Assembly Daily 03 | General Assembly Special Edition

Assembly Daily 03 | General Assembly Special Edition

UN Tourism News

- Assembly Daily |General Assembly Special Edition -

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24th General Assembly reappoints Zurab Pololikashvili for second term as Secretary General

The Secretary General of the UNWTO Zurab Pololikashjvili received an overwhelming endorsement by the General Assembly to lead the UN Specialized Agency for a second term for 2022-2025.

Antonio Guterres
UN Secretary General lauds UNWTO for leading the restart of tourism
The Secretary General of the United Nations António Guterres has applauded the efforts of the UNWTO for guiding and leading the efforts to restart the tourism sector.
Prime Minister of Spain opens Thematic Session on Innovation

The Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez officially opened the Thematic Session on Tourism Innovation, Education and Rural Development on Day 2 of the General Assembly.

Addressing delegates, Prime Minister Sánchez said Spain didn't hesitate to step in and host the General Assembly after the Kingdom of Morocco was forced to cancel their plans due t the pandemic. He recognized the importance of tourism for Spain, as a cornerstone of his government's plans for rural development and opportunity. The Prime Minister also expressed his continued strong support for UNWTO's mission and again stressed the importance of the global community working together to restart tourism, including through ensuring vaccine equality.

A Glance at Today’s Activities
UN and International Community Backing
The heads of several international organizations have sent messages of support for UNWTO and its Members during the General Assembly. Highlighting UNWTO’s work around the safe restart of tourism, WHO Executive Director Dr Tedros Admanom addressed Members at the start of the Plenary Sessions. Also sending messages were the heads of ICAO and UNCTAD and the Vice-President of the European Commission. 
36 new UNWTO Affiliate Members
UNWTO welcomed 35 new Affiliate Members into itsnetwork of more than 500 entities from the tourism private sector. New members will contribute to strengthening the role of the private sector and add value to the Organization.
Photo Gallery
General Assembly - Twenty-fourth session
Didier Drogba teams up with UNWTO to create Opportunities for African Youth
African and Ivorian Football Legend Didier Drogba has partnered with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in offering opportunities for African youth and women. The partnership was formalized with the signing of an MOU between UNWTO and the Didier Drogba Foundation. The partnership is to highlight the potential of African youth and ensure that both tourism and sport deliver on their potential to provide opportunities for all. 
Next up on day 4!

Morning Session

Affiliate Members Corner

Venue: Marsella/Burdeos/Estrasburgo

115th session of the Executive Council

Venue: Frankfurt/Munich/Dusseldorf/Colonia


Afternoon Session

Programme and Budget Committee

Venue: Roma/Milan/Venecia

Associate Members meeting

Venue: Frankfurt/Munich/Dusseldorf/Colonia

UNWTO media highlights:
Washington Post

Covid is set to cost the tourism industry $1.6 trillion this year. Omicron could make it worse

Le Figaro

Tourisme: l'OMT appelle à la «solidarité» face aux restrictions anti-Covid

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