Finalistes des concours et des défis de l’innovation de l’OMT
L’OMT a conçu cet espace en ligne comme une « vitrine » des start-up de premier plan de l’écosystème mondial de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat dans le tourisme, suivant le mandat qui lui a été confié de promouvoir un tourisme universellement accessible, durable et inclusif et les priorités de la direction, au nombre desquelles l’innovation et la transformation numérique.
Cet espace réunit les lauréats et les finalistes des concours et des défis de l’innovation de l’OMT avec leur présentation (pitch deck).
Les grandes sociétés, investisseurs, institutions, centres d’enseignement, accélérateurs, incubateurs et les autres start-up sont encouragés à interagir activement et à dégager des synergies pour redéfinir le voyage tel qu’on le connaît aujourd’hui.
"Les start-up permettent à la société de profiter plus vite des nouvelles avancées. C’est en les mettant en relation avec des partenaires et des investisseurs potentiels qu’elles pourront mettre en œuvre leurs projets. Ce flux de savoir et d’investissement représente un paradigme novateur pour l’adoption des technologies dernier cri dans le tourisme, au niveau des pays comme des entreprises."
Natalia Bayona,
Directrice de l'Innovation,
l'éducation et les investissements
Start-up arrivées en tête
(Par ordre alphabétique)
La Paz (Bolivie)
Finaliste - 1st Tourism Tech Adventure for The Americas
Ma famille est originaire des bords du lac Titicaca, au cœur des Andes, dans la communauté de Lojpaya, La Paz (Bolivie). Mon père, comme tant d’autres issus de familles paysannes, s’en est allé très jeune en ville, faute de perspectives en milieu rural. Comme beaucoup, il est parti, mais sans jamais vraiment se couper de sa communauté.
Il est ironique qu’un pays tel que la Bolivie, doté d’une telle diversité et d’une telle richesse géographique et culturelle, souffre d’un exode rural continu qui ne cesse de faire diminuer la part de la population rurale (2017, 70 % urbaine, 30 % rurale). Du point de vue social, il est dramatique de perdre ces populations rurales, mais aussi avec elles tous les éléments qui en font la singularité (langues, traditions, festivals, etc.), et que le capital physique et humain existant soit sous-utilisé.
Toutefois, au cours de la dernière décennie, la croissance soutenue de l’économie bolivienne a fait augmenter sensiblement le revenu moyen. Deux millions de Boliviens se sont hissés dans la tranche de revenus de la classe moyenne. En outre, de nouveaux modes de consommation sont apparus, pouvant alimenter potentiellement la demande touristique.
Malgré ce nouveau contexte, l’offre touristique reste éclatée. D’un côté, on continue de trouver une offre traditionnelle, très segmentée (soit très chère pour le tourisme externe, soit de qualité très inférieure pour le marché local). Ses retombées ne profitent qu’à quelques-uns, assurant juste la subsistance des autres, et sans qu’il y ait de juste milieu en termes de rapport qualité-prix pour une classe moyenne en pleine expansion.
Par ailleurs, le Gouvernement bolivien mène des politiques de promotion du tourisme communautaire en vue du développement d’initiatives gérées par les communautés et leur appartenant en propre. Malheureusement, les réussites venues du public sont peu nombreuses tandis qu’abondent les fonds investis dans les hôtels ruraux, sans résultats concrets, beaucoup étant laissés à l’abandon.
Proposition :
Tout part de ma conviction qu’il existe une troisième voie. D’après mon expérience et ma connaissance du secteur (j’ai été guide touristique pendant 15 ans et je suis économiste de métier), une condition fondamentale du succès de toute initiative touristique est l’existence d’entrepreneurs privés de pointe et en même temps socialement engagés envers leur communauté.
Le modèle que je propose est celui d’un entrepreneuriat familial, étroitement lié à sa communauté d’origine. Ce modèle s’inspire de ce qu’il y a de mieux de chaque côté : un projet touristique reposant sur une base privée (familiale), mais expressément à vocation sociale. L’entrepreneur, un membre ou une famille de la communauté, supporte les risques et les coûts du développement d’une offre d’hébergement touristique (gîte, hôtel rural, camping, etc.) et sous-traite les services (transport, restauration, produits, services) aux membres de sa communauté, ce qui permet de dégager un revenu et de s’approprier l’initiative. Nous avons testé le modèle au gîte du Lac sacré… et ça marche !
La start-up a pour mission de soutenir le développement d’entreprises touristiques familiales en milieu rural suivant ce modèle, par la prestation de services de gestion virtuels ponctuels et efficaces. Plus précisément, la proposition consiste à :
- Constituer une plateforme de services aux fins du développement d’initiatives de tourisme familial rural, pour la prestation de services d’assistance technique, pour la formation des fournisseurs (communauté), la gestion des réservations et le marketing, en mettant l’accent sur le tourisme local ;
- Instaurer des mécanismes consacrant l’engagement avec la communauté (développement des fournisseurs, prestation du service, planification conjointe, transparence) ;
- Constituer un réseau d’entrepreneurs suivant ce modèle d’exploitation.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques
Category: Local community involvement
Astrostays is a community-led Astro-tourism model that merges Astronomy and community development initiatives for creating sustainable socio-economic opportunities for rural communities. By the very nature of astrotourism, the best vantage points are predominantly located in remote and rural areas. However, despite seeing a strong growth in recent years, the socio-economic impact of astro-tourism on these lesser-known, remote areas has been very limited. One of the major reasons being that all too often in traditional astro-tourism offerings, local communities are rarely integrated in the tourism value chain. In 2019, the initiative was born in collaboration with this International Astronomical Union – Office of Astronomy for Development (IAU – OAD). Astrostays combine astro-tourism and community experiences – where the hosts are not scientists but trained local people who take travellers through dark sky journeys and experiences. Visitors can expect a holistic program involving cultural heritage and exchange, local art & craft, indigenous folklore, local cuisine and more.
Competitive Advantage:
In traditional Astro-tourism offerings, the focus is primarily on scientific experiences and crucially the centre of experience is generally an observatory or an astronomy institution near a destination. Astrostays essentially combine community run homestays and community spaces that are owned and operated by trained local youth and women – with astronomy as the key drawing point - that benefit directly from the revenue gained both from the homestays accommodations and the star gazing sessions with tourists. This unique model combining astro-tourism and community experiences is a value-addition that differentiates Astrostays from other community based homestays as well as astrotourism businesses that focus majorly on scientific experiences.
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
BeFC produce paper-based biofuel cells as an environmentally-friendly and sustainable energy solution. We combine our clean energy solution with flexible electronics platforms that have been optimised to our energy source. Our technology is metal-free and plastic-free, meaning it can be easily disposed of with minimal or negligible impact to the environment, or even composted. BeFC use bio-sourced and sustainable materials. In fact, the materials used in fabrication of our biofuel cells are simply cellulose and carbon papers, sugars, salts and enzymes.
The technology is based on the use of enzymes to convert glucose (sugar) and oxygen into electricity. BeFC has decades of expertise in optimising the biochemical wiring of enzymes to carbon paper, culminating in a 6-patent portfolio.
We know the future will be smart, but at BeFC we believe it can be smart and sustainable.
Competitive advantage: BeFC technology is a hybrid energy harvester with supercapacitive behaviour. Our products can provide very high power densities for short pulses of duration, and then slowly self-recharge by harvesting the natural energy from glucose and oxygen.
Market: BeFC are targeting the next generation of connected devices, from wearable patches in health and medical applications, point-of-care single-use/single-patient tests, to connected packaging and logistics, including monitoring refrigerated pharmaceuticals, to remote environmental IoT sensors.
Business model: BeFC are currently working with several leading global companies via joint development agreements to develop the next generation of connected products. We plan to sell our paper biofuel cells as a B2B model, along with our electronic platforms where necessary.
Use cases: Contact tracing, point-of-use medical testing, air quality monitoring, luggage tracking, tracking or persons in travel hubs.
Contact: jules.hammond@befc.fr
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 3 – Good health and well-being
BlueDot protects people around the world from infectious diseases with human and artificial intelligence. We help governments protect their citizens, hospitals protect their staff and patients, and businesses protect their employees and customers.Our team understands the complexity of the challenge in front of us – and that the urgency to solve the problem has never been greater. We’ve combined our public health and medical expertise with advanced data analytics to build solutions that track, contextualize, and anticipate infectious disease risks.
Competitive advantage:
- Patented global early warning system for tracking and predicting the spread of dangerous infectious diseases
- World-leading partners and clients in public health, healthcare, insurance, and defense
- Diverse & world-leading teamStrong track record and reputation built off of repeated of successes, including predicting the spread of Zika into the Miami, Florida area 6 months before the first case
- Purpose-built and proprietary AI engine and analytics
Sevilla, Spain
Finalist Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge
About Chekin (Formely Roundbob.com)
Autonomous Check-In is becoming essential for travelers in these uncertain times, to comply with the hygiene and security measures that a physical reception can hardly offer.
Chekin offers hotel and property managers around the world a digital solution to easily, comfortably and safely conduct guest registration.
Thanks to our technological solution, we automate all the legal requirements of a fragmented tourist legislation, which often changes from city to city. This ranges from signing the rental agreement to paying the tourist tax, making it an especially useful tool for hosts with a high number of properties. The other functionalities are joined to the legal and fees area: OCR scanner, biometric mapping (DNI vs selfie) and the most important in these times, the pre-Check-In, which will help the tourism sector to carry out this process of remotely and respecting social distancing. For this we integrate with any type of smart lock and facilitate a completely autonomous Check-In process, from the registration of travelers, through the verification of identities to access to accommodation, 0% contact, 100% comfort.
The solution is based on a B2B model where hosts are offered a technological solution (which can be a mobile app for small clients, or an API that integrates with the API of larger clients) that allows reducing and digitize the different tasks involved in registering a new guest, allowing traveler access, document scanning, cloud storage, sending information to the Police or managing tourist tax in just 3 minutes.
The integration of our API with the smart locks of our clients is very important to give autonomous access to the guest and complete the Self Check-In process."
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 13 – Climate Action
ClimateTrade is a cutting-edge solution born to disrupt the traditional carbon markets by providing alternative solutions to help corporations achieve carbon neutrality. ClimateTrade marketplace provides an innovative tool for responsible companies to offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits directly from mitigation project developers, avoiding unreliable or unaudited intermediaries and allowing project developers to get the right price and promoting, therefore, fair trade practices and honest promotion of sustainability and SDG’s (specially SDG 15 but also other collateral) thus generating a real positive environmental and social impact.Our solution is fully based on Blockchain technology which brings the carbon offsetting process to a new dimension providing transparency, reliability and traceability to any transaction on a peer to peer basis. Besides, we have developed a sophisticated API REST to include carbon offsetting in any commercial transaction done worldwide in order to help our clients offer their own customers carbon neutral products and services.
Competitive advantage: We have shaped an excellent solution that solves the current global needs by automating and simplifying the carbon offsetting process with complete transparency and traceability through Blockchain Technology.
Market: There is an evident and urgent need to take action. A wider consciousness is growing in all social and economic sectors and it is crucial to tackle the climate crisis.Our solution is addressed to any corporation willing to voluntarily or mandatorily offset their carbon emissions and move towards carbon neutrality. Out target market, therefore, is potentially wide and global with multiple applications in different verticals.
Business model: ClimateTrade platform connects both mitigation project developers and offseter entities peer to peer. Our company charges a % fee per transaction in the platform. We also charge a fare for the integration of our API and the licence use. We offer consulting services on sustainability matters, carbon footprint calculation and assessment report.
Use cases:
- Airlines, offsetting flight emissions.Passengers can offset the carbon footprint of their flights in the purchase process.
- Melia Hotels. Guests can offset the carbon footprint of theis accommodation during the booking process.
- Mobility. Offsetting the carbon emissions of taxis and car-sharing companies.
- Travel agencies can offer carbon neutrality on their services.
Our solution has many applications in the touristic sector.
Contact: fran@climatetrade.com
Climber RMS
Lisbon, Portugal
Finalist 1st UNWTO Start Up Competition
Most of the hotels don't have time to run their revenue management and find difficult to manage all the data. However in such competitive market, they also want to be more competitive and bring better results. Climber helps on this through dynamic pricing and automated generated reports, which allows hoteliers to detect revenue opportunities on a clean interface. Climber enables the hoteliers to work more efficiently and save time.
Climber has 2 products, one with target for hotel chains with more revenue management culture and another one for small and independent hotels with less revenue management culture. Both easy-to-use, clean and visual. Both with support and free training provided and also we give the possibility to due revenue management consultancy with our partners.
Clio Muse Tours
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
Founded in 2014, Clio Muse enables professionals to create self-guided audio / virtual / skip-the-line tours via our online authoring platform following our award-winning storytelling methodology. Tours are then listed on all major OTAs for travelers to book. For each booking, tour creators get a commission. Museums also use our platform to upload their collections and stories. Tour creators get an extra revenue stream. OTAs get a great product of unlimited availability to offer as an upsell to other products. Museums get access to a vast network of travelers. Travelers find a digital guide for each destination. Currently, we’re offering >300 products for 11 countries. In 2019 we served 50K travelers, reaching YoY 10x revenues (€ 760K), while in Jan ‘20 we saw a 200% YoY increase.
Competitive advantage:
- Our technology is sustainable and scalable.
- We facilitate partnering culture and tourism.
- Our award winning storytelling methodology creates optimal visitor experience.
- Unlimited availability and upsell.
- Low customer acquisition.
- Applicable in any country.
- Several successful partnerships.
Market: The size of the Online tours & activities market is $27B. Self-guided tours were seen as a smart upsell for global OTAs. Now they are seen as the biggest opportunity in the tours & activities market by all kinds of tourism companies because they offer the independence new-age travellers need.
Business model:
B2C & B2B2C: audio/virtual tours sold through our eshop & OTAs, as standalone products or packaged with entry tickets for attractions. Prices: €11-€50 /traveller (30-70% profit margin).
B2B: content & tech services to Museums to create touristic products. Prices: €5K-€20K (60-90% profit margin).
Use cases:
- Providing alternative revenue streams for tourist guides & tour operators.
- Connecting highly visited with lesser known areas for a more equal tourism dispersal and economic growth.
- Providing museums and attractions a value-for money platform to digitize their cultural heritage & create innovative touristic products.
- Providing OTAs & other distributors an unlimited availability tour, perfect to upsell to non tour-takers & FITs, thus creating a new profitable extra service for their portfolio.
- Providing a high-quality self-guided tour to travellers looking to explore new destinations independently at their own pace.
Contact: daphne@cliomusetours.com
Community Homestay Network
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
About Community Homestay Network
In relation to SDG 8, we have been providing communities with an additional income source within their own homes. In 2019, we were able to provide communities with 100 euros additional income and create 768 jobs. In light of COVID-19 we have pivoted our business model towards product development through which we will work with communities to help them leverage their local expertise to develop.
Competitive advantage: CHN works with rural communities which traditionally had very limited or no tourism activities. Our partnerships with some of the big players in the global tourism industry has helped to magnify its impact on the destinations. CHN is different from others as it works directly on a large scale with the homestays at the community level rather than the individual level.
Market: Our market can be divided into B2B and B2C segments. In the B2B segments, we have international and local travel agents who seek to provide the customer base with immersive cultural travel experience and social organizations looking to accommodate their teams to volunteer in rural areas. Within the B2C segment, we have foreign travelers who are keen on exploring lesser known destinations with local interactions.
Business model: CHN acts as a liaison between communities and travelers, adding value along the way. Our business model focuses on partnering, collaborating, supporting and reinvesting in the communities to develop and support tourism enterprises and destinations to help them better understand and serve foreign travellers.
Use cases:
- Stimulate local economies and help create employment opportunities
- Preserve cultures and enable cultural exchange
- Women Empowerment
- Promote personal and community development
- A hassle free solution provided by a single platform that enables travelers to visit local communities in Nepal
Contact: info@communityhomestay.com
CultuAR- AR Vision
Grenade (Espagne)
Finaliste du concours de l’OMT de tourisme rural
Le monde rural est une source de richesse économique, culturelle et sociale toujours plus menacée. Il représente 85 % du territoire mais seulement 20 % de la population de l’Espagne. L’exode rural et le peu d’habitants de ces petites communes se traduisent par un déclin économique, un dépeuplement plus important et, en conséquence, par une baisse des investissements dans les infrastructures et dans le tissu d’entreprises. Ce à quoi il faut ajouter la menace que cela représente pour le patrimoine culturel qui fait la singularité de chaque recoin de l’Espagne. La transmission culturelle entre les générations se fait de plus en plus difficilement, car il y a de moins en moins de résidents à qui raconter et apprendre tous ces dictons locaux, proverbes, histoires, fêtes culturelles, plats typiques, etc.
Le dépeuplement et le peu d’offre commerciale donnent des villages déserts, peu attirants pour les touristes désireux de découvrir des lieux nouveaux, d’en connaître les curiosités et d’en goûter les spécialités. Pour se faire valoir, ces lieux nouveaux doivent être prêts à recevoir les touristes, en leur offrant la possibilité et les moyens d’apprécier leur vaste patrimoine culturel. De fait, de nombreux touristes choisissent leur destination d’après les informations qu’ils trouvent dans les médias numériques.
CulturAR s’emploie à mettre fin à cette discrimination géographique en mettant à la disposition de n’importe quelle commune un outil technologique pour proposer son patrimoine culturel aux touristes, et devenir un « village intelligent ».
De plus, en l’état actuel de la situation causée par la pandémie, les institutions publiques et touristiques sont face à un besoin impérieux de proposer des expériences innovantes et attrayantes pour les touristes et dans de bonnes conditions de sécurité. La transformation numérique du secteur est fondamentale pour agir sur ces deux fronts. En 2019, nous développons notre produit viable minimum CultuAR, produit d’AR Vision, testé par le conseil provincial de Málaga et l’université de Grenade.
CultuAR est une application personnalisée permettant d’ajouter de précieuses informations en réalité augmentée sur les lieux d’intérêt touristique de la commune. En scannant un marqueur et grâce à la géolocalisation, le touriste accède à des contenus en 2D et en 3D personnalisés selon l’endroit où il se trouve. C’est une application très commode, car elle ne requiert pas de connexion à internet, et elle continuellement améliorée. Ce n’est donc pas un produit figé, qui pourrait devenir obsolète, mais un produit qui évolue constamment, de façon à offrir aux touristes des services toujours plus nombreux.
United States of America
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
For artificial intelligence to live up to its promise, it needs to be properly trained with data. A lot of data; annotated and validated for machine learning purposes. But acquiring this data is expensive and time-consuming for companies. That is where DefinedCrowd steps in. We provide the high-quality, prepared data needed to train AI initiatives to become smart, fluent, and natural. Whether it is through our customized data collection or our off-the-shelf data offering. Sourced, annotated, and validated by a global crowd of over 500,000 members and available in over 50+ languages, our world-class data will fuel everything from virtual assistants and chatbots to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and search and recommendation algorithms. Whether you are aiming to provide more human-like customer service or improve medical reporting, DefinedCrowd will empower your AI initiatives to drive business goals while ensuring unbiased datasets. DefinedCrowd works every day to overcome the language barriers of AI technologies, making this technology available to everyone, in a fairness, unbiased and ethical way, democratizing the access to AI. It is why we’ve been serving Fortune 500 companies since day one. DefinedCrowd is headquartered in Seattle, with R&D offices in Porto, Lisbon and Tokyo.
Competitive advantage: DefinedCrowd guarantees 98% data quality, speed, and scale. With a community of over 500.000 crowd members worldwide, DefinedCrowd covers 70+ countries and 50+ languages (and dialects).
Market: Potentially any business implementing AI initiatives or in the process of a digital transformation may need our data. From training data to AI, machine translation translation or Evaluation of Experience through testing to fine tune models, there’s endless possibilities to work with us.
Business model: DefinedCrowd provides a suite of products based on PaaS that includes an online marketplace of off-the-shelf AI datasets available upon a monthly subscription or as a one-time purchase and project-based data collections/annotations performed by our Neevo community (crowdsourcing platform) and fully customizable and managed by the customer through our Enterprise Portal and API also available upon subscription.
Use cases:
- Virtual assistants for Tourism Boards, Museums, Stadiums, etc
- Real-time translations for cultural events
- Chatbots for online services (make reservations, to check flights, buy a ticket for an event)
Contact: sales@definedcrowd.com
Eatour srls
Viterbe (Italie)
Finaliste du deuxième concours de l’OMT de start-up de tourisme de gastronomie
Eatour est une application qui mesure la valeur nutritionnelle et l’empreinte carbone de nos repas quotidiens. Elle aide à réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone en suggérant une « alimentation respectueuse de l’environnement », préparée par des nutritionnistes et par des ingénieurs écologues. Le CO2 économisé va dans une tirelire qui est validée sur une chaîne de blocs et donne des « crédits » à utiliser. Eatour génère une consommation responsable, du savoir sur les changements climatiques et une mobilisation face à cet enjeu mondial. Les badges, prix et crédits obtenus en faisant des économies de CO2 sont une forte motivation et une forme de jeu pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques.
Madrid, Spain
Winner 2nd UNWTO Global Startup Competition
At eccocar we offer digital mobility solutions to accelerate the world's transition towards sustainable mobility. We provide the necessary technology for rental cars, car dealers and fleet managers to launch, operate and scale mobility services through a White Label App and Platform, multimodal and multi vehicular, where the final consumer can quickly and easily find nearby transportation options. Our technology is designed to obtain mobility data in real time, allowing our partners to optimize the efficiency of their fleet and minimize their operating costs.
Our main goal is to reduce the consumption of resources and emissions generated in the manufacture of vehicles. There are 1 billion vehicles in the world, if we manage to share all the vehicles, the number of new cars would decrease by 30%. Therefore, the reduction in automobiles would be 300 million, which means avoiding 18 billion tons of CO2.
We make it easier for car rentals and fleet managers to adapt to new mobility trends, making it possible for them to offer good shared mobility services, which permits a significant decrease in the number of vehicles needed to offer the same service level, which would have an impact on reducing car manufacturing. We also encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, significantly reducing pollution in the most populated areas. Finally, we free up public space in cities and reduce traffic congestion, making cities more livable.
We have also developed 'the eccobox': the first do-it-yourself hardware that can open the doors of any vehicle without installation, in order to offer an after market device that facilitates the digital transition to rent-a-car and corporate fleets.
Contacless technology for mobility of a postpandemic world - Eccocar from Eccocar on Vimeo.
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation
ECOLOO is an onsite biological treatment toilet system that employs enzyme to terminate odour, break down human waste into ashes & converts urine into fertilizer that is odour free, rich with nutrients, perfect for garden/farm.
ECOLOO is eco friendly, odour free, water free, sewage free, energy free & hassle free with minimal maintenance cost. It is easy to maintain & saves water from being flushed. There is no sewage created so no septic tank or suction required.
ECOLOO was co-invented in Sweden & mass produced in Malaysia with global presence in 25 countries.
Our success stories:
- biodiversity conservation at UNESCO Heritage Sites in Jordan by implementing ECOLOO at Petra, Wadi & Dibbeen Reserves; it stops open defecation practice & boosts tourism sector
- greener beach in Chile
- greener floating chalets & cleaner lake in Malaysia
Our customers include UNDP Jordan, UNESCO Heritage Operator, Ministry of Tourism.
ECOLOO contributes to achieve SDG6 directly & SDG3,4,6,9,11,13 indirectly.
Competitive advantage:
- Eco-friendly
- Easy to use, install, move, maintain
- Minimal water usage, only for cleaning/hygiene
- Minimal treatment/maintenance cost
- Odourless during/after use of toilets
- No energy demand (solar can be implemented if required)
- No IST/STP/suction required
- Byproduct fertilizer
Market: The possible market would be tourist attraction areas such as: National Parks, Heritage Sites, Glamping Sites, Rest & Relax/Stop over areas, Islands/Beaches/Rivers/Waterfalls, Camper Vans/Sleeper Buses/Ferries/Floating Houses or restaurants, International Events/Festivals/Conferences/Exhibitions/Sports/Spiritual
Business model: ECOLOO business model includes:
- sales
- rental
- lease
- maintenance of our eco toilets that can be individual or multiple, depending on the needs. The revenues can also be generated from vending machines (toilet & hygiene accessories), advertisements inside/outside toilets & sales of fertilizer.
Use cases:
- Saving gallons of water from being flushed by public
- Saving maintenance cost of public toilets
- Providing convenience & relief for tourists
- Protecting parks, beaches, islands, river & lakes from pollution
- Preventing ground water from contamination
Contact: zuraina@ecoloo.eu
Eco Nubia
Assouan (Égypte)
Lauréat - Tourism Tech Adventure Middle East: Egypt
Nous aidons les populations locales à découvrir leurs propres trésors du patrimoine naturel et culturel…
À les valoriser par la pratique touristique, pour en obtenir des retombées financières et des bienfaits psychologiques.
Le projet Eco Nubia est situé sur l’île de Biggeh, considérée comme un site archéologique sur le Nil appartenant à la Nubie historique, dans le Gouvernorat d’Assouan, dans la partie méridionale de Égypte.
L’île est baignée par les eaux du lac de retenue de l’ancien barrage d’Assouan depuis l’achèvement initial du barrage en 1902.
Eco Nubia est un nouvel écolodge pour un hébergement respectueux de l’environnement proposant des plats et des boissons authentiquement nubiens et une plage directement sur le Nil dans le fabuleux écrin naturel de l’île. Le projet inclut aussi un espace communautaire pouvant accueillir des événements, avec une vue spectaculaire surplombant le célèbre temple de Philae.
Régions d’intérêt : Moyen-Orient
VideoEco View Resort
Jerash, Jordan
Finalist TTA: Middle East -Regional Commission Egypt
Eco View Resort is a unique and first of a kind in the Arab World located in a charming forest in Jerash- Thaghret Asfour to be a combination between an adventure park and a natural place to relax It also a human development center for training and developing life skills that contribute to building the personality of the participants and gives them the opportunity to simulate nature, overcome challenges and apply leadership, teamwork and many other skills.
We offer a unique experience of living in tree houses designed in a classic country style and in harmony with Jerash environment, as an entertainment site suitable for families and individuals. the camp consists of 10 nature-friendly chalets and tree houses with a capacity of 40 beds, a luxury tourist restaurant, multi-purpose training rooms accommodating up to 25 people each and a parking
The site of Eco View Resort is prepared to accommodate up to 100 participants, a Challenge field with following adventure activities (high rope course, low rope course, big swing, Climbing tower, and zipline, challenge games, training area, football field and campfire squire). It’s equipped with Camping Area (30 Tents, 80 Beds), kitchen, outdoor restaurant and parking.
- The needs for integrated center for human development in nature
- The needs today for entertaining, relaxation, enjoyment, travel and stress relief.
- The Jordanians' dream of experience living in tree-houses
- To create all-encompassing nature escape made of stone and wooden cabins, built throughout our property. Offering a wide spectrum of outdoor activities ideal for team building and corporate events or for planning an adventure in the wild
- Located in a charming forest in Jerash, Thaghret Asfour, Jordan Ranger offers a unique, first-of-its-kind resort in the Arab World, inviting you to recharge, rejuvenate and reconnect with nature. Jordan Ranger now includes nature-friendly cabins with a capacity of 40 beds, a restaurant that offers delicious local food and drinks and two fully-equipped theatre-style meeting rooms accommodating up to 25 people each.
Enexor BioEnergy
United States of America
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
Enexor BioEnergy complements several SDGs and most closely aligns with SDG 7, “Affordable and Clean Energy” as we have developed an innovative renewable energy solution for the world’s organic, plastic, and biomass waste problems. Enexor’s Bio-CHP is a patented system that can convert almost any organic, plastic, or biomass waste (in any combination) into reliable, renewable power and thermal energy while concurrently offsetting 2,200+ tons per year of CO2. Modular and easily transportable, the plug-and-play design of this powerful system allows for quick deployment and onsite mobilization in most places around the world and can be aggregated as needed. Enexor’s Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) business model is a major competitive advantage; as we sell the electricity, thermal, and waste diversion generated by our Bio-CHP systems to a customer instead of selling the system itself. In doing so, Enexor delivers on average between 20-50% savings to the customer on their energy, thermal, and waste disposal costs while requiring minimal capital outlay. Enabling cost savings and greater sustainability, Enexor truly benefits tourism and hospitality businesses.
Competitive advantage:
- Enexor can use a wide range of organic, biomass, and plastic waste (in any combination) as feedstock = numerous applications
- Low Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) (USD <$0.045/kWh) = very cost competitive
- Patented microturbine technology = maximum efficiency
- Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) partnership model = immediate customer savings
- Carbon Capture technology = huge industrial and carbon credit opportunities
Market: Due to its unique value proposition of solving customer’s waste problems and helping them to achieve their sustainability goals while concurrently providing them affordable onsite renewable energy, Enexor’s market opportunities are tremendous. Currently we have identified our Total Available Market (TAM) to be ~$110B+ and our Share of Market to be $1.65B+. Our initial focus will be hospitality/tourism and business/industrial customers in both developed and developing/island nations. We currently have a Customer Revenue Pipeline of $250M+ despite operating in ‘stealth’ prior to early 2020.
Business model: Enexor’s Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) business model is a major competitive advantage; as we sell the electricity, thermal, and waste diversion generated by our Bio-CHP systems to a customer instead of selling the system itself. In doing so, Enexor delivers on average between 20-50% savings to the customer on their energy, thermal, and waste disposal costs while requiring minimal capital outlay. Customers see Enexor BioEnergy as a tremendously valued partner and a catalyst for helping them to achieve their sustainability and/or operational improvement goals.
Use cases:
- Lower Energy (electricity and thermal) Costs for hospitality/tourism/travel businesses
- Lower Waste Costs (reduction in hauling and tipping) and Landfill Diversion Opportunities for hospitality/tourism/travel businesses
- Increased access to affordable, onsite renewable energy for hospitality/tourism/travel businesses
- Greenhouse Gases and CO2 emissions reduction, helping them expedite the achievement of their sustainability goals for hospitality/tourism/travel businesses
- Carbon Credit/Offset creation and purchasing opportunities for hospitality/tourism/travel businesses
Contact: RobertG@Enexor.com
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG1 - No poverty
Etnica tackles the lack of inclusion and job opportunities for Guatemalans through local empowerment, the co-creation of responsible travel experiences, and fair trade practices. We are breaking the cycle of poverty that affects women and children in rural Guatemala, apart from our travel experiences we focus efforts on:
- Travel gear for good: a line of handmade travel accessories that benefits 54 Maya women artisans, fusing tourism with artisan work in the hopes of providing job opportunities and entrepreneurship training.
- Homestay program: this program provides a direct income to the host families we partner with improving the quality of infrastructure, basic services and access to better education.
- Food safety program : this focuses on agroecology training so that our partners have food sovereignty through family orchards. It enables our partners to have access to better nutrition and the opportunity to share this knowledge with other members of their community and travelers.
Competitive advantage: We build partnerships by going through an integration process, we get to know our local partners, who they are, their culture, how the community works and together define common goals. We are the only travel company in Guatemala that has integrated social impact projects and fused them with tourism.
Market: We focus on students, families, solo travelers, and couples who want genuine cultural experiences, Spanish immersion, and volunteer opportunities. Our clients seek to establish connections through travel and want an insight to life in Guatemala. Most of our market is based in the U.S & Canada.
Business model: Our business model is B2C & B2B. We make revenue selling immersive experiences & handmade travel accessories. Our service is personalized, it adapts to the customer’s needs. Our model is scalable because it provides dignified work and livelihood to poor regions where tourism isn’t resilient.
Use cases:
- Setting homestays as first-choice of accommodation.
- Mangrove reforestation opportunities in the Pacific Coast.
- Reducing use of plastic and using local transportation during tours and experiences.
- Beneficiaries of our food safety program sell their produce as an extra income.
- Creation of handmade accessories using 100% sustainable materials.
Contact: hola@etnicatravel.com
Escappy Travel
Bogota (Colombie)
Finaliste - Tourism Tech Adventure Colombia: Scaling up
- Dans le secteur du tourisme, les gens se rendent généralement, dans chaque pays, aux mêmes endroits « classiques », ce qui fait que ces destinations sont saturées et que, pendant la haute saison, le service se dégrade, les prix montent et l’expérience n’est pas celle attendue. Cela tient au fait que les ressources touristiques existantes sont méconnues. Habituellement, 80 % des gens fréquentent 20 % des destinations et environ 45 % de ces voyageurs ne reviennent pas satisfaits de leur expérience.
- Par ailleurs, les agences traditionnelles ne cherchent pas à comprendre vraiment les envies de voyage des gens et à leur offrir des expériences personnalisées. Elles ont tendance à proposer des expériences générales peu satisfaisantes pour les voyageurs.
- En outre, les prestataires de services d’hébergement et de transport ont souvent un taux de remplissage de 50-60 % et en répercutent le coût sur le client final.
- Pendant la COVID-19, de nombreux voyagistes vivant du tourisme ont beaucoup pâti de l’absence de touristes.
Escappy résout ce problème grâce à un élément de surprise et des voyages personnalisés et virtuels :
- Nous occupons le produit marginal (déjà considéré comme perdu par les compagnies aériennes et les hébergements) et obtenons des remises ou commissions de 50 %-80 % qui sont autant d’économies pour le client. C’est quelque chose que les entreprises ne peuvent pas faire directement avec le client, car tout le monde attendrait que les prix baissent et ce serait mauvais pour la marque et pour le marché. L’élément de surprise du modèle d’exploitation est que le voyageur n’apprend les détails de son voyage que peu de temps avant le départ. Nous sélectionnons les offres correspondant le mieux aux vœux des clients et occupons les vols et hébergements du « produit marginal ».
- Nous identifions les envies des gens et organisons des voyages sur mesure en fonction de ce qu’ils veulent vivre. Nous avons recours à la technologie pour caractériser chaque destination, hébergement et activité, en plus de surveiller les vols pas chers et de proposer les meilleures offres aux clients.
- Nous stimulons le tourisme en rehaussant la visibilité de destinations méconnues avec un facteur d’innovation incomparable. Les gens iront dans des destinations qu’ils vont vraiment apprécier et le tourisme sera plus responsable.
- Escappy apporte, grâce aux outils numériques (transmission en ligne), de la visibilité aux populations autochtones, rurales et Afro, ou plus généralement à des familles ou à des personnes proposant des expériences peu communes et voulant s’assurer un revenu. Ce peuvent être des expériences culturelles, gastronomiques, artistiques, historiques et bien d’autres encore, à vivre en famille depuis chez soi, en protégeant sa santé, et permettant à tous de s’entraider dans le contexte actuel.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
Fifty Shades Greener
Republic of Ireland
Category: Tourism Education
FSG is an educational company specialized in environmental & social sustainability within the Hospitality and tourism sector.
The Fifty Shades Greener programmes make sustainability make sense to business owners, as we concentrate on teaching the workforce how to change their own behaviour around the use of utilities. We first teach employees, the small actions, systems and processes they need to implement in order to reduce their utilities. Then management can utilise the savings generated to invest in the larger projects. We have brought two Hotels in Ireland from zero to Carbon Neutrality, and the same can be achieved by any other hospitality businesses.
The team at Fifty Shades Greener are ex-hospitality workers themselves, we understand the industry, the barriers and fears they will face, and we help them get over those barriers.
To date, we are working with over 200 hospitality businesses in Ireland, India, Nepal and the UK. Our students are achieving average reductions of 30% energy, waste and water and 20% CO2 emissions from their direct operations after completing the programme.
We have also created the first qualification for Environmental Sustainability Management in Hospitality as a Level 4 certificate on the Ofqual framework of education (UK).
We believe sustainability education should be free to all, so we liaise with governments and educational funding authorities in different countries to be able to offer our programmes free of charge. In Ireland, our Green Business and Green Manager programme for Hospitality are fully funded to all Irish Hospitality businesses nationwide.
Competitive Advantage:
To assist our students on the measuring and monitoring of their Green KPIs and emissions, we have developed an online tool, the FSG Data Portal, where students can enter their energy, waste, water and customers data to calculate their business carbon emissions.
We connect with our clients through our Online Training Platform, so that our courses can be taken anytime, anywhere and from any device. All of our training programmes are available in an Online format, and we also license our face-to-face training to other trainers around the world.
Freed Group (aka TravelFlan)
Hong Kong
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Freed Group is an award-winning Travel and Lifestyle AI Digital and Smart Merchandising Solution provider utilizing Artificial Technology (AI), Big Data and Machine Learning technologies to revolutionise how traditional travel or non-travel companies conducting business today. We empower our partners with multi-vertical inventory and distribution system along with our proprietary AI Digital Solutions to adopt to current fast-changing market demands, particularly during COVID-19. By implementing our solutions, our clients have increased YoY revenue growth by average 30% and improved customer engagement by 60%.
Our signature AI Digital Solutions including Travel Concierge Chatbot and inventory management consolidator effectively increase revenue streams and improves customer engagement through multiple digital channels like social media platforms, official websites, mobile apps and more.
At the back-end, our fast-growing database is powered by 20M+ weekly unique data points with our home-grown Machine Learning capabilities. Our partners include Fortune 500 companies like China Mobile, Samsung Group, Travelport, SITA, Korean Air, Marriott Group, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and more to tackle their revenue and customer experience issues.
Competitive advantage: TravelFlan operates proprietary S2B2C business model, which was evolved from the traditional B2B SaaS and B2B2C business approach. By offering S2B2C solutions to businesses, we provide businesses not only proprietary digitalization and operation software tools but also required inventory and related supporting content & service, which effectively improve our partners’ revenue stream and customer experience.
Market: We connect travel with a untouched area of the market. instead of traditional travel industry practice, airlines working with GDS, hotels working with OTA, we bring travel content and products to non-travel partners like telecom, eCom platforms and more. Therefore, the TAM is quite significant. Up to day, we are working with major telecom companies in South Korea, Hong Kong, China and more.
Business model: TravelFlan operates proprietary S2B2C business model, which was evolved from the traditional B2B SaaS and B2B2C business approach. By offering S2B2C solutions to businesses, we provide businesses not only proprietary digitalization and operation software tools but also required inventory and related supporting content & service, which effectively improve our partners’ revenue stream and customer experience.
our business model consists of followings,
- R&D / implementation fee (one-time)
- Monthly service fee
- Revenue share (with our partners)
- Advertisement
Use cases:
- Creating ancillary revenue for airlines, hotels and other travel related service providers by utilising our multi-vertical inventory system. Existing clients include Korean Air and Hong Kong Airlines
- Reducing customer service cost for all travel related operations
- Improving customer experience/engagement
- Promoting travel providers’ inventories to wider customer bases like via China Mobile and Samsung networks at much lower distribution fee
- Understanding customers’ profile by utilising FreeD Big Data analytics and reporting capabilities
Contact: abel.zhao@travelflan.com
Fly Foot
Beyrouth (Liban)
Finaliste - st UNWTO Sports Tourism Startup Competition
Pour les passionnés du ballon rond, le football est bien plus qu’un sport. Dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord, de nombreux supporteurs rêvent de voir un vrai match de football européen. Or, ils ne savent pas toujours comment trouver des places pour le match, acheter leurs billets d’avion et faire une réservation d’hôtel sur une myriade de sites Web étrangers. Ces supporteurs passent beaucoup de temps à faire des recherches sur internet, dans une langue qui n’est pas la leur, pour débusquer les meilleurs offres de vols, des hôtels commodes et abordables, un transport fiable et des activités touristiques pouvant les intéresser. S’ils ne connaissent pas déjà la destination, il leur est difficile d’évaluer les différentes options et d’organiser leur voyage correctement.
Fly-Foot est la première plateforme en ligne où les supporteurs de football de la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord peuvent réserver des forfaits de voyage tout compris, en quelques clics, pour aller voir jouer leurs équipes favorites.
Régions d’intérêt : Moyen-Orient
San Juan (Porto Rico)
Vainqueur de la deuxième édition du Tourism Tech Adventure de l’OMT pour les Amériques : EdTech
FOODIEcations [foodie + vacations] est une agence de tourisme de gastronomie pour les gourmets amateurs de voyages, pour lesquels la gastronomie est une motivation de voyage.
Nous proposons des guides de visite de villes, des circuits soigneusement étudiés, des services de conseil, des articles de blog et des ressources de tout premier choix spécialement conçues pour les gourmets, afin de promouvoir des expériences gastronomiques dans le monde entier destinées à faire découvrir la culture par le biais de la gastronomie.
Séoul (République de Corée)
Vainqueur du deuxième concours de l’OMT de start-up de tourisme de gastronomie
Le problème : sans touristes, l’économie locale s’écroule.
Les boutiques locales d’ingrédients alimentaires veulent vendre plus, mais peinent à faire leur marketing et leurs ventes en ligne. Elles trouvent toujours un moyen de présenter et de vendre leurs produits au consommateur. foodieon est un service d’« expérience gourmande » d’organisation de circuits de découverte d’ingrédients locaux. Elle propose à la génération du Millénaire des circuits authentiques autant qu’insolites.
Quelle solution proposez-vous ?
La solution : redynamiser l’économie locale en créant des contenus pour circuits de découverte d’ingrédients culinaires locaux
- foodieon rencontre les producteurs locaux (ruraux) d’ingrédients.
- foodieon refond l’image de marque et crée des contenus pour circuits gourmands locaux de découverte d’ingrédients alimentaires.
- foodieon fait la publicité auprès des touristes pour voyager et consommer localement.
- foodieon partage les recettes avec les boutiques locales.
The Freebird Club
Dublin (Irlande)
Porto (Portugal)
Finaliste - 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition
La population mondiale connaît un vieillissement spectaculaire, en raison de l’accroissement de la longévité et de la chute des naissances. Le nombre et la proportion de personnes âgées (plus de 60 ans) vont augmenter. Elles sont 900 millions aujourd’hui et devraient être 2,1 milliards d’ici 2050. Dans ce contexte, nous traitons 3 problématiques sociales :
- Solitude & isolement chez les personnes âgées. Des études récentes montrent que près d’1 adulte sur 5 de plus de 65 ans souffre de solitude chronique. La solitude chronique a été associée au fait de fumer plus de 15 cigarettes par jour et le risque pour la santé est plus élevé que l’obésité. D’après une étude récente, chez les Américains de plus de 65 ans, l’isolement social coûte chaque année 7 milliards de dollars en frais de santé supplémentaires.
- Choix limité de voyages pour les personnes âgées. Beaucoup aimeraient voyager plus, mais n’ont personne pour les accompagner ou n’osent pas voyager seules.
- Précarité financière à ce stade de leur vie. De nombreuses personnes âgées ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts, touchant des retraites insuffisantes, même si elles ont souvent fini de rembourser leur prêt immobilier.
The Freebird Club est un club social entre pairs de voyages et de séjours chez l’habitant pour le troisième âge. Les membres agréés peuvent voyager et séjourner les uns chez les autres au sein de leur groupe de pairs de confiance. Les membres peuvent louer une chambre libre à d’autres membres du troisième âge désireux de voyager et de connaître d’autres personnes avec lesquelles ils peuvent avoir des affinités. Notre plateforme « amie des aînés » permet aux membres de définir leur profil (y compris leurs parcours & centres d’intérêt) pour la recherche et la sélection d’hébergeurs et d’invités d’après leurs points communs et leur compatibilité. Les visites sont toujours chez l’habitant, car l’accent est mis sur la compagnie plus que le partage d’hébergement. Freebird propose donc une nouvelle forme de voyage accessible pour les personnes âgées (surtout celles qui ne voyageraient pas seules), un moyen de tirer de la valeur de leur maison et un complément de revenu, et une façon agréable de rencontrer des gens et d’avoir une interaction sociale et culturelle à ce stade de leur vie.
Alors que le contingent mondial de personnes âgées est en forte expansion, deux épidémies meurtrières se conjuguent : la COVID-19 et la solitude. L’une fait d’énormes ravages actuellement, l’autre représente une menace rampante avec des conséquences tout aussi dévastatrices. Nous étions, dès avant la crise actuelle, en récession sociale, comme en témoigne l’augmentation considérable de la solitude et de l’isolement chez les personnes âgées. Le danger maintenant est celui d’une dépression sociale plus longue et plus profonde que la pandémie en cours de maladie à coronavirus. Là encore, ce sont les personnes âgées qui sont les plus durement touchées, étant donné les consignes extrêmes d’isolement et d’absence d’interaction sociale. C’est terrible pour les séniors, déjà sujets à la solitude. Par-delà la phase la plus aiguë de la crise, la reprise des voyages sera marquée par de nouvelles entraves pour les personnes âgées, entamant leur confiance à cause de préoccupations sanitaires qui n’existaient pas jusque-là. Dans ce contexte, les personnes âgées auront besoin de toute l’aide possible pour se rétablir, retrouver confiance et renouer avec le monde qui les entoure et, surtout, le contact entre elles.
C’est là précisément qu’intervient The Freebird Club, en proposant des possibilités nouvelles de lien et d’interaction, dans le cadre d’expériences de voyage sûres et partagées avec d’autres membres du club. Par rapport à un séjour à l’hôtel, à bord d’une croisière ou en groupe, séjourner via Freebird chez un autre membre du club est bien moins risqué dans le contexte du virus, car le contact se limite à une seule autre personne à son domicile. Passée la crise, The Freebird Club peut être salutaire pour remobiliser les séniors et les remettre en contact et pour leur donner des moyens financiers. S’il y a bien un moment où les personnes âgées auront besoin de Freebird, ce sera au lendemain de la pandémie.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
GDX Travel
Bogota (Colombie)
Lauréat - Tourism Tech Adventure Colombia: Scaling up
GDX est le comparateur de vols en ligne ayant le plus de contenu sur les compagnies aériennes de la région d’Amérique latine, avec les plus bas coûts, pour distribution. Nous répertorions toutes les compagnies aériennes de la région et les regroupons à l’intérieur d’une seule solution technologique, pour que n’importe quelle agence de voyages en ligne y ait accès via une simple connexion API.
De la sorte, nos partenaires peuvent :
- Centraliser leurs activités dans la région à l’intérieur d’une solution unique
- Disposer d’un seul système interlignes virtuel dans la région. Notre logiciel autorise les combinaisons entre compagnies aériennes de différentes catégories et de compagnies n’ayant pas passé d’accords commerciaux entre elles. Cela permet à nos partenaires de proposer un meilleur choix, et plus large, à leurs clients.
- Avoir des prix locaux pour chaque compagnie aérienne affiliée chez nous et, pour nos clients, une solution technologique intéressante, un bon service et les meilleurs prix.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques
Category: Women Empowerment
GirlsRunPeriod is a non-profit organization currently seeking charitable status through Revenue Canada as a Registered Charity. Its mission is to promote girls' health, education and wellbeing by encouraging physical fitness, training and economic opportunities through tourism in Africa, which align with the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and whose principal awareness raising and fundraising initiative will be an annual five-day rolling marathon staged along an iconic tourism destination on the continent.
Competitive Advantage:
The difference, beyond the points raised in the previous section is the question of 'what's next?'. By focusing on running activities through different communities, GirlsRunPeriod provides a platform to host workwhops that provide knowledge that empowers and access to healthcare products and services are critical for them to maintain good sexual and reproductive health, leading to improved work opportunities and better quality of life. Young girls can then better define their career path by becoming business owners or working in small and medium scale enterprises. This is particularly the case for tourism opportunities, where the destinations along the route are highlighted for both potential visitors and also demonstrating the work opportunities in local visitor economies that might otherwise be unknown. The first GirlsRun will take place in February 2023 in Kenya's Great Rift Valley, supported by partners the Kenya National Convention Bureau (KNCB), Rubis Energy Kenya and Run for Life.
Quito (Équateur)
Finaliste - 2ndUNWTO Tourism Tech Adventure for the Americas: EdTech
Les cybermarchés classiques pour le tourisme proposent un catalogue de services touristiques et perçoivent une commission sur chaque vente réalisée. Ça fonctionne pour les destinations bien positionnées et les opérateurs à grande échelle (chambres et billets d’avion), mais c’est un modèle économique qui exclut un MARCHÉ CROISSANT DU TOURISME MONDIAL qui s’intéresse à la nature, la culture, le tourisme rural et le tourisme communautaire. Il exclut également :
- Toute une diversité d’offres émanant des plus petits acteurs touristiques d’une destination, pas attractives pour un cybermarché classique ;
- Les offres hors tourisme de masse proposées par de petites entreprises touristiques ;
- Les festivals culturels, religieux, folkloriques de destinations moins bien positionnées.
Pour comprendre l’impact social, nous avons analysé les études révélant que le tourisme apporte une contribution importante à la réalisation des ODD et d’autres que 70 % des touristes choisissent leur destination de voyage via les médias numériques.
C’est la raison pour laquelle nous incluons les offres de petits acteurs touristiques, gratuitement et de manière performante, sur un portail en ligne où leurs territoires moins bien positionnés sont sur le devant de la scène, ce qui RÉSOUT UN PROBLÈME D’EXCLUSION.
Dans le monde post-COVID-19, il est d’autant plus urgent de faire une place, dans l’univers numérique, aux destinations moins connues voire plus petites. Même si les agences de voyages en ligne peuvent présenter et vendre les offres de petites destinations, ce sont en réalité les processus préalables à la réservation qui vont, plus que jamais, être déterminants. Ce qui fait défaut, ce sont ces moments où l’on va rêver et se projeter à vivre une expérience touristique dans une petite destination, maintenant que les touristes réclament toutes sortes d’informations avant de réserver. Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, les touristes veulent des informations plus nombreuses et plus approfondies sur la destination que celles des encarts publicitaires publiés sur les plateformes traditionnelles.
Nous nous plaçons dans une DÉMARCHE DE PRISE EN MAIN CITOYENNE en faisant le nécessaire pour permettre LE POSITIONNEMENT DES COMMUNAUTÉS RURALES EN TANT QUE DESTINATION TOURISTIQUE, via une PLATEFORME EN LIGNE DE PROMOTION ET DE VENTE, sous forme de LOGICIEL SERVICE, et coordonner les actions des particuliers et des entrepreneurs, pour :
- OPTIMISER le travail de collaboration de ces acteurs
- PROMOUVOIR les petites communautés méconnues à ce jour
- PROMOUVOIR LA CONSOMMATION de toute offre issue de la production touristique locale
- VENDRE DES OFFRES EN LIGNE qui, sans être massives, peuvent être vendues en ligne
- GÉNÉRER DU SAVOIR sur la richesse produite par ce secteur sur leurs territoires.
Pour structurer cette démarche, nous avons ajouté les fonctionnalités ci-après :
- Abonnements : pour la fourniture de technologie à tous les acteurs concernés
- Économie collaborative : pour l’appropriation de la technologie par les acteurs locaux
- Algorithmes prédictifs (en attente de brevet) mettant en correspondance les attentes des touristes (connues) et l’offre des acteurs les plus petits (pas connue). C’est une manière viable de tendre une passerelle entre ces deux mondes (promotion).
- Transformation des portails de promotion touristique des territoires en cybermarchés
- Exploration de données sur notre plateforme pour produire des connaissances.
Notre modèle d’exploitation combine le modèle de cybermarché classique à l’abonnement à un logiciel service pour une action de promotion intelligente et efficace accompagnant un travail de collaboration pour la production de contenu et de savoir dans les destinations moins bien positionnées.
Suivant cette logique, nous avons ajouté des produits spéciaux :
- Abonnements gratuits pour générer du contenu
- Abonnements freemium pour inscrire au catalogue l’offre de produits
- Abonnements ventes pour créer et gérer les pages promos
- Abonnements spéciaux pour l’exécution d’activités au titre de la responsabilité sociale par d’autres secteurs.
Avec ces produits, nous assurons la participation de toutes les parties prenantes du tourisme : entrepreneurs touristiques, pouvoirs publics, établissements d’enseignement, petits acteurs touristiques, bénévoles, population des destinations et même les touristes eux-mêmes. L’union fait la force si l’on veut commercialiser une destination moins bien positionnée.
De plus, nous proposons 3 SERVICES complémentaires pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients :
Principale technologie utilisée : abonnements au logiciel service pour les pages de promotion touristique
Deuxième technologie plus importante : AMP + WPA
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
United States of America
Category: Women Empowerment
Our web app allows travelers and Greeters to sign up and create a profile, get their identity verified, and personalize their account with a bio, their languages, and interests. Greeters go through a longer screening process to ensure they meet our requirements, understand what Greether does, and learn how to be good Greeters. Travelers are able to book a Greeter service through the web platform and personalize their experience in a "choose your own adventure" way. Travelers make the rules: they pick where, when, and for how long the Greeter meets them, and they tell the Greeter what their interests are in that area. Upon receiving a booking, our team confirms a Greeter for them and connects them through a chat in which they can coordinate and communicate before, during, and after the meetup happens. Greether takes care of paying out the Greeter and the traveler pays us directly.
Competitive Advantage:
Our mission targets two of the most important SDGs and sustainable UN development goals, which are to reduce safety risks for women and to increase income opportunities for them through sustainable tourism practices. Currently our network expands across 80+ countries and 400+ cities worldwide. We empower women to support each other while discovering the world by giving them an easy way to connect, trust each other and put money into their hands in an ethical and sustainable way.
Most importantly, our services are focused on women empowerment and their safety while they navigate destinations. We are modernizing the tour guiding experience with their needs in mind, resulting in a mix in between a tour guide, a concierge and a friend who is available for them wherever they go.
"With locals" has very specific "tour experiences" which are only available at specific times and are designed the same way every day you book them, without giving travelers options to choose what they want to do, for how long and where they meet.
Female travelers are looking for ways to travel consciously and safely. They are looking for a community, peace of mind, recommendations suited to them, and to share experiences with women in those places. Greether offers travelers all of these benefits.
Hotel Data Cloud
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Finalist Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge
Hotels rely on complex distribution networks with hundreds of booking channels to sell their rooms. These channels require detailed descriptive content about the hotels, highlighting their features, amenities, services, and facilities. Distressingly, the content currently available is incomplete and even inaccurate, misleading, and obsolete. This not only leaves customers frustrated and disappointed; Hotels lose bookings and revenue. Misinformation can create substantial reputational damage, requiring recovery efforts (e.g. with room upgrades or compensation) that impact hotels financially.
The inability to efficiently share information is now particularly worrisome: To recover after CODIV-19, hotels urgently need to ease apprehension, offer reassurance, and rebuild the confidence of travelers. Transparently and openly communicating how hotels ensure hygiene, safety and cleanliness is essential.
Hotel Data Cloud (HDC) is a content distribution platform that enables hotels to easily share detailed content and comprehensive information in a standardized, globally consistent format. This reduces manual workload and lets hotels efficiently control the narrative of their listing across all booking channels, improving their discoverability and leading to increased bookings and revenue. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are applied to generate personalized content and smart recommendations.
The platform has been modified to reflect the increased demand for even greater transparency during and after COVID-19: HDC lets hotels communicate how they ensure hygiene, safety, and cleanliness. A special section was developed within the platform, dedicated to comprehensively cover all measures that relate to COVID-19 with over 94 standardized attributes. Hotels can share details on improved hygiene standards, cleaning and housekeeping protocols, staff procedures, social distancing processes and any other policies that hotels introduce to create a safe and healthy experience for their guests.
Given how quickly the situation can change as we learn more about COVID-19 and how to combat it, the HDC platform is designed to allow for quick modification: New attributes can easily be added if there are new insights that lead to the introduction of new safety and hygiene standards and procedures. The platform can be customized in partnership with tourism authorities, to comply with local regulatory standards.
All hotel content and information is distributed by HDC through a freely accessible data feed, which can easily be integrated into travel websites, booking platforms, reservation systems and also governmental systems and platforms. All connected channels are immediately updated, which eliminates the need for hotels to perform redundant manual updates of various extranets. HDC provides access to this information for free.
With up-to-date information and an unrivaled level of detail, travel companies can provide better filtering options and reliably inform their customers, to generate valuable additional bookings for hotels using HDC. This ultimately allow travelers to discover hotels more easily, make smarter booking decisions and arrive well informed without anxiety and uncertainty.
Tel Aviv, Israel
Finalist Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge
Hotelmize is the leading data-based and highly efficient repricing technology that helps hotel distributors, bed banks, wholesalers, and travel agents to increase their profitability by 30% and raise their business standards.
Category: Tourism Tech for Good
Hotelverse is the pioneer in the creation of API-certified digital twins for hotels. This startup was born in 2021 with the mission to revolutionise the digital booking of hotel services and promote the disintermediation of the sector.
Hotelverse builds a comprehensive digital replica (or twin) of each hotel, which is hosted on the hotel chain's e-commerce. The objective is to increase the booking experience for users, so that they make their reservations from the hotel's website rather than from third-party sites (such as online travel comparison sites, online travel agencies or OTAs).
The Hotelverse model allows prospective guests to fly over the hotel prior to their trip, being able to adapt the visualisation with different filters according to their needs and desires. For example, potential guests can find out the exact characteristics of the room to be booked, its views, the location within the hotel or the size of the bed, among others. This moves from a "bulk" model based on room categories (single, double, etc.) to a hyper-personalised model that cannot be replicated by OTAs.
With Hotelverse, customers have full knowledge of the product booked, and gain the ability to tailor the stay to their preferences and requirements. For their part, hotels regain the power to influence customers' purchasing decisions, as opposed to the OTAs' proposal. This increases the number of direct sales, raising the volume of revenue by eliminating the margin lost on transactions achieved by third parties
Competitive Advantage:
Available to any hotel chain, Hotelverse solves the problem of high intermediation in the industry by building a digital twin of the hotel, which puts the purchasing power back in the hands of hotel companies and users.
In this way, it transforms the conventional booking model, where price is the main purchasing factor and the hotel website acts as just one of the sales channels available to the customer. Many users visit the hotel website to check the price offered by OTAs, but much of this traffic does not convert. Hotelverse gives importance back to the product variable, through a proposal that is irreplicable for the OTAs. The experience is redesigned, APIfied and integrated with hotel web booking processes.
This brings benefits to both hoteliers and guests.
Guests: better booking experience, more information about what you buy, ability to tailor your trip, ability to book an exact room, start your travel experience from the sofa at home.
Hotels: better consumer experience (92%), higher conversion rate (+60%), increased average cart value, as it promotes the booking of higher category rooms and favours the booking of complementary services (restaurant, spa...), ability to fully communicate the value of their offer: hotel casuistry and sustainability proposition.
iBonus Limited
Hong Kong, China
Top Solution- Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge
COVID19 Digital Prevention System to control the spread of COVID19 while resuming the daily economic activities.
Ifarm Agritech
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 2 – Zero hunger
By supporting smallholder farmers with capital, agronomy support and access to markets we are aligning with SDG 2 target 3 which states that by 2030 double the agricultural productivity and the incomes of small-scale food producers, particularly women, indigenous peoples through secure and equal access to productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities.
Competitive advantage: Our competitive advantage is not only in our proprietary innovation, but also in the business model. Unlike traditional agricultural finance, our model is not credit driven. We involve ourselves in the farming activity, supporting our farmers with a 360 approach to increase yields and unlock their potential.
Market: We are keen on global impact investors with disposable incomes of atleast $500, majority of whom have travelled to Kenya before or are planning to.
Business model: We make our money through fresh commodity trade from our farmers. This is usually +10% margin between farmgate and offtaking (large buyer) price.
We also finance mechanization and technologies like rice combined harvester and solar irrigation , which we earn profit on sale as well as interest on sustainable asset financing.
Use cases:
- We encourage investors and organize field trips to the farming communities they have invested in, this way promoting tourism and confidence.
- Global participation in sustainable agriculture and food security through foreign direct investments.
- Powering thriving local economies that are essential for domestic tourism.
- Powering a smart farming revolution that will promote agro-tourism to Kenya and East Africa
- Structuring food value chains that will enhance traceability, safety and affordability of food items for the tourism sector.
Contact: admin@ifarm360.com
Inclusive Society
Asahikawa, Japan
Finalist 1st Sports Tourism Startup Competition
Based on the concept “Inclusive Society”, people with disabilities ourselves work for different missions, such as attracting para-sports competitions and training camps, and organizing other related events, cooperating with local people, schools, companies and various other individuals and organizations. Through those missions, we accumulate the know-hows of the projects and events in order to achieve next goals.
Rather than waiting for someone to remove obstacles in front of us, we ourselves take a lead solve those problems, taking actions and spreading information regarding para-sports, tourism and public transportation in order to achieve an inclusive society.
We provide an opportunity to people with disabilities to obtain a connection with community by going out, participating different events and interacting with other people in society.
Sports exchanges are especially beneficial for children with disabilities. We actively hold para-sports experience classes at elementary schools to let the children learn importance of diversity and cooperation. Holding different kinds and levels of para-sports and related events leads to vitalize the local community as well as to gain recognition of the para-sports.
Immersion India
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 4 – Quality education
Global awareness in a borderless world is becoming imperative. The ability to possess skills to thrive in a multi-ethnic and diverse world environment will be a key differentiator in the days ahead. Mobility for Business, work, and leisure will only accentuate the need for such skills. We at Immersion India want to be the key drivers for the world to understand INDIA in its true sense. We believe experiential learning programs offered to students will motivate them to be globally aware and responsible. Providing Quality education through travel is our focus and we believe India is ideally positioned to be a learning ground for promoting experiential learning.
Competitive advantage: INDIA is poised to becoming a $5 trillion economy with tourism being a champion service sector that is key to achieving this milestone. With the emphasis on promoting tourism, India could rank within the top 10 in the world tourism index as well as the Global Student mobility Index. Immersion India aims to be at the forefront by capitalizing on being the early entrants and become the leading experiential travel & learning company that designs study-centric programs in India for the global learning community.
Market: Over the years, there has been keen interest amongst the global learning community (both businesses and Academia) to connect with Asia. To a larger extent, the connect has been very unorganized and has met with very limited success. According to an Open Doors report on Key Study Abroad Destinations published in 2019, Asia receives 14% of the student traffic of which only 1.2% prefer India and a high of 6% prefer China.
Business model: Immersion India guides students, corporate executives, faculty & professionals on studycentric, experiential learning programs in urban and rural India. All programs are customizable and tailored as per the learning objectives with a key element of travel experiences.
Use cases:
- Accommodation at eco-friendly hotels
- Introducing to green initiatives across the country
- Showcase innovative solutions from rural India
- Striving for Zero plastic usage while traveling
Contact: experiences@immersionindia.com
Impulse Travel
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions
IMPULSE offers tours with a positive impact on travelers and locals. We create, operate, and promote tours that let travelers experience the country from a local and authentic perspective while creating meaningful and inspiring connections with our people.
We are at the intersection of top-notch traveler experience and social impact. Our model has consisted in creating customer-centric experiences that exceed travelers expectations and crafting them in a way that each traveler helps spin the wheels of peacebuilding and collective healing processes at a local level.
We achieve this by identifying grass-roots cultural, productive and artistic initiatives that come from communities that have been affected by violence. We work closely with the leaders of these initiatives to find creative ways to engage them in the tourism value-chain. This way, we foster the connections for social transformation to have an economic engine. One tour at a time.
Competitive advantage: The strength and value of the relationships we have developed on the ground allows us to have privileged access to high-touch experiences and places. Thanks to this we have a very differentiated product, which facilitates a diversified commercialization scheme.
Market: Strong focus on international visitors who visit Colombia. Acquisition: our website, 300+ listings at OTAs, B2B2C international partners. We are also important players in the local ecosystem since some local competitors buy our experiences because of the leveraged access and uniqueness.
Business model: Average tour ticket is $90, and backet-rate 2.4 tour per traveler. Reseller commission is 15% avg. After commission, we split the revenue 3-ways. One for community projects incorporated in the value chain, one ground for operational costs one for Impulse profit. Proportions may vary per product.
Use cases:
- Market integration for community driven projects
- Narratives that support collective healing and social transformation
- Aligning partnerships for the advancement of social investment
- Creating access to capital for vulnerable populations
- Fostering empathy and otherness
Contact: info@impulsetravel.co
Albacete (Espagne)
Finaliste du concours de l’OMT de tourisme rural
Inturmancha est le professionnel de référence pour la région de Castille-La Manche dans le domaine du tourisme industriel. Il offre l’éventail le plus large et le plus varié de visites guidées d’établissements industriels de la région, en particulier d’exploitations viticoles, de fromageries et de moulins à huile.
Nous sommes des experts de la création d’itinéraires gastronomiques et d’activités d’agrotourisme liées aux produits les plus emblématiques du territoire, comme peuvent l’être le fromage manchego, le safran de la région de La Manche ou l’aubergine d’Almagro. Nous voulons que le touriste connaisse l’origine des produits du terroir, qu’il valorise le travail du paysan et de l’éleveur, et qu’il profite d’un tourisme plus responsable, plus durable et plus tranquille.
Nous proposons des idées et des activités touristiques pour les familles, les écoles et les groupes organisés qui voyagent en Castille-La Manche à la recherche d’expériences créatives, originales et plaisantes. Toujours dans le cadre d’une relation personnalisée, attentive et de proximité.
Nous encourageons un tourisme responsable, au contact de la population locale, apportant de la valeur ajoutée à ses métiers, à sa culture, à ses produits et à ses traditions.
Nous générons de la richesse dans les villages en organisant des visites guidées dans des établissements d’agroalimentaire et par des contacts plus directs entre le voyageur et la population locale et ses traditions, son artisanat, son économie, pour une expérience de visite plus proche de la réalité et plus authentique.
It's July
Category: Local community involvement
Its July is introducing a new experience for families, where families from all lifestyles and interests can connect for different activities, from a family dinner to a workshop or a joint hike. This enables families to expose their children to new cultures and lifestyles and share a memorable experience with another local family teaching them to see similarities instead of differences and meeting many different communities. Imagine Airbnb Experiences meeting Tinder for families. These experiences- during the weekend or when you travel abroad, are the exact answer to families who seek unique intimate interactions following the growing trend of local experiences together with COVID19. IT'S July is an AI-powered matchmaker that uses algorithms to find the best matches between families. It analyzes the information from the family's profile to give the best-personalized results. It's July is live in almost 40 destinations around the world and since launching in Europe a few months ago is growing at a fast rate of more than 100% AVG MOM with thousands of families joining the platform. Moreover, It's July has 12% conversion from website visitors to registered users
IT'S July was founded in the midst of the Covid pandemic with a mission to help families establish new friendships, explore different cultures and create unique and special experiences for and with their children.- It's July is backed by Techstars (21') and private angels and also won Phocusright innovation launch (June 22')
Competitive Advantage:
The digital revolution over the past decade is greatly impacting the ways we connect and communicate with others. More specifically, social media and person-to-person messages are radically changing the way we interact; matching apps included. While researchers still debate regarding the long-term impact of digital technology on social connections and how good (or bad) it is, we can be certain that these newer communication technologies aren't going away. Experience platforms do offer alternative activities to us, although none of them target families or have a very similar offering to ours. While Airbnb Experiences, Get Your Guide and With locals are in the experiences area, most of them offer experiences led by professionals in their fields. Still, they don't open the possibility for local families as a whole unit to participate in connecting with other families. More so, none offers a fully catered solution for families, who are the number one growth engine in the travel industry. . We also enable our users to create a family profile, which for now doesn't exist and is holding a new concept behind it. Allowing a family to create a profile that includes all the members, the data, their interests, and more will help us to benefit from this innovative profiling.
We also have an educational & cultural impact - By exposing families and children in particular to other families. lifestyles and cultures, we offer a unique form of travel with an added value of education.
Jiranis Food
Nairobi (Kenya)
Vainqueur de la deuxième édition du concours de l’OMT de start-up de tourisme de gastronomie – catégorie impact social
Jiranis food est une plateforme marchande en ligne où les membres de la communauté peuvent proposer, découvrir et réserver des expériences gastronomiques locales dans toute l’Afrique.
KAI Hotel Solutions (Formerly Yearth)
Singapore, Singapore
Finalist 1st UNWTO Start Up Competition
About KAI Hotel Solutions (Formerly Yearth)
KAI helps hotels to supercharge the upsell strategy by selling the right experience to the right guests at the right time.
Start by building an entire automated personalized guest journey, KAI empowers hotels to engage with the guests from all channels, not only knowing guests preference, preparing check-in, staying connected with guests, but increasing revenue before arrival.
Artificial Intelligence Big Data Europe, Middle East, Asia and The Pacific
Kind Traveler
Los Angeles, United States of America
Finalist TTA: Chile - 2ndUNWTO Tourism Tech Adventure for the Americas: EdTech
More than 72% of travelers want their travel dollars to positively impact the destinations they visit. However, of those that want to travel sustainably and responsibly, half find it difficult and one-third find it confusing. Furthermore, hotels and tourism boards are challenged and are looking for ways to create sustainable and responsible travel initiatives.
Kind Traveler is the world’s first socially conscious Give + Get hotel booking and sustainable travel media platform that empowers travelers to positively impact local communities and the environment in the destinations they visit. Travelers unlock exclusive hotel rates and perks upon a $10 nightly donation to a vetted local charity that positively impacts the visiting destination, or to a charity of choice. 100% of donations go to charity, creating a triple win.
Travelers can choose to explore a growing collection of more than 120 Kind Hotels and 70 charities in 15 countries on KindTraveler.com. All of Kind Traveler’s charities are aligned with the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development working to fight poverty, advance environmental sustainability and reduce inequality. Travelers can also search for hotels based on their ‘Kindness Factors’ – initiatives in place to advance wellness, sustainability, and community impact. In 2020, Kind Traveler received a Travel + Leisure Global Vision Award and in 2019, was a finalist with both the UNWTO Tourism Tech Adventure in Chile and Lufthansa Innovation Hub’s Changemaker Challenge in Germany. Find inspiration to #TravelKindly over on KindTraveler.com.
La Perla App
Santa Marta (Colombie)
Finaliste de Tourism Tech Adventure Colombie : la mise à échelle
En vue de la transformation du tourisme à Santa Marta et dans le droit fil d’un entrepreneuriat à fort impact, Corporation Santa Marta Vital décide, en 2017, de créer La Perla App, initiative technologique couvrant toute l’offre d’hébergement, de transport, de gastronomie et d’expériences touristiques de Santa Marta. Son but : permettre aux touristes étrangers et nationaux visitant la ville de découvrir et d’apprécier toute la richesse culturelle, historique et naturelle qui caractérise cette destination colombienne à l’incomparable diversité. On voit clairement l’immense potentiel de ce modèle pouvant être reproduit ailleurs et bon pour le développement de « l’économie orange » de la ville.
La Voyageuse
Pessac (France)
Finaliste - 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition
L’insécurité vécue par les femmes est un sujet récurrent dans les médias. Il y a beaucoup de cas d’agression sexuelle contre des femmes – c’est choquant mais c’est une réalité.
Les femmes aujourd’hui sont plus audacieuses et plus indépendantes. Elles sont à la recherche d’expériences nouvelles et authentiques pour se sentir libres, mais continuent de craindre pour leur sécurité.
81 % des voyageurs solo considèrent la sécurité comme le principal problème. Beaucoup sont limités dans leurs voyages par le fait de voyager seuls, surtout pour l’hébergement. Et parmi les voyageurs qui ne sont pas des voyageurs solo, on s’aperçoit que 55 % des femmes interrogées rêvent de voyager seules, mais n’osent pas.
De plus, le marché des voyageuses solo est en plein boom. Depuis trois années consécutives, les voyageuses en solo représentent une lame de fond. Elles étaient plus de 138 millions en 2017, deux fois plus qu’en 2014, et on s’attend à ce qu’elles soient encore plus nombreuses à l’avenir.
Or, on n’a pas de solution sûre d’hébergement pour les voyageuses solo.
La solution
Ayant beaucoup voyagé seule avec son sac-à-dos et craint plusieurs fois pour sa sécurité, Christina Boixière a lancé en juillet 2019 la première plateforme d’hébergement sûr chez l’habitante « La Voyageuse » (la-voyageuse.com) qui met en relation les voyageuses solo avec des hébergeuses de confiance partout dans le monde.
Innovation sociale
« La Voyageuse » cible un marché de niche à fort potentiel. C’est aussi la seule solution pour aider les femmes à faire seules des expériences de voyage sûres et authentiques. Toutes nos hébergeuses sont des bénévoles qui accueillent des voyageuses chez elles, en amies, faisant de chaque séjour chez l’habitante une expérience authentique.
Classée par l’OMT parmi les 4 meilleurs innovateurs dans le domaine de la durabilité en 2020 et double lauréate du concours national de tourisme 2019, « La Voyageuse » a été citée par plus de 80 médias depuis son lancement. Avec plus de 1 350 hébergeuses agréées sur la plateforme, 450 voyageuses âgées de 18 à 71 ans ont réalisé leur rêve grâce à nous, dont beaucoup qui ont voyagé en solo pour la première fois.
Recognized as one of the Top 4 innovators in Sustainability by UNWTO in 2020 and double-winner of National eTourisme contest in 2019, “La Voyages” has been mentioned by over 80 medias since its launch. With over 1350 validated hostesses on the platform, 450 travelers, aged 18 to 71, have realized their dreams with us, among which many have traveled solo for the first time.
En aidant plus de femmes à franchir le pas, nous pensons pouvoir faire de ce monde un monde meilleur et plus en harmonie.
Nous offrons une solution à un besoin social actuel et pressant et défendons l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes : là où vont les hommes, les femmes vont aussi !
Si l’on trouve déjà courageux qu’une femme occidentale voyage en solo, imaginez un peu une voyageuse d’Inde ou du Moyen-Orient.
« La Voyageuse » sera une bonne chose pour l’économie mondiale car elle va développer cette nouvelle base de clientèle. L’impact social sera encore plus grand quand nous étendrons notre présence aux pays où les femmes sont de plus en plus en quête d’émancipation, et en particulier là où les droits des femmes sont limités ou inexistants.
« La Voyageuse » est la solution pour le tourisme de demain, car elle favorise le tourisme durable et l’autonomisation des femmes partout dans le monde.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
Lid Vizion
United States
Category: Ecological and Sustainable Capital Creation
Our AI-powered web application provides proper materials handling insights to people to prevent contamination. We help recycling systems reduce costs from dealing with the purity of feedstock flowing through the recycling facility, help keep recycling systems operation, and remove dangerous and hazardous materials from the workplace. Whereas fighting contamination is currently ineffective, costly, and time-consuming, our approach allows analysis on a per person, and per recycling program basis, which increases transparency, lowers the costs of operating waste and recycling programs, and engages people like never before.
We offer municipalities, universities, and other institutions with recycling programs a suite of tools to help their program participants on a specific materials management program. We do this by providing a white-labeled SaaS platform that allows customers to customize and tailor the recycling experience to their needs.
Our unique value proposition is our artificial intelligence models and software architecture, which allows for flexible and scalable deployment of our web tools.
We have a current contract with Polk County, Florida and are in negotiations with universities to deploy the application on campuses.
Competitive Advantage:
Recollect and Recycle Coach offer manual searches to deter feedback and creates confusion when it comes to typos (people have to manually search and the local government must create Excel documents, which are a headache to change as material lists change). Further, they require a mobile application requires citizens to download, whereas ours lowers the barriers to entry by being accessible via a web application.
Terracyle partners with brands to recycle hard-to-recycle, non-curbside items. Yet, they fail to address recycling contamination at the source and implement computer vision for residential engagement. Litterati is built for the cleanup community. However, it misses the broader citizen base for those that don't want to collect materials in the environment. Further, they have no immediate feedback based on recyclability, which is a current issue plaguing the recycling and waste industry.
Lisbon, Portugal
Finalist 2nd UNWTO Start Up Competition
LUGGit is a platform that works through a mobile app (available in iOS and Android) and allows anyone who travels to request a Keeper in real-time that will collect their luggage, keep it and deliver it at the place and time they choose.
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
Lumitics mission is to empower kitchens globally to be more sustainable by tackling their food waste. Lumitics is committed to UN SDG #12 to help kitchens half their food waste by 2030.
Competitive advantage: Superior AI and image recognition capabilities
Market: Global
Business model: Subscription model
Use cases:
- Lowering food waste in hotels’ buffet restaurants and production kitchen
- Lowering in-flight food waste for airlines
- Lowering food waste in airline catering facilities
Contact: raynerloi@lumitics.com
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
Metrica6 solutions have a positive impact in several SDGs but, if we had to pick one, it might be #11:
- Related to SDGs 3, 4 and 8: Water efficiency is clearly related to good health and well-being as the most common product for hygiene. The way we offer our solutions is also through advice and training for users, managers and professionals, encouraging equality in opportunities.
- Related to SDGs 6, 13, 14 and 15: it is obvious that water impacts ecosystems for which every services and activity depends on.
- Related to SDGs 9, 11 and 12: Metrica6 bets for local industries, innovation and sustainability, promoting awareness in resources consumption and circularity.
- Finally, related to SDG 17: our team is stronger when more members are committed to the mission. This includes external partnerships with companies and other organizations with whom we share a common philosophy.
Competitive advantage: No competitor has WAISENSE’s IoT modularity and all its functionalities. We do have competition for individual features, like smart irrigation, but we know our advantages, detailed in our benchmarking analyses. There are barriers for potential competitors too: patents, efficiency, applicability…
Market: Metrica6 focuses on two main markets (smart city and smart agro) and its segments (building industry, irrigation –not only for agriculture–, insurance companies, smart consumers, tourism, and related), mainly in the countries where the technology is patented.
Business model: It is a combination of PaaS (product as a service) and traditional. Customers can purchase WAISENSE and its skills directly in a marketplace or wholesaler, as a subscription with a monthly fee, download premium features, renting/leasing, cross-selling, hire services or customizations, etc.
Use cases:
- Upgrading quality of life in homes.
- Improving quality of service in businesses and accommodations (hotels, gyms, hair dressers, etc.)
- Reducing water bills.
- Saving time (and money) in processes due to its automated and programmable features.
- Rising environmental awareness in an impactful and rewarding manner.
Contact: eduenas@metrica6.es
Madrid (Espagne)
Vainqueur du concours de l’OMT de tourisme rural – Catégorie innovation
MyStreetBook est un système d’intelligence artificielle appliquée au tourisme à l’usage des organismes publics (communes, communautés de communes, cantons, régions) ou privés. Il permet d’ultra-personnaliser dans le détail l’expérience de voyage pour faire découvrir la destination au voyageur, en créant et en recommandant des itinéraires intelligents en fonction de ses goûts et de ses besoins et en tenant compte, entre autres paramètres, des horaires d’ouverture, du transport, des tarifs ou de l’accessibilité. Son logiciel pionnier établit des correspondances entre les préférences des utilisateurs et les ressources de la destination et fait des recommandations au voyageur concernant l’offre d’après des critères tels que la diversité, la répartition ou la durabilité, suivant une éthique technologique privilégiant les activités respectueuses du tissu local et réduisant l’impact du visiteur sur l’environnement. Mystreetbook améliore les interactions du touriste, démocratise l’accès aux ressources culturelles qu’une destination peut offrir et permet une utilisation responsable des données nécessaires à la gestion de nos territoires d’intérêt touristique. Sa contribution à la transformation numérique de l’exploitation touristique, qui fait toucher du doigt au voyageur ce que sera le futur, lui a valu de recevoir cette année le prix d’Andalousie du tourisme dans la catégorie formation et recherche dans le tourisme. Mystreetbook a remporté le concours de tourisme rural de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme dans la catégorie de l’innovation.
MyStreetBook aide les destinations à relever quatre grands défis : 1) attirer de nouveaux voyageurs grâce à l’ultra-personnalisation et à la diversification de l’offre, 2) relancer l’économie par des incitations, la numérisation et la promotion de l’offre commerciale, gastronomique et d’artisanat local, 3) implanter des systèmes durables sur le territoire grâce à une éthique technologique cherchant à réduire l’empreinte des voyageurs, et promouvoir des activités durables dans le tissu local.
Il offre, en outre, aux gestionnaires du tourisme un outil d’analyse de données et de rapports pour connaître les voyageurs, leurs flux ou leurs déplacements, et adapter ou améliorer l’offre.
La technologie de MyStreetBook est capable d’analyser les tendances et d’accroître et de diversifier l’offre touristique du territoire par-delà les ressources balisées par la commune. Elle élargit l’espace touristique et permet, grâce à la technologie, de capter un plus grand public cible. Par ailleurs, MyStreetBook fonctionne comme un réseau de destinations interconnectées, regroupant une multitude de destinations organisées par canton, province ou région. C’est l’une de ses caractéristiques majeures, étant l’un des premiers systèmes touristiques numériques à intégrer de vastes environnements ruraux à un réseau de tourisme national, où les destinations plus accrocheuses donnent de la visibilité aux autres, grâce aux recommandations personnalisées du système.
Mexico (Mexique)
Finaliste du deuxième Tourism Tech Adventure de l’OMT pour les Amériques : EdTech
Natoure est une entreprise sociale qui a vu le jour début 2016 avec pour ambition « en voyage, préserver la nature ».
Pour produire un impact, nous agissons sur deux fronts :
1. Nous avons une APPLICATION/PAGE WEB de promotion de la conservation des zones naturelles et pour l’inclusion sociale des populations vulnérables grâce au tourisme durable. La plateforme de commerce équitable met en relation les voyageurs avec les populations locales réceptrices ainsi qu’avec les gestionnaires d’espaces naturels protégés, à la protection desquels contribue chaque visite et où les populations locales et autochtones sont des alliées majeures pour produire un impact positif.
2. Natoure est aussi une plateforme de sciences participatives et de plaidoyer politique. Nous avons lancé des campagnes qui ont mobilisé plus de 650 000 personnes et dépassé les 100 millions de réactions sur les réseaux sociaux. Nous avons également fait partie du comité scientifique de la COP13 et pilotons actuellement la stratégie mexicaine de tourisme durable 2030, voir http://bit.ly/ETMexicoSostenible2030.
Déterminés à transformer la façon de conserver les zones protégées du Mexique et d’Amérique latine, nous révolutionnons les voyages grâce à la technologie en faveur de l’inclusion sociale, de l’équité économique et de la conservation des zones naturelles protégées d’Amérique latine.
On sait peu qu’un tiers des changements climatiques proviennent de la déforestation. Ces 30 dernières années, plus de 180 millions d’hectares de forêts ont disparu, soit l’équivalent de 21 terrains de football par minute. Au cours de la même période, le Mexique a perdu un tiers de ses forêts. Notre mission est d’encourager le tourisme durable pour renverser la tendance. Avec Natoure, voyager c’est conserver la nature.
Actuellement, nous sommes 8 dans l’équipe, mêlant technologie, sciences et arts pour innover.
Nauty 360
Carthagène (Colombie)
Finaliste - Tourism Tech Adventure Colombia: Scaling up
Le marché du tourisme nautique représente un chiffres d’affaires annuel de milliers de millions de dollars dans le monde. Il demeure néanmoins considéré comme un marché inexploité, irrégulier et peu sûr, avec des prix fluctuants, peu fiables ou abordables, et encore plus en Amérique latine.
Notre planète est composée à 70 % d’eau et c’est un secteur qui mobilise des millions de personnes et d’entreprises et des populations et des groupes pour lesquels le tourisme nautique est la seule source de revenu économique. Pourtant, on n’a pas encore trouvé de moyen stable de mettre cet immense potentiel à la portée des clients, qui ne savent pas où s’adresser pour se procurer ces services.
C’est pour cette raison que nous serons des artisans du renouveau et de la promotion dans le monde du marché du tourisme nautique, pour en défendre l’exploitation correcte et la croissance, en centralisant au même endroit tous types d’expériences nautiques, tous nos fournisseurs devant être certifiés et aux normes voulues, pour avoir accès à la plateforme et garantir aux utilisateurs et aux voyageurs une expérience splendide, sûre et fiable, en devenant un point d’ancrage pour mettre en relation tous ces fournisseurs avec les utilisateurs partout dans le monde là où sont proposées ces expériences.
Notre start-up
Nous sommes une start-up colombienne née de l’idée de connecter, via une plateforme numérique d’économie collaborative, des propriétaires de bateaux (embarcations sportives, voiliers, catamarans, yachts) et autres opérateurs d’expériences nautiques, quelles qu’elles soient, avec les voyageurs, dans n’importe quelle destination du monde où il y ait de l’eau, que ce soit pour du tourisme, du repos ou des affaires.
Nous entendons, en outre, offrir bien plus qu’une location de bateaux. Par le biais de la plateforme, les utilisateurs pourront se procurer les services de particuliers ou d’entreprises proposant des activités de plongée, de pêche, de sports aquatiques, de tourisme écologique, des hôtels sur des îles ou des lacs, des événements d’entreprise, des séjours sur des îles privées, croisières, activités nautiques d’exception ou toute autre activité nautique ou aquatique n’importe où dans le monde.
Les utilisateurs pourront trouver par le biais de la plateforme toutes sortes d’expériences nautiques sur leur lieu de destination, réserver, payer et évaluer, après, l’expérience fournie par le prestataire, lequel pourra également noter le comportement du consommateur pendant l’exécution du service, de façon que les deux parties soient protégées.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions
Nibi is a social tech where people and companies can easily find hundreds of social and environmental programs of nonprofits that are working to contribute to different sustainable development goals. With Nibi people can become real changemakers through (i) high impact travel experiences, (ii) volunteer work and (iii) donations. By doing so, they are being rewarded with nibis, virtual points they can exchange for discounts in Nibi’s network of +60 emerging brands that are selling sustainable products and services (socially and environmentally friendly). In this way, Nibi is creating, connecting, and coordinating the interactions of a high impact digital ecosystem (composed by people, companies, nonprofits and sustainable brands) and promoting sustainable consumption habits in the meantime. With this tech-based solution Nibi enables the partnerships the world needs to achieve a sustainable future.
Competitive advantage: Nibi reward people for helping. When they subscribe our nonprofits’ high impact travel experiences, or their volunteer activities, or when they donate, they are rewarded with virtual points they can exchange for discounts in sustainable brands. Our ecosystemic approach, our team and our technology are other of our competitive advantages.
Market: According to a BCG study made about the social sector in Colombia in 2018, this is a 2B USD market size, but it has a huge growth opportunity. The United States’ social sector represents 2.1% of its GDP = 410B USD
Business model: Nibi has 2 main revenue streams: (i) Transaction’s fee, (ii) SaaS plans in a freemium model: monthly subscriptions nonprofits, companies, and sustainable brands pay to enable and improve some features in the platform.
Use cases:
- Building capacities in our nonprofits so they can use their volunteer experiences as a high impact touristic tool and as a revenue stream for their sustainability
- Connecting people interested in travel experiences with nonprofits in all Colombia who offer impactful volunteer opportunities so travelers can get to know and transform social and environmental problems when traveling
Contact: nacho@nibi.com.co
Opus 12
United States of America
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 13 – Climate Action
Opus 12 has developed a technology that converts carbon dioxide into valuable chemicals and fuels that are identical to and cost-competitive with conventional products. Our device bolts onto any source of CO2 emissions, and using only water and electricity as inputs, converts those emissions into critical chemical products. We can reduce the emissions of the world’s heaviest emitters, while creating a new revenue stream from greenhouse gases that are discarded freely today as waste.
Opus 12 can ultimately address 2-3 billions tons/year CO2, and create a pathway to displace fossil fuels in existing supply chains, while addressing the root of climate change. Opus 12 can transition the world from a fossil fuel-based economy to a CO2-based economy and shift the chemicals, materials, and fuels industries from extractive to circular by recycling CO2 into high-value chemicals and fuels that are conventionally produced from fossil fuels.
Competitive advantage: Opus 12’s technology is the only company modifying existing PEM electrolyzers to convert CO2, significantly reducing our scale-up risk and capital requirements. Our reactor architecture is cheaper, simpler, more scalable, more flexible, and has a longer commercial track record than any competing technology.
Market: At scale, our addressable markets span chemicals, materials, and fuels, a $300 billion petrochemicals sector. Our customer base spans entities with one or more of the following needs: the need to reduce large CO2 emissions, find uses for large scale renewables, or make/use Opus 12 end products.
Business model: Our systems will be installed at customer sites and Opus 12 will earn a recurring revenue stream through licensing. End customers will operate the units themselves, and Opus 12 will monitor the systems remotely.
Use cases:
- Enable the production of carbon-neutral fuels and products, including electronics, running shoes, sunglasses, automotive parts, and suitcases.
- Effectively provide a pathway to electrify aviation using molecules as the energy carrier to produce liquid fuels
- Provide a pathway to displace petroleum in existing supply chains
Contact: info@opus-12.com
Parque Ecológico Mundo Amazónico
Leticia (Colombie)
Finaliste - Tourism Tech Adventure Colombia: Scaling up
À propos Parque Ecológico Mundo Amazónico
MUNDO AMAZÓNICO est un projet familial de conservation et de revalorisation d’anciennes terres dégradées de l’Amazonie. Le reboisement a donné naissance à une pépinière qui, en 2009, a intégré des actifs touristiques pour assurer sa viabilité économique aux fins de la conservation. Le centre a ouvert ses portes au public en décembre 2010 et a déjà reçu des distinctions nationales et internationales venant récompenser notre engagement envers la protection de l’environnement et la préservation de l’Amazonie. L’écotourisme est un moyen de développer les bonnes pratiques en matière de biocommerce, par un usage durable des ressources biologiques locales, la démonstration de stratégies et d’activités productives favorisant l’utilisation durable des ressources naturelles de l’Amazonie colombienne, et la production de retombées économiques et sociales positives pour les populations locales et autochtones.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe
Haïfa (Israël)
Finaliste - 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition
Les réservations d’hôtel B2B posent deux principaux problèmes :
- Les prix des hôtels ont tendance à varier APRÈS que la réservation a été faite – en moyenne 22 fois entre le moment de la réservation et la dernière date d’annulation gratuite.
- La plupart des groupes de voyages ne font pas de nouveau rachat de réservation d’hôtel une fois qu’ils ont réservé l’hôtel pour le client.
Pruvo est une solution utilisant l’intelligence artificielle de traçage automatique des réservations d’hôtel effectuées auprès de n’importe quel prestataire, permettant de surveiller les prix 24 h sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, et d’accroître la rentabilité de 36 % en re-réservant automatiquement les réservations dont le prix net a baissé.
En plus d’accroître la rentabilité, Pruvo fait AUSSI augmenter le chiffre d’affaires hôtelier en revendant votre stock à des centaines de milliers de clients finaux de Pruvo.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
Bucharest, Romania
Winner 2nd UNWTO Start Up Competition
Questo is the travel platform and mobile app for contactless, gamified 24/7 city tours. The company travelers and locals discover new places and stories by using our mobile app to follow clues and solve challenges based on their surroundings. Every tour is created by a local storyteller or a tour operator who gets a revenue share for every booking.
Problem 1. Expensive tours
The younger generations want budget friendly options when they travel. Tour guides charge on average 75 euros/person in big cities. Questo tours are priced at 3-5 euros/person (20x cheaper)
Problem 2. Regular tours are restrictive.
Travelers seek flexibility and freedom, while regular tours run on tight schedules and in big groups. With Questo, you can play at any hour, alone or with friends and pause the game and resume whenever you like.
Problem 3. Safe tours post covid
Questo provides the safest tours: no human interactions, play anytime, less crowded routes, social distancing.
Questo is a travel app that takes tourists & locals on city exploration games where they solve clues to discover new places and local stories.
It offers 24/7, year-long experiences for an unlimited number of people simultaneously. No need for a tour guide, only your smartphone.
Each route inside the Questo mobile app is created around a specific theme, which can be inspired by a movie, a book, a historical fact or just a local legend. In London, for instance, travelers can explore the city as Sherlock Holmes or Isaac Newton, while in Paris they can play as Hemingway or Picasso.
RISE Travel Institute
United States
Category: Tourism Education
While in recent years, there have been increasing efforts from governments, destination management organizations, nonprofits and tourism businesses to build a more sustainable tourism sector, consumer education is far from adequate. Since visitors are an important stakeholder in the global tourism ecosystem, traveler education that aims at shifting mindsets, changing systems and transforming habits is crucial to creating a more equitable, inclusive and regenerative future for the one planet we all share.
RISE Travel Institute is committed to providing travelers with the knowledge and the tools to better understand their impact on host communities, ecosystems around the world, and the planet as a whole; we empower travelers to unpack and disrupt power dynamics and cycles of oppression in the travel and tourism space; we inspire travelers to make more conscious and ethical decisions that would not only benefit places and host communities but also make their travel experiences far more enriching and meaningful.
In 2021 we launched our Pilot Certificate Program in Sustainability and Anti-Oppression in Travel as our MVP. We gathered scholars, scientists, and seasoned tourism practitioners to create a semester-long online certificate program that addresses issues around social justice, biodiversity conservation and environmental stewardship in relation to travel. It proved a big success and that we have a unique product offering that is not currently available in the marketplace. Our Pilot Program won the Bessie's Social Impact Award 2022 and is now rebranded as our Flagship Certificate Program that runs twice a year and continues to create impact.
Competitive Advantage:
While there is a growing number of educational resources available for travelers about sustainable tourism (including book publications, news articles, blogs and podcasts), there is not a central educational platform on the market today. RISE Travel Institute provides travelers with a one-stop educational platform where they can learn and have critical conversations with experts about issues pertaining to sustainability and anti-oppression in travel. All resources we reference in our educational programs are from credible sources and vetted in such a way to ensure a holistic understanding of sustainability.
Contrary to the organizations named above, RISE Travel Institute's courses and programs are for anyone who identifies as a traveler regardless of their professional background. We serve university students, leisure travelers, and tourism professionals who travel extensively themselves or design tourism products for their customers. RISE Travel Institute is unique in that it uses an anti-oppression lens and systems-thinking approach to its programming. We believe this is a critical differentiator. The global concepts of sustainability we teach are intersected with global issues of racism, poverty, and inequality which we believe are often overlooked in the conversation about sustainable tourism. Our systems-thinking approach to sustainability and our anti-oppression lens empower travelers to think deeply and critically about the social and environmental impact of their travel habits and decisions and move away from the 'me' mentality to the 'we' mentality so that every stakeholder in the tourism ecosystem benefits from tourism.
London, United Kingdom / Moscow, Russia
Finalist 2nd UNWTO Global Startup Competition
Road.Travel is an all-in-one solution for creating and publishing curated routes with storytelling, booking capabilities and an industry-unique budget optimizer. We make car travels as simple as holiday packages, and Road.Travel is the first-ever technological platform to introduce road trip packages.
Our technology enables tourism authorities, destination management companies and travel service providers to take immediate steps in the months following the global lockdown to promote Covid-19 safe trips.
We're offering a solution for tourist destinations (DMOs, tourism boards, etc.) and travel service providers (airlines, car rental companies, etc.) – domestic car travel packages, with curated routes and hand-picked recommendations from experts and local community activists on how to explore their home regions in a sustainable way with a purpose of education, entertainment, physical activities, etc.
Our platform can easily be integrated into websites and mobile apps of tourist destinations, airlines, etc., as well as used as a standalone solution. Please contact us at partners@road.travel for more information and a live demo.
Lyon (France)
Lauréat - 1st UNWTO Sports Tourism Startup Competition
Le problème
La grande majorité des 400 millions de joggeurs sont des joggeurs occasionnels. Dans leur ville, ils ont du mal à se motiver pour sortir car c’est du temps pris sur leur famille, leur travail ou d’autres centres d’intérêt. Et quand ils sont en voyage, les adeptes du running ne savent jamais où aller et beaucoup renoncent. Difficile donc de se motiver, chez soi ou ailleurs.
80 % des joggeurs vivent et travaillent en ville. Ils sont si nombreux parmi les résidents et les visiteurs que les villes et leur écosystème (hôtels, compagnies aériennes, entreprises de transport, compagnies d’assurance, magasins de sport, organisateurs de courses, etc.) se doivent de leur proposer des solutions intéressantes. Les villes se livrent une concurrence féroce, au niveau national et au niveau international, pour être les plus attrayantes et les plus agréables pour faire du tourisme, vivre et travailler.
« Nous raccordons les joggeurs à l’écosystème de la ville. »
Notre solution
Runnin’City (http://runnin.city) est une application pour smartphone. Elle permet aux coureurs (et aux marcheurs) de découvrir plus de 200 villes à travers le monde. L’application propose un parcours dans la ville assorti de commentaires sur les lieux d’intérêt traversés.
Runnin’City combine un guidage GPS vocal et du contenu numérique d’informations touristiques multilingues.
Nous intégrons aussi maintenant les mégadonnées (big data) pour améliorer l’expérience client aux niveaux santé & bien-être. La fonctionnalité la plus intéressante est la prise en compte, d’une rue à l’autre et en temps réel, des données sur la qualité de l’air et les allergènes, pour faire passer le coureur par les zones les moins polluées.
Notre mission
« Notre mission : donner à nos utilisateurs une raison de courir. »
Cela fera d’eux des gens plus heureux, en meilleure santé, plus productifs et plus créatifs.
Notre modèle d’activité
Notre modèle d’activité est relativement simple. L’application est gratuite pour l’utilisateur. Nous proposons des parcours spécifiques et des expériences annuelles de running pour des villes, hôtels, entreprises de transport, organisateurs de courses, établissements financiers et, plus récemment, des sponsors.
Nous avons signé récemment plus de 100 contrats en Europe, avec des entreprises de stature mondiale (Air France, Accor, ASICS Europe, Decathlon, villes de Paris, Lyon, Bruxelles, Keolis, etc.).
La presse internationale raffole de nous et nous avons reçu plusieurs prix de l’innovation à l’échelle mondiale, dont un prix de l’innovation au Consumer Electronics Show 2019 de Las Vegas et le prix de la start-up la plus en rupture dans le domaine du sport et du tourisme décerné par l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT), et été élus « SportsTech européenne de l’année ».
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
Mexico City, Mexico
Finalist 2nd UNWTO Global Startup Competition
Indigenous communities have everything needed to be great hosts: they have the nature, the culture, the human capital, the organization and even the infrastructure. However, they lack the know-how to design complete and high-quality tourism experiences as well as the tools to access wider international markets.
At rutopia.com We support indigenous community tourism projects in succeeding and creating a positive impact in their community by working with them to improve the creation and distribution of their tourism products and services. Specifically, we help integrate the products and services they offer into a more end-to-end, high-quality bio-cultural tourism experience. We then also help ensure that these experiences are communicated accurately and effectively, and help to manage their bookings.
Safety Line
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 13 – Climate Action
Paris based Safety Line offers digital solutions that enable airlines and airports to leverage existing data for safer and more efficient operations. The combination of a solid expertise in aviation associated with patented research in data science applications allows Safety Line to offer uniquely innovative and practical solutions, with a focus on better managing risks and reducing fuel and CO2 emissions.
Competitive advantage: The OptiFlight Suite (including OptiClimb, OptiCruise and OptiDescent) is the only predictive in-flight guidance solution allowing airlines to optimize all flight phases including climb thanks to Machine Learning perfomance models for each tail, accurate 4D weather forecasts, and customized recommendations issued to pilots for each flight.
Market: OptiFlight solutions can optimize fuel burn and emissions for any type of commercial jets. OptiFlight is currently in operation with over 857 aircraft operated by 21 airlines, which already represents 3.8% of the global fleet.
Business model: OptiFlight is offered as a SaaS subscription on a per aircraft per month basis.
Use cases:
- Reducing fuel burn and emissions in the climb-out phase with OptiClimb
- Reducing fuel burn, emissions and flight time thanks to in-flight shortcuts with OptiDirect
- Ensuring on-time arrival at best fuel/time ratio with OptiSpeed
- Reducing fuel burn and emissions thanks to flight level optimisation with OptiLevel
- Anticipating on most likely approach thanks to OptiDescent
Contact: nora.serin@safety-line.fr
Colombia/Costa Rica/United States
Category: Ecological and Sustainable Capital Creation
Salva is developing Proprietary Technology on a Digital Interface which can finance more impactful projects by syndicating blended finance resources towards smaller impact driven projects by accrediting their asset management, ESG impact methodology and long term data tracking at a property level. Salva leverages its access to blended finance resources to partner with Regenerative Tourism projects as self-sufficient operations in emerging markets which can be developed as a new generation of 'banks' whose infrastructure and operations can be accredited custodians of ESG funds to support their respective communities small businesses and environmental programs. Salva utilizes blockchain technology to democratize the process and ensure accredited transparent assessments of ESG fund deployment which gets tracked throughout the lifetime of the asset or program.
Competitive Advantage:
Salva's impact opportunity, integrating Nature Based Solutions and micro-infrastructure at our master planned destinations through accredited impact assessments, regenerative urban planning, circular design and systems between all our respective properties, operations and technology to benefit the host community, environment and guests by providing an exceptionally authentic hospitality experience for all segments.
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 16 – Partnerships for the goals
Imagine helping Lebanese entrepreneurs to rebuild Beirut after the blast, building solar panels to bring back electricity in the Brazilian Amazon, or mastering the century-old tradition of Portuguese pastries with a chef.
SiliconBali is a global marketplace for immersive experiences hosted by local experts, from artisans, entrepreneurs, to organizations. Our platform lets users deep dive into ideas and issues that shape a particular destination, by joining in an activity that goes beyond tourism. Participate in global topics (like Rebuilding Beirut after the blast), choose one of the 17 SDGs (such as the Zero Hunger project in Rio), or experience unique subcultures (like the Creative Balinese or Lisbon Surfing Culture). We promote a longer (3 Weeks Avg.) and more sustainable way to travel that turns tourists into temporary citizens. We align to SDG#17: Partnership for goals, by working directly with local communities to prioritize their visions, needs and mobilize action towards them.
Competitive advantage: We call it ASAP. As sustainable as possible. As scalable as possible. As soon as possible.
- Sustainability: Interactions that positively impact the destination & the World.
- Scalability: A tech-enabled marketplace, not a travel agency/ organized trip.
- Soon: First-mover advantage to promote sustainable travel at scale.
Market: Thoughtful & conscious global citizens who travel to not only escape and visit, but to engage and build a meaningful connection with the world. They are broken down into these segments:
- 1.2B travellers who seek new & more sustainable way to travel.
- 1/3 tourists who wants to immerse deeper in a destination.
- +70M youths & academic who seek work experiences abroad.
- >20% remote workers who plan to travel to another city for a medium-long term stay.
- 60% global talent who are exploring career opportunities overseas.
Business model:
Current: Marketplace commission fee.
- B2B: To integrate into hotels and airlines to sell our experiences to guests and passengers that are traveling for the medium-long term.
- B2G: To partner with destination & tourism boards to promote a longer and a more authentic way for travellers to visit their city. In a way that doesn’t promote over tourism & restart travel more sustainably by prioritizing the local communities needs.
Contact: sevo@siliconbali.com
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 5 – Gender equality
The Sisterwave wants to solve the problem of depriving women of the fundamental freedom of movement and to decrease the fear many women have of traveling by themselves. And to provide more gender equity for women when traveling and offering travel services. According to a research done by YouGov, women are more likely to feel insecure about traveling alone. 76% stated they do not travel alone because they don’t find it safe.
Through our platform, the sisters (this is what we call our community members) can chat with female locals and help each other with tips and information. They can also look for female travel buddies (not focused on dating) and offer travel related services with affordable prices. So, these are powerful tools that allow us to empower women to go further.
All the features we create are made through validation processes with our users. Everything we do is always based on our strong contact with our sisters and their demands. Our focus is user-centered, by using tools of design thinking and customer success.
Competitive advantage: There are some competing platforms around that are also focused on connecting women travelers in a marketplace. However, none of them is a social network, only Sisterwave.
In addition, we have a team with expertise in artificial intelligence and user experience to improve the connection between the sisters.
Market: The number of women traveling alone has been growing in the last few years around the world. In 2017 more than 100 million women traveled alone, and in the last six years, the number of female exclusive tourism companies has grown 230% (Forbes). 45% of the researched travel agents found that Europe is the most popular destination for women (Booking).
Business model: The platform works through a subscription model in which the sister can use the travel services, get in touch with local residents and other travelers and use the virtual experiences without any intermediation fee. They can also negotiate terms and discounts with the hostess, and also make exchanges.
Use cases:
- Empower women to travel with more confidence.
- Income generation for women.
- Decentralization of tourism from large companies to small female entrepreneurs.
- More immersive experience at the destination by connecting with a local resident.
- Promotion of cultural exchange, friendships and connections.
Contact: jussara@sisterwave.com
Madrid (Espagne)
Finaliste du concours de l’OMT de tourisme rural
Nous avons créé une plateforme permettant aux hébergements alternatifs et aux petits hôtels indépendants d’offrir une expérience client numérique plus sûre aussi bien pour la clientèle que pour les employés de ces établissements. Elle élimine les interactions physiques en combinant 6 services numériques faciles à gérer pour l’établissement depuis un guichet unique. Une fois que l’établissement s’est inscrit sur le site SmartDigitalPlug, tous les services peuvent être activés : check-in automatisé avec la technologie Checkin, adaptée dès maintenant à toutes les règlementations touristiques de l’ensemble de l’UE en matière de conformité ; accès client automatisé à l’aide de la technologie STAYmyway ; dispositif automatisé d’économies d’énergie avec STAYmyway ; ménage professionnel certifié avec la technologie de Doinn, plateforme en ligne intégrant le ménage, la location de linge de maison et de serviettes, les services de blanchisserie et d’inspection finale (après le check-out du client) ; chauffeur privé avec la technologie de Servantrip ; service client automatisé avec un dialogueur sur WhatsApp ou Messenger utilisant la technologie de Visor.ai ; suivi automatisé de la satisfaction client à l’aide de la technologie de myHotel.
Omer, Israel
Finalist 1st UNWTO Start Up Competition
SeeVoov is a video based trip planner.
We offer our partners an end to end costumer journey that is supported by video.
We use the power of video (increases time on site, increases purchase intent and consumer engagement) and turn viewers into buyers.
We offer several use case scenarios in different stages of the traveler (all as white label solutions):
- Inspiration (pre travel and pre decision) – video guides to Swiss destinations
- Planning (post flight booking) – planning your stay in your destination
- Booking – booking attractions with the platform and increase ancillary revenues
- In-flight entertainment – enable travelers to explore their destination and plan their stay while they fly.
- On site – a Swiss white label application offer travelers to navigate in their destination (based on their pre-planned trip) and explore their current location for additional attractions
Seven Clean Seas
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 14 – Life below water
Seven Clean Seas (SCS) is an ocean clean up organisation with the goal of removing plastic from the marine environment and working with rural / island communities to prevent plastic from entering the natural environment in the first place.
Using a multi-pronged approach, SCS’ goal is building an ecosystem containing environmental plastic recovery, community level interception, river cleanup and sorting infrastructure. To this end, SCS has developed a high volume, low cost River Plastic Recovery System, employs rural waste management and ocean cleanup crews and is building a MRF in Indonesia.
All activity is funded by the world’s first Ocean Plastic Offsetting solution, helping responsible companies first reduce, then offset their necessary plastic footprint against ocean plastic. The beauty of this solution is that it provides both a mandate and funding to clean the ocean, whilst providing value to the offsetter. It’s a triple win!
Competitive advantage: We are one of the first movers in the market and already have many clients.
Market: When you think of Plastic Offsetting, people usually think products, packaging and supply chain. Whilst these have clear Plastic Footprints which can and should be offset, the solution is much more adaptable and can be applied to travel, events, business operations, services, or even used as a customer reward.
Business model: Companies can offset unavoidable plastic use by investing in projects that tackle plastic pollution. Once the plastic footprint is identified, said company can offset it through the purchase of plastic credits from Seven Clean Seas. A Plastic credit is a certificate for 1,000kg of plastic that has been recovered from the ocean or prevented from entering it in the first place.
The client wins and can achieve Net-Zero Plastic in their products or services and benefit from the PR / Comms / Marketing opportunities as well as the environmental benefit.
Seven Clean Seas wins because we get a mandate and funding to clean the oceans.
Use cases:
- Providing Employment Opportunities to furloughed or unemployed tourism workers (we employ 22 currently in Indonesia).
- Providing environmental conservation / cleanup in areas often shared with the tourism industry.
- Providing waste management solutions to hotels and resorts.
Contact: tom@sevencleanseas.com
Smart Tour / Smart Tracking
Brazil Florianópolis
Finalist Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge
About Smart Tour / Smart Tracking
Smart Tracking is a Covid-19 contact tracking platform during the disease incubation period. We were able to track establishments and people who had contact with a patient in the 15 days prior covid-19 diagnosis and contact them by email or phone. We don’t use Apps, BLE or GPS. We are in accordance with the General Data Protection Law and we appreciate the individual freedom. Using Smart Tracking is it possible to maintain the local population and visitors safety in the return of economic activities.
United States of America
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation
SOURCE technology makes water and endlessly renewable resource by harvesting pure water vapor from the sky and converting it to clean safe, great -tasting drinking water regardless of geography or socio economic. We support goal M.12
Competitive advantage: our revolutional patented technology is unlike anything available on the market , with no direct competitors. Our robust IP is protected by multiple patents.
Market: Every part of the world is facing water challenges , and SOURCE can solve them. We serve remote communities , bring water to schools, hospitals and cities, support sustainable experiences and empower indigenes communities and women’s and girls
Business model: We sell SOURCE hydropanels directly and through Water Purchases Agreements WPA.
Use cases: We bring clean sustainable produced drinking water to far destinations, we replace the expensive and environmental impact of plastic bottle and trucked water, for eco - tourisms, we delivery sustainable experiences down to wáter
Contact: eduardo.casilda@source.co
Palma de Majorque (Espagne)
Finaliste - 1st UNWTO Tourism Tech Adventure for the Americas
Nous savons que nous allons recommencer à voyager, mais la mise en place de stratégies de distanciation physique par souci de sécurité va réclamer beaucoup d’efforts. Alors que le secteur des voyages fait le bilan de ses pertes et cherche à faire reprendre l’activité, le changement est inévitable, avec dans son sillage l’apparition d’un nouveau type de voyageur. À mesure que le secteur se redressera, la filière va devoir appliquer de nouvelles stratégies pour accroître de toute urgence les sources de recettes par des ventes incitatives et répondre à la demande des voyageurs qui seront disponibles quand émergera le paysage post-COVID.
Qu’adviendra-t-il des circuits et des activités qui, à cause de la nécessité de distanciation physique, seront limités ou indisponibles dans la nouvelle réalité des voyages post-COVID ?
Face au besoin croissant de visites autonomes pour compléter le service offert au voyageur de loisir en assurant la distanciation physique, Soundwalkrs propose une solution extensible et rapide à l’appui du relèvement du secteur.
Soundwalkrs est un service dans le nuage d’intégration de visites sans guide aux réservations en ligne.
Via un modèle de prestation et de licence de logiciel, nous proposons à nos abonnés sur une plateforme centralisée des visites sans guide, pour permettre aux fournisseurs de services touristiques d’obtenir de nouvelles sources de recettes et d’apporter de la valeur ajoutée à l’expérience de leurs clients, dans cette nouvelle réalité des voyages post-COVID à l’heure de la distanciation physique.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe
Stay 22
Montréal (Canada)
Finaliste - 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition
Stay22 est une solution gratuite interactive pour aider les amateurs de sorties à prendre leurs décisions de voyages plus vite et mieux, depuis leur choix d’hébergement dans une gamme de plateformes de réservation comme Booking.com, Expedia, Hotels.com, Airbnb, etc., jusqu’à un large éventail de services de voyages incluant des restaurants, location de voitures, parking et événements. Stay22 entend offrir au public une expérience de réservation rehaussée. Gadget logiciel de repérage sur un plan, il se sert d’événements et de lieux d’intérêt pour revendre des stocks de chambres à des utilisateurs ciblés.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Asie-Pacifique
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7, “Affordable and Clean Energy”, aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. This is a goal that Swimsol holds dear. Swimsol’s photovoltaic solutions offers green energy at a cheaper price than diesel (a predominant energy source in the Maldives and other Small Island Nations). Harnessing the power of the tropical sun means Swimsol’s solar systems produce a steady supply of renewable energies, allowing its clients to switch off their diesel generators partially or fully during the day. Furthermore, each system is optimally configured to integrate into the pre-existing electrical grid and ensure a reliable and steady supply of energy. By offering several financing options (such as turnkey or power purchasing agreements), Swimsol ensures solar power is affordable and attainable for its clientele – so that SDG 7 can become a reality.
Competitive advantage: Swimsol’s competitive advantage lays in its technical offering and business model. SolarSea is the world’s first solar power plant for the sea which saves valuable land space and provides solar energy at a cheaper price than diesel. Swimsol also offers a zero-investment business model to assure the affordability of clean energy.
Market: Swimsol has installed projects in the Maldives, Indonesia and Malaysia. Currently, Swimsol is expanding its market to include projects in the Seychelles, United Arab Emirates, and Chile. Swimsol technology is appropriate for any coastal area with protected waters.
Business model: Swimsol has a production-based compensation programme. Swimsol secures investment for projects, which are paid-back by turnkey purchases or through power purchasing agreements using a special purpose vehicle. Power purchase agreements involve paying back investment costs by purchasing energy.
Use cases:
- Lowering energy costs at hotels
- Providing clean energy alternatives to diesel generators
- Saving valuable land space by installing PVs at sea
- Ensuring reliability of grid-energy supply by integrating batteries
Contact: office@swimsol.com
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
ToBadaa helped the society by allowing people to earn more cash by doing things they really love, to be independent, we connecting travellers first to tour guides and locals using their own cars to book tours and activities instead of travel agencies, where the locals can find the opportunity to live better.
Competitive advantage: Each of tobadaa guide has his own profile, create his tours and also to set the prices.
Market: $188B USD, tours and activities.
Business model: Commission based, future subscription fee.
Use cases:
- Minimizing the cost of each tour.
- Avoiding the hidden fee and extra commissions.
- People see who they will meet.
- No hidden fee.
- Cutting from the profit to help children hospitals. in achieving profitability.
Contact: info@tobadaa.com
Travaxy – accessible travel
Winner of the UNWTO SDGs Global Startup Competition
Category: SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities
About Travaxy – accessible travel
Travaxy enables offline/online travel agencies and travel APIs to get the most accurate services for travelers with disabilities and senior travelers who need assistance by disability type and needs, ensuring a worry-free holiday. Our airline notification and accommodation offers happen in seconds, instead of hours and sometimes days. The best thing about it is that B2B partners don’t need to disconnect from their service providers (hotel and flight APIs ). We have a middle layer API to a fast and easy to integrate solution, making them disability experts! B2B travel partners save time, money, and most importantly, get happy and returning customers.
Travaxy offers three unique APIs:
- Airline assistance notification - Providing airlines with all the accurate disability information about the passenger, the type of assistance needed, and the equipment and documentation. We notify the airline 48 hours before the passengers’ arrival, so the travel agent/traveler won’t have to do it by themselves.
- Airline service is worldwide.
- Option to get this service as a Saas.
- Hotel offers: Travel B2B customers stay with their existing booking process.
Travaxy integrates as a middle solution in the process. There is no need to change providers to get our services. Hotel offer by disability type and sub filters for specific requirements - Disability type: Mobility impaired, visually impaired, hearing impaired, older travelers in need of assistance. (Travaxy offers a different set of hotels for a different type of disabilities) Sub-categories: Ex. From the bed’s height, have a lift to get inside the Pool, a hearing Kit, and more than 90 accessibility parameters. - Travaxy generates a certificate for each hotel we provide. That way, travel agents/travelers can precisely see the hotel’s public and room areas and know the hotel’s different amenities and measures. Travel agents become accessibility travel experts!
- Travaxy API tells the existing hotel API provider which hotels to present by the disability type and needs.
Competitive advantage: Travaxy is the only company worldwide that tackles this problem from a different angle, instead of us being disabled travel agents for people with disabilities, we make the travel experts - accessibility experts by giving them the knowledge they need to close the deal in seconds instead of hours and with zero mistakes.
Market: We’re talking about the biggest and fastest growing minority in the world, 1.2 billion people in the world are disabled. 600 million out of them lives in developed countries and 70% of them travel between 2 to 4 times more than the usual traveler before COVID-19. The booking the planning and the at destination stay are estimated in more than $200 billion every year before COVID-19.
Business model: We have two options of business model, one is a retainer based connection, we also have an option to pay by usage without a retainer fee.
Use cases: Our solution saves time by helping and choosing the right accommodation for the specific disability type, one or more, and also filters by subcategories for better precision, and offered this service in seconds instead of hours of searches.
We also save time on airline notification, travel agents are required to provide information to the airlines about travelers with specific needs and the equipment that they are flying with. We are providing that Service in a simple API/Saas calls and save two / three hours for the travel agents and by that save money for the organization.
Contact: lioz@travaxy.com
Category: Tourism Tech for Good
Travellyze is a cloud-based tourism analytics platform designed by tourism marketing experts and built to help tourism brands and destinations make smarter, strategic, and tactical marketing decisions. Our product offers 3 key assets:
- Accurate Data: We build our surveys with the intention of creating traveler profiles that align with more than 150 destinations around the world. Our data consists of more than 15 million data points with a 95% confidence index.
- Unique Rankings: We have developed a variety of unique rankings and indexes to accurately define a destination's position regarding awareness, perception, experience, and revisitors analysis.
- Versatile Team: Our team is formed by data scientists, developers, and marketing and travel experts. Our expertise, variety of skills, and humane approach allow us to adapt to any type of data and intelligence needs that may arise.
Our platform offers several solutions to adjust to the different needs of the travel ecosystem. We can produce market research, traveler profiles, customized and pre-programmed reports, and dashboards. We are also developing geo-located reports to offer a better understanding of how travelers behave when they arrive at their destination.
Through our collaboration with Turtech, via Constanza, from our validated MVP, we are working to develop the product market fit. Turtech's travel community and its support to entrepreneurs in the travel industry have been essential at this stage.
Competitive Advantage:
The Travellyze database includes three kinds of data:
- Destination image and perception: Our platform includes perception, appeal, awareness and short-term demand rankings, the continent share of voice, and average awareness index.
- Travel behavior: We gather data regarding travel spending, holiday budgets, travel months, accommodation preferences, sources of inspiration, search and booking habits, sustainable travel habits, and resilience to travel.
- Demography: We dive into the gender, age, household structure, household income, and education of your traveler.
All of our data can be combined and crossed, which gives almost endless possibilities to customize reports and find exactly the insights that destinations and travel brands need. Our platform also features several graphics to present data and insights in an easy-to-read and accessible way.
While our platform was built by developers and data scientists, you don't have to be one to use Travellyze. Our simple and easy-to-use interface allows you to access the data and insights you need, anywhere and anytime.
In conclusion, the main difference is our global standard for destination measurement regarding awareness, perception, and experience. Also the possibility to cross-reference this data in an intuitive and simple interface. This produces accurate and unique traveler profiles.
Port of Spain (Trinité-et-Tobago)
Finaliste du premier Tourism Tech Adventure pour les Amériques
TravelMeetEat est la première application au monde de mise en relation de voyageurs amateurs de bonnes tables. Dans notre communauté en ligne, nos membres peuvent, en toute sécurité, faire de nouvelles connaissances, se connecter et échanger avec d’autres gastronomes partout dans le monde pour, ensuite, partager ensemble un vrai repas.
La génération du Millénaire va représenter, en 2020, la moitié de toutes les dépenses mondiales de voyages de loisir et d’affaires. Elle aspire à vivre des expériences culinaires authentiques, inédites et ultra-personnalisées et valorise l’appartenance à une communauté. Cependant, les ressources en ligne existantes restent trop génériques et vagues ou n’ont rien d’authentique, ne servant qu’à effectuer des transactions.
TravelMeetEat a pour ambition de révolutionner le milieu des commentaires de voyages et gastronomiques en fondant une communauté où les membres vont pouvoir :
Entrer en contact avec d’autres voyageurs gastronomes avec lesquels ils ont des affinités, en fonction de leurs préférences particulières de voyages, sociales et culinaires ;
Nouer et entretenir des amitiés durables en échangeant des recommandations de voyage et culinaires ;
Partager des expériences culinaires authentiques avec d’autres voyageurs gastronomes sur le lieu de leur prochaine destination de voyage en sortant manger comme le fait la population locale.
Trees4Travel Ltd
United Kingdom
Category: Ecological and Sustainable Capital Creation
Trees4Travel enables 'Planet and People Positive' travel and events.
UK based, working globally to create climate positive action; rewilding, biodiversity restoration, positively impacting indigenous communities, renewables investment, alongside every tree planted.
Trees4Travel works with future-minded travel and event brands calculating GHG emissions, then building sustainable reduction projects.
Trees4Travel offers a simple 'Trips to Trees' calculator and a 'central carbon account' for travellers, providing a dashboard, displaying their live carbon balance, creating tangible connections to activities, displaying planting status, images and stories from the plantation locations.
Educating travellers about their impact is key to reducing emissions and promoting conscious travel.
Route to market is primarily through TMC's. We provide a suite of APIs and calculators. A corporate dashboard allows clients to follow their impact and projects, with live planting data and quarterly updates. To ensure a traveller's emissions are compensated rapidly, we assign each tree a share of an investment into a UN Certified Emissions Reduction renewable energy programme; essentially doubling our promise.
Trees4Travel is the sustainability partner of the Business Travel Association (BTA), Eurostar, National Grid (UK & US), Flight Centre Group - over 180 contracts to date. Tree4Travel is a member of travel associations including The Institute of Travel and Tourism (ITT), Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), Institute of Travel Management (ITM), Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). Teams are located in North America, Northern and Eastern Europe.
Trees4Travel is in discussions for two major pilot projects; decarbonising a prime leisure travel destination and a sustainable aviation fuel innovation.
Competitive Advantage:
Trees4Travel's senior team all have a travel background bringing with it a particular understanding of the needs of the industry. The tech, whilst highly sophisticated and accurate, is uniquely simple at the point of use, by translating 'trips to trees'. It assimilates seamlessly into the operating systems of clients, providing a suite of calculators (scopes 1,2,3) for free. The founders' expertise allows for in depth and relatable training seminars 'speaking the language' of front-line sellers from travel agents to business travel managers as well as the individual leisure traveller looking to tread more lightly as they explore the world. All marketing and educational assets are free to all partners. The Trees4Travel 'double up' promise of every tree including an investment in UN CER renewables to speed up reversing climate change demonstrates the company's genuine desire for planet and people positive impact over profit. Trees4Travel's 'need not greed' pricing philosophy allows for our customers to purchase trees at a price low enough to make almost no perceptible impact on cost of travel. So low in fact that many corporate customers offer their clients a 'two for one' pricing structure providing a second (free of charge) tree for each tree bought against the journey calculation.
Tripxio (Formely Roundbob.com)
Kampala (Ouganda)
Lauréat - UNWTO/NEPAD Tourism Tech Adventure: Promoting African Tourism Innovation
À propos Tripxio (Formely Roundbob.com)
Pour un opérateur touristique africain, il est difficile et coûteux de numériser sa palette de produits et d’exploiter son activité en ligne. Pourtant, cela l’aiderait, pour son produit, à en accroître la visibilité, la distribution et la demande.
Tripxio est une suite de logiciels services d’efficience aidant les opérateurs touristiques à couvrir leurs opérations front-office et back-office et les intégrations avec des tiers. La plateforme permet aux petites et moyennes entreprises du secteur du tourisme de numériser leurs opérations, de proposer des forfaits d’offres nouvelles et existantes, de créer des sites de commerce électronique, d’offrir des pages de réservations, de distribuer auprès de plateformes de tiers, d’accepter les paiements et de gérer efficacement leur activité.
Régions d’intérêt : Afrique
United States
Category: Local community involvement
Tuzmo the world's first platform that connects travelers and tourists with authentic, local artisans. Our mission as a two sided marketplace are to empower the artisans of the world with direct access to the buyers and travelers, and to enrich the travel experience for the travelers and tourists by helping them find the most authentic crafts from every destination in the world. Traditional marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon are not designed for the users who are traveling away from their home bases or for experiences. Tuzmo's platform is designed to support both the experience and the product transactions. Our marketplace's AI driven interest matching algorithm combined with the geo-location based searches will be used to match travelers and tourists as well as local residents with the most authentic, skilled, and reputed masters whether it be artisans or wellness providers. The platform will also be multilingual allowing the end user to be able to do searches and transactions in their own language regardless of the destination where they are using the app. Tuzmo also has a powerful reviews and rating engine and a curation process to ensure the quality and integrity of the supply side of the marketplace. Multiple digital payment options are available including Credit Cards, Paypal, and Crypto, freeing the visitors from having to convert or carry local currency. Tuzmo's roadmap includes AR/VR/Metaverse, an NFT marketplace of crafts, expanding to be a super app for travelers and tourists to find any authentic local product or service.
Competitive Advantage:
- AUTHENTICITY: Tuzmo is building an unmatched database of the World's artisans. Tuzmo, gathers, authenticates, curates the data on artisans from all parts of the world through a network of associates and our partnerships with national tourism boards and associations. Tuzmo currently has 8000 artisans in its database from 37 cities in the world, with a target of 100,000 artisans by the end of 2022 and 1 Million artisans by the end of 2024.
- QUALITY: Tuzmo is relentlessly focused on the quality of the artisan and craft profiles on the platform. We gather rich profiles of the artisans which include high quality images, videos, and geo coordinates and other information to help us map the artisans of the world for the first time in human history. Tuzmo has a detailed curation process to ensure the most authentic, high quality, deeply local and traditional crafts from the most skilled artisans representing the local culture and traditions make it to the platform.
- STORYTELLING: Tuzmo gathers the stories of the artisans meticulously. Most of the artisan profiles include a short video of the artisan telling their story in their own words.
- EMPOWERMENT OF ARTISANS: The success and delight of the artisans of the world is part of Tuzmo's mission. Tuzmo allows artisans to set their own prices for their crafts, and to keep 75 to 80% of the final sale price of the items compared to the 10 to 20% in the current system involving multiple middle persons.
Madrid (Espagne)
Finaliste du deuxième concours de l’OMT de start-up de tourisme de gastronomie
Start-up présentant un intérêt pour les restaurants haut de gamme avec une clientèle d’affaires en vue d’accroître leurs prix moyens et leur fréquentation la semaine et d’offrir le plus haut niveau de service en assurant la maîtrise, l’analyse et la réduction des coûts, pour les entreprises, en termes de frais de bouche. Cette activité s’appuie sur une plateforme technique révolutionnaire de mise en relation B2B des clients d’affaires avec les restaurants.
Bogota (Colombie)
Finaliste de Tourism Tech Adventure Colombie : la mise à échelle
Valopes est une entreprise technologique de numérisation du métabolisme industriel des entreprises en vue d’une utilisation plus efficace des ressources naturelles. C’est toute la force de l’analyse économique appliquée à la durabilité et à l’économie circulaire.
Barcelone (Espagne)
Vainqueur du concours de l’OMT de tourisme rural – catégorie impact social
Vanwoow est une plateforme de collaboration pour la promotion d’expériences responsables en milieu rural. Notre but : faire revivre, grâce au tourisme en caravane, de petits villages vidés de leurs habitants.
De petits villages proposent aux voyageurs se déplaçant en caravane des lieux privilégiés pour passer la nuit et des expériences inédites.
En échange, les caravaniers donnent à ces villages de la visibilité, redynamisent leur économie et, c’est le plus important, visitent et apprécient des lieux encore épargnés par le tourisme de masse.
Viatu Travel
Category: Green and blue economies
With Viatu, we offer a trip builder that lets travellers design and directly buy impactful journeys to sustainable destinations. All elements of the trip are sustainability-approved, and the whole trip is carbon-neutral, making sure to give back to people and the planet alike. We are taking the guesswork out of booking a complete sustainable journey and making it easy to leave a positive impact.
We have over 200 paying customers already despite the COVID pandemic.
Competitive Advantage:
Our booking platform offers a one-stop shop for fully customisable impactful trips.
We leverage our team's yearlong expertise in the industry. We have built, tried, and tested, sustainable itineraries that our customers can customise according to budget, preference and travel styles: no group trips, no travel agents.
Valencia, Spain
Winner 2nd UNWTO Global Startup Competition
Visualfy is a company formed by deaf and hearing people that creates technology for deaf people and institutions committed to accessibility, with the objective of closing the gap deaf people have to face in their daily life in different areas. We have created an artificial intelligence algorithm able recognize relevant sounds and translate them into visual and sensory alerts, so deaf people can be notified directly and at the same time of hearing people about important information they must react to.
Our system is patented in 44 countries and has been developed with an investment of 1,3 millions of R+D from a European H2020 program and 1.2 millions of private funds. It translates important sounds -such as a fire alarm, a baby crying or an alarm clock- into visual and sensory alerts on any connected device, both public -intelligent lighting of the building- or private -mobile or smart band-. We add indoor geo-positioning technology to assist evacuation in case of emergency.
We have two main business lines:
- Visualfy Places is a portfolio of technological solutions for the accessibility of public and private spaces, to guarantee compliance with accessibility legislation on inclusion and equal access to services and products, allowing people with hearing loss equal opportunities. It includes technological (artificial Intelligence and geo-positioning) and communication solutions (magnetic loops and real-time sign language video interpretation).
- Visualfy Home is a home sound recognition system that listens for the user and translates sounds such as the doorbell, the fire alarm or a baby crying into customizable light colour alerts on smart devices. For example, the user can make the smartphone light up in green if the doorbell sounds, the smartphone and smartwatch in yellow if the baby is crying, or the smart bulbs in red if the fire alarm sounds.
We have been working with the deaf community for the last 10 years, and deaf people are part of all our value chain: as investors, advisors, part of the managing board, team and users. Our team is made up of 17 deaf and hearing people from different fields (artificial intelligence, development, marketing, commercial, customer service…) who work every day to make the company’s vision a reality: that hearing loss does not stop anyone’s dreams or personal and professional development.
Sign language is one of the languages spoken at our offices, along with Spanish and English. We produce every communication material in sign language and with subtitles and have a team devoted to this task.
We are a social impact company and our business model is driven by social key performance indicators (kpi's), audited by Bcorp. Achieving a productive, sustainable business is our means to grow our impact. We have been recognized as Best for the World 2018 and 2019 in the Customers Category by the international social impact movement Bcorp. We proudly contribute to Sustainable Development Goal n. 10: Reduce Inequalities.
As for the background, the company was established in 2011 by Manel Alcaide and Ángel Albiach, and from very early on had a close relationship with the deaf community. In 2014, they created a free app for mobile accessibility, that was downloaded in 122 countries by thousands of people in a few weeks, which uncovered a necessity and the possibilities of economic and social impact that the development of solutions for hearing accessibility could have, prompting them to take a step further.
United Kingdom
Category: Green and blue economies
Weeva is an accessible, digital sustainability management solution and supportive tools, enabling the 21st century of data-driven sustainability.
Our vision for tourism is that every business in tourism, knows and quantifies its impacts on the world (both positive and negative), knows what practical steps to take to improve and ultimately have a net positive contribution. Weeva is B4B and built for the tourism industry by the tourism industry. Our value add is that data collection and behavioural change is key to creating a tourism industry that can play its part in alleviating poverty and inequality, fighting climate change, protecting biodiversity and supporting prosperous communities. Weeva enables you to capture, consolidate and visualize your data.
Solutions in Weeva's MVP include:
- Enabling capacity development and about 18 sustainability parameters (categories) and their significance.
- Properties capture data into the system, either per field or in bulk using CSV templates. Users can assign specific data inputs to team members. Sustainability practices should be shared by the whole team.
- Properties drive continuous improvement through target setting, and activities supported by tools, templates and guides.
- Through the interactive dashboard, users are given meaningful live metrics on impact to track progress towards meeting, and ultimately exceeding targets.
- Weeva's customisable reporting feature allows properties to easily extract customized reports.
Competitive Advantage:
There are tech related sustainability solutions, like Earthcheck. Furthermore, ESG reporting itself is in various sectors and industries. Furthermore, for the tourism industry tech like Green Key and Booking.com are encouraging new sustainable thinking in the industry. But there is no one product. We could see that in the competitor landscape, there is a gap at the intersection between Sustainability, Technology and Tourism, and that's where we come in.
In short, our niche solutions are: data collection, analytics, reporting & support.
How are we different:
- We have added social impact metrics, which no competitors include. We help our users to identify and celebrate, manage and amplify social capital as part of their sustainability journey.
- Weeva will help measure the initial baseline for a business and then 'nudge' the user towards measuring performance, setting targets and achieving goals
- We enable sustainability to be undertaken by vatrious individuals in a business. Tasks and data capture can be assigned to various individuals.
- The metrics and systems for capturing require high effort, that is why our platform seeks to reduce the complexity, introduce global best practice to inform and encourage our users to bring focus onto this quadrant, it's not easy but it is fundamental to their holistic success, we are trying to drive the willingness to showcase the data and reveal the impact around the softer, qualitative information, so we can verify your impact and help you monitor and improve.
Wheel the World
Berkeley (États-Unis d’Amérique)
Santiago (Chili)
Lauréat - 2ndUNWTO Tourism Tech Adventure for the Americas: EdTech
On compte un milliard de personnes handicapées et deux milliards de personnes ayant un lien direct avec elles. Toutes ces personnes ont des besoins différents d’accessibilité et rencontrent toutes sortes de difficultés pour voyager.
Wheel the World est une start-up à vocation sociale ayant pour but de donner aux personnes handicapées les moyens d’explorer le monde sans limites.
Via gowheeltheworld.com, on peut trouver et réserver des expériences de voyages accessibles, notamment de lieux où aller et d’activités à faire offrant l’accessibilité voulue dans les plus belles destinations au monde.
Wheel the World cartographie les conditions détaillées d’accessibilité offertes par les prestataires (hôtels et voyagistes) et organise ces informations dans son système. Wheel the World est une source d’informations exactes et de confiance pour les voyageurs en situation de handicap faisant leur réservation de voyage sur la plateforme. Les utilisateurs détaillent dans leur profil leurs besoins en termes d’accessibilité et font leurs recherches de destinations et de produits en disposant de toutes les informations spécifiques sur leur accessibilité. Une fois le service réservé, par intégration de systèmes et courriels automatisés, Wheel the World transmet à l’hôtel ou au voyagiste toutes les informations requises pour répondre aux besoins du voyageur.
Wheel the World a participé à plusieurs programmes d’accélération, dont l’accélérateur durable de Booking.com Booking Booster, Google Launchpad et Facebook Community Leadership Program.
Régions d’intérêt : Amériques, Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique
Womxn For Wild
South Africa
Category: Women Empowerment
Female-founded by a seasoned travel photojournalist and marketing-savvy videographer, we want all womxn to immerse themselves in Africa's wilds without fear or prejudice.
We've hosted workshops for women that turn novices into fledgling surfers, mountain bikers and scuba divers. We thrive off the joy of new places and trying new things and know we've done something right when a fellow womxn has retained a new skill, like surfing confidently or pitching a tent on the Drakensberg slopes. We have plenty of repeat guests, reinforcing our core goal of community-building.
Our primary marketing avenue is through Instagram, mailing lists and word of mouth. Our biggest challenge is funding facilitators and getting around the country to host these adventures. The dream is to host a free open day or festival to expose more womxn to the joys of the outdoors and empower female guides in South Africa.
Competitive Advantage:
Always hosted and facilitated by us, Conscious and eco-friendly lens, Donations to relevant charities included, Educational and experiential aspect to every trip, Empowering.We support female guides.