L'atelier de l'OMT sur les «Tendances actuelles du eMarketing par le tourisme» a été clôturé à Kèdainiai
With over fifty participants from Lithuania, the UNWTO Capacity Building Workshop in Lithuania on “Current Trends in Tourism eMarketing”, organized by the World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania was closed on 14th November by Hon. Mr. Saulius Grinkevičius, Major of Kèdainiai; Prof. Dr. Renaldas Čiužas, Head of Tourism Policy Division of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania; Mr. Peter Janech, UNWTO Programme Officer; Lidija Bajaruniene, Tourism Policy Division, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania; and Sònia Figueras UNWTO.Capacity Programme Manager.
This workshop was designed to allow participants to gain a better understanding of market analysis, segmentation, targeting techniques and travel behaviour in the global market. It provided knowledge, tools and examples of best practices to enable participants to implement the acquired knowledge in their work