième réunion - Comité des statistiques et du compte satellite du tourisme
12 - 13 March, 2008
- Final programme (anglais)
- Final list of participants
- Round table documents:
- Canada
- Czech Republic
- India
- Spain
- Egypt
- Ireland
- International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics (IRTS) and The Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA:RMF):
- Joint report UNSD / UNWTO on tourism statistics, submitted to the 39th session of the UN Statistical Commission, February 2009 (anglais) (espagnol) (français)
- Report of the Friends of the Chair on integrated economic statistics, submitted to the 39th session of the UN Statistical Commission, February 2009 (anglais) (espagnol) (français)
- IRTS and TSA:RMF revision process: what’s next?:
- Fifth UNWTO International Conference on Tourism Statistics, Bali (Indonesia), March 2009: