Premier congrès régional sur l’autonomisation des femmes dans le secteur touristique- focus sur l’Afrique
The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), presents its compliments to the Members of the UNWTO Commission for Africa, the Affiliate Members, International Organizations of the region as well as other recipients and has the honor to inform them of the hosting of the First Regional Congress on Women Empowerment in the Tourism sector – Focus on Africa from 25-27 November 2019 hosted by the Government of the Republic of Ghana.
It would be appreciated if the recipients of this note could save these dates in their agenda and take the necessary measures to ensure their participation to the event.
The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Members of the UNWTO Commission for Africa, the affiliate members and International Organizations of the region and other recipients, the assurances of its highest consideration.