Les Émirats Arabes Unis organisent un atelier de formation de l'OMT sur Durabilité dans la destination touristique
February 04, 2019

Les Émirats Arabes Unis organisent un atelier de formation de l'OMT sur Durabilité dans la destination touristique



The UNWTO Academy in collaboration with MODUL University Dubai and with the support of the Ministry of Economy - Tourism Affair of the United Arab Emirates are to host a 3-day Executive Education Workshop on “Sustainability in Tourism Destinations” in Dubai, from 9th to 11th April 2019.


The 3-day workshop will be given by international experts who will follow a step-by-step practical methodology, with short presentations, discussions, debates and extensive group work and practical activities.


The objective of this Executive Education Workshop is to provide participants with knowledge, skills, tools, best practices and a forum for discussion about sustainability in tourism destinations. Participants will acquire knowledge on sustainable tourism, understand key concepts on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), competitiveness, comprehend models and tools to measure quality in sustainable tourism destinations and define profitability of sustainability in the destination.